View Full Version : Probably impossible, but Google Chrome...

September 26th, 2016, 09:29 AM
... is it possible to make it be a normal Windows so my current Windows 10 theme (Tron [so much awesomeness]) applies to the Chrome window?

I love my theme more than I care about Chrome not having the same window decorations as all the other windows on my system, but I'd still like one of the main things I use all the time to get on with the rest, you know?

I remember on FreeBSD, I could have Chromium disable its own windowing subsystem and just let the window manager deal with it, and apparently, the same option once applied to Windows, too, and maybe I could build Chromium and have the button back, but I honestly don't feel like re-building Chromium every time there's a new release, not that it would be so catastrophic to only rebuild it once in a while, or when there's a big security problem, and essentially treat it the oldschool way, when system administrators didn't let big corporations push software onto their nodes just like that, but I don't even know how to build software on Windows... Like, I can get around in C, and I can essentially do simple things in C like manipulate strings, but if you ask me whether to use a variable or a pointer, I'm like "Uhhh, i dunno...?" and I never did anything *cool* with it, either. I have no idea what all the compiler options are for... I can configure all 1633 lines of Sendmail, though... that counts, right?

No but yeah, is there a way to disable that? Someone mentioned that it was just a trick in the theme manifest, just redirect it to null resources or something?

Please...? Anyone?

September 26th, 2016, 02:37 PM
Welcome to VC poorandunlucky (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/311920-poorandunlucky) :Peace:

For your question, you're not using a custom chrome theme are you? Because I have the default chrome theme and my window decorations are themed, here's how mine looks


If you want to change the tabs shape, than yes that would be something where you'd need to compile it from source to change. As you say it might be easier to do so on a unix based OS.
If you want to change the tabs color you could probably make a simple skin that leaves the borders as they are and only effects tab color. I have no experience in doing either thing.

September 26th, 2016, 03:29 PM
there is also stylish if you're interested https://userstyles.org/here is my chrome


June 19th, 2018, 09:22 PM
Im totally switching to Google Chrome.It is faster - like noticeably faster than explorer. And all the stuff seems to work.