View Full Version : Revolution: The AMD Theme Mastering Works

October 9th, 2016, 05:37 PM
Remastered for the best quality and look possible

I have taken this theme and reworked it to be the best in my opinion, hope you all enjoy it.

Anyone wanting to port this to Windows 10 or any other Windows operating system is more then welcome.


This theme includes my new ObjectDock Skin Dark Trancendance

Theme Includes

Custom Sound Pack
Custom Cursors
Explorer Frame Images
Start button
Image Res Icons
Shell32 Images
Custom Wallpapers

Theme Extras

Shellbrd Orb
Genuine Image
Time Date Clocks
ObjectDock Skin


October 9th, 2016, 06:14 PM
AMD :loving:, thank u boss for the mastering of this wonderful theme :Peace:.

October 9th, 2016, 06:23 PM
AMD :loving:, thank u boss for the mastering of this wonderful theme :Peace:.

Thank you much bud a sweet theme for my devotion to AMD lol

Enjoy bud :)

October 9th, 2016, 06:39 PM
just awesome theme thanks buddy support for AMD:Smile:

October 9th, 2016, 06:52 PM
just awesome theme thanks buddy support for AMD:Smile:

No problem at all bud, enjoy the theme and AMD all the way. If you have not read about it yet check out the info about AMD's new processor coming ZEN I can't wait for it going to be a killer here is some articles http://wccftech.com/amd-zen-8-core-4-core-cpus-leaked/


October 9th, 2016, 07:07 PM
AMD's new processor coming ZEN I can't wait for it going to be a killer...

AMD ZEN = R.I.P Intel...:yawn:

October 9th, 2016, 07:31 PM
razor (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/148478-razorsedge) your dock setup is like what i've been looking for to replace winstep. a couple of questions. by the way the theme itself is awesom.

1 am i limited on the amount of docks, cause i can see the horizon docks replacing my desktop shortcuts folder but i currently have 43 icons in it.
2 the dock at the top looks like it would be perfect for replacing workshelf, but workshelf i have 7 tabs though. would i be able to have the same on yours?

October 9th, 2016, 07:36 PM
Great looking theme :tu:

October 9th, 2016, 07:46 PM
razor (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/148478-razorsedge) your dock setup is like what i've been looking for to replace winstep. a couple of questions. by the way the theme itself is awesom.

1 am i limited on the amount of docks, cause i can see the horizon docks replacing my desktop shortcuts folder but i currently have 43 icons in it.
2 the dock at the top looks like it would be perfect for replacing workshelf, but workshelf i have 7 tabs though. would i be able to have the same on yours?

Hey bud no problem glad you like it.

First off with objectdock you can actually have many docks running at the same time in different places all over your screen. You can put them at the top bottom sides and use any of the dock styles you want for each one so you could have like say 4 tabbed docks running or more all at once one on the to, one of the bottom, 2 at the sides or different styles for each. like in the screen here


as for your second question the amount of tabs you can have is totally up to you, you can put as many as you like and you can customize all the settings like font size and font style, font colors name the tabs whatever you like. Basically anything you want to do it can do. Like I have said before I am not much for Stardock products but they do make one really good thing and that's Objectdock lol

October 9th, 2016, 08:25 PM
razor (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/148478-razorsedge) COOOOOL thanks for the quick reply, will have to give it a run in vm. i'm also no fan of stardock products because of windowblinds and fences, but it doe look and sound like they might of gotten objectdock right. thanks again.