View Full Version : aeroglass for win10 rs1 question

October 7th, 2016, 03:56 AM
i was checking the aero glass site that i have been given the link to in the forum and i noticed they have a download
link for win10 rs is that the one i need for win 10 1607 anniversary editiion?

http://www.glass8.eu/ this is the link i was given on here in one of the posts on the forum

it jsut says download windows 10 rs current version 1.5

can anyone clear that up for me?

thanks for your time \


October 8th, 2016, 11:49 PM
The new version is working ok. There is also a new GUI tool too that has been updated from the older one with some interesting features. For some reason it's not on the Glass8 site yet. :confused:

There was some weird stuff happening on my end with v1.5. Most themes it work well with, but then after some switching of themes I needed to manually add these registry entries (maybe they were over written, I had already used Mr GRiM's reg edit, specifically it was the inactive accent color entry). Happened on two different installs. I also had to reinstall Theme Signature Bypass.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


In one theme I noticed (Prometheus) the active frame colors aren't right. Even with adding the registry entry for accent colors they are pale, idk what the reason for this is since it worked fine with the experimental build. :idk:


There's an issue with Black Glass Enhanced as per usual with a new release, but now that BM knows about it, hopefully will be fixed soon. If you want to download that version you can Installer (32-bit+64-bit Windows) (http://glass8.eu/files/setup-wrs-1.5.exe) and the new GUI

I uploaded my current build of Aero Glass utility. I'm not even sure whether it works correctly, but there are two different tabs now - Glass colors for Win8.1/10TH and Accent for Win10RS. It currently shows always both tabs, later I will show only the useful one.

Additionaly, it allows you to export atlas image/layout for the current windows theme.

I expect Grim to release his unofficial installer soon and you might want to wait for that since it streamlines the installation and adds some useful shortcuts. :peace:

October 8th, 2016, 11:57 PM
thanks shem i will wait since i am new to the themes i really ahve no clue about things that i will gain by using it, for the most part i am jsut hoping to get rid of the white on the title bars of programs
surrounding the program name lol if i can get rid of that i would be extremely happy


October 9th, 2016, 12:05 AM
thanks shem i will wait since i am new to the themes i really ahve no clue about things that i will gain by using it, for the most part i am jsut hoping to get rid of the white on the title bars of programs
surrounding the program name lol if i can get rid of that i would be extremely happy


Maybe you should give version 1.5 a try then. I haven't heard any reports of it bricking systems, you can always uninstall it when Grim makes his installer. If you choose to use the installer I linked above, it will remove the white blocks. :smile:

This is basically what you can expect after installing Aero Glass

Aero Glass for Win8.1+ (http://glass8.eu/download.html)
Experience native look of Aero Glass interface on Windows 8.x+

This utility returns the complete glass effect into windows frames.
Apply glass look to windows borders
Improve UI experience
Change amount of transparency in Control panels directly
Change inactive windows borders color
Skin windows borders (add glow, shadows etc.) without changing Windows theme
Fully native including MSStyle themes and DWM API compatibility
Low resources usage

October 9th, 2016, 12:47 AM
Maybe you should give version 1.5 a try then. I haven't heard any reports of it bricking systems, you can always uninstall it when Grim makes his installer. If you choose to use the installer I linked above, it will remove the white blocks. :smile:

This is basically what you can expect after installing Aero Glass

Aero Glass for Win8.1+ (http://glass8.eu/download.html)
Experience native look of Aero Glass interface on Windows 8.x+

This utility returns the complete glass effect into windows frames.
Apply glass look to windows borders
Improve UI experience
Change amount of transparency in Control panels directly
Change inactive windows borders color
Skin windows borders (add glow, shadows etc.) without changing Windows theme
Fully native including MSStyle themes and DWM API compatibility
Low resources usage

Decided to try 1.5 and this is what i get. lol No theme explorer images. Any ideas?

Nevermind.... i forgot to uncheck the theme box


October 9th, 2016, 02:01 AM
thanks shem i am going to give it a try i am hoping i dont have to do any regedit stuff since i am really weak in that area
, i have not done a lot of it in the past, anyway if it works i will be back saying thanks if it borks me i will be back crying lol


October 9th, 2016, 02:41 AM
ok i installed 1.5 it got rid of the white highlighting around the titles on the title bar of programs,
on cyberfox it did change them from red to white fonts, and i have this message saying aeroglass
8.1 on the lower right of my screen now though. i can live with the white font on the cyberfox title bar
but i would like to get rid of the thing that says aeroglass win8.1in the lower right corner.
i am sure there is an easy fix for this i jsut dont see anything pointing to it in the GUI or on the
installer i got gtom glass8,eu site. by the way i tried the link to the installer you posted and it
took me to some site that was in a foreign language to me so i had no clue what it said, but i
didnt see any download links on it
thanks again for any help you can give me on this issue and all the help you have given me in the past


October 9th, 2016, 02:47 AM
The only way to remove the desktop watermark is to donate to the author, wait for an email, login to your support profile and put the donation.key file in your aero glass folder. Read the support section of his website. I also had that problem with the link leading to a strange location, but the problem went away with chrome. That is the link to the GUI and is the reason why I added it as an attachment to my post.

October 9th, 2016, 03:01 AM
ok i dont have an account at that site do i need to make one to donate to him or will he notify me in virtual customs?
i can go make an account there easy enough if thats what i need to do, i remember some where along the line
when i was either installing a theme or something else i was asked about having the win version on that corner of the screen
but i dont remember where, and what program that was from it may have been when i was doing the windows insider thing
before the aniversary edition was released.

thanks again


October 9th, 2016, 03:09 AM
Your login details should be sent to the email address from your PayPal account you use to donate. Be sure to read all the info on his site. I choose to ignore the watermark and popups but I have gotten rid of them this way before.

October 9th, 2016, 03:15 AM
i havent gotten any pop ups but i do have the watermark, i dont mind donating to him especially if it gets rid of the watermark
i also want to donate to virtual customs for all the help i have been given here plus the bad ass themes, but i am on disability from a
car accident and this month i had some extra vet bills for my dog cream me out so hopefully next month i can drop some cash to
virtual customs. i am going to have to try and remember my paypal account name and password i have not used them in about 5 years lol

thanks again for all your help shem


October 9th, 2016, 09:33 PM
update. i went thru the process made a donation and everything is working sweet
the water mark is gone. i have 2 machines so i jsut need to do it to the other one,
on my support page it says i can generate 4 keys, i am not sure if that means
i can use the same donation number on 4 different computers, or it means i can
reinstall it on this particular machine 4 times lol either way $5 isnt a lot of money
so i am jsut going to donate again for the other machine.

Thanks for all your help with the themes and aerglass


October 9th, 2016, 10:32 PM
update. i went thru the process made a donation and everything is working sweet
the water mark is gone. i have 2 machines so i jsut need to do it to the other one,
on my support page it says i can generate 4 keys, i am not sure if that means
i can use the same donation number on 4 different computers, or it means i can
reinstall it on this particular machine 4 times lol either way $5 isnt a lot of money
so i am jsut going to donate again for the other machine.

Thanks for all your help with the themes and aerglass


Glad it's working for you. What it means is with the popup you get for Machine Code (string of numbers) this is unique for your current hardware. Each time you install aero glass on a new machine the machine code will be different. So you could generate 4 different machine keys through your support profile. If you want to deactivate a machine's key you can, it takes 30 days.

October 10th, 2016, 01:04 AM
great thanks a lot that clears a lot up, i have activated both computers
and they both look sweet

thanks for all your help shem