View Full Version : aeroglass gui question.

October 10th, 2016, 10:36 PM
shemhamforash posted a link to the aeroglass gui and i am using it but i had a question about the interface
i am using grims hud red theme a bit modified, but no major changes except the start button and background image.
on the aeroglass gui under theme on the second tab it has theme atlas, i created one hitting the export theme atlas button,
saved it to the hud red theme folder i am using, and then selected it as the atlas image. i am not sure if thats the correct way to do
this or not?

second on the same tab under theme it says glass reflection image and has a browse button, i have no clue where i should
look for this or even what to look for.

any help with this would be appreciated


October 15th, 2016, 10:11 PM
shemhamforash posted a link to the aeroglass gui and i am using it but i had a question about the interface
i am using grims hud red theme a bit modified, but no major changes except the start button and background image.
on the aeroglass gui under theme on the second tab it has theme atlas, i created one hitting the export theme atlas button,
saved it to the hud red theme folder i am using, and then selected it as the atlas image. i am not sure if thats the correct way to do
this or not?

second on the same tab under theme it says glass reflection image and has a browse button, i have no clue where i should
look for this or even what to look for.

any help with this would be appreciated


Why would you want to use a theme atlas if you are already using a custom theme? The atlas image changes the window borders and caption buttons. Most of the time you'd rather just use a custom theme and the caption buttons (close, maximize etc) and frames contained in the original theme.

Usually I put atlas and reflection images in the AeroGlass installed directory. I've heard it can cause problems at least with the older GUI if reflection images are somewhere else.

The reflection image is that Vista/7 style transparent image in behind the dwm transparent frames. So if you move the window around the reflection image interacts with that movement and follows it.

They used to be part of the theme in Windows Vista/7, now they have to be applied seperately in the Aero Glass GUI. They were located here in WSB:


Mr GRiM usually included them with his installers. These are the those reflection images and also the red/blue one is by Razorsedge and the other blue one is by bigcyco1

October 16th, 2016, 12:50 AM
Why would you want to use a theme atlas if you are already using a custom theme? The atlas image changes the window borders and caption buttons. Most of the time you'd rather just use a custom theme and the caption buttons (close, maximize etc) and frames contained in the original theme.

Usually I put atlas and reflection images in the AeroGlass installed directory. I've heard it can cause problems at least with the older GUI if reflection images are somewhere else.

The reflection image is that Vista/7 style transparent image in behind the dwm transparent frames. So if you move the window around the reflection image interacts with that movement and follows it.

They used to be part of the theme in Windows Vista/7, now they have to be applied seperately in the Aero Glass GUI. They were located here in WSB:


Mr GRiM usually included them with his installers. These are the those reflection images and also the red/blue one is by Razorsedge and the other blue one is by bigcyco1

Atually the theme atlas export is pretty cool, you can take your favourite frame from one theme and add it to another one, not only that but it also applies the correct system metrics when doing so, I think it's a great feature.

October 16th, 2016, 01:04 AM
Atually the theme atlas export is pretty cool, you can take your favourite frame from one theme and add it to another one, not only that but it also applies the correct system metrics when doing so, I think it's a great feature.

I think so too. I was doing some experimenting with them in RS2. I was thinking it might be a good replacement to full theme imports if they break the themes again


Here are a few more examples of using an atlas image (these are great):

Grey theme (Black edition)


Black theme (Thin white line)


I think that these two base themes would look good with any custom atlas image. What do you think? It may make more sense using the atlas image with a more minimalist theme, because a lot of images used in themes for older versions of Windows 10 are no longer used now anyways. So as long as there are a couple good base themes by Mr GRiM and gsw953 I think it would be a good solution doing it this way.

October 16th, 2016, 01:08 AM
Is there a tutorial on this? Does aeroglass need to be installed? If not how does it work? I would like to give it a go.

October 16th, 2016, 01:13 AM
Is there a tutorial on this? Does aeroglass need to be installed? If not how does it work? I would like to give it a go.

You apply a theme in RS1/2 and hit export theme atlas image. Then you have your atlas image and .layout file (both need to be in the same location). You then select browse and select the atlas image. You need Aero Glass installed obviously and the newest Aero Glass GUI tool.

October 16th, 2016, 01:18 AM
You apply a theme in RS1/2 and hit export theme atlas image.OK, where is this export function located? Nevermind. I got the new gui.

October 16th, 2016, 03:56 AM
i did put the theme atlas and the reflection in the aeroglass folder as per instructions I got from the aeroglass people, but i didnt realize that the theme atlas
didnt actually have to be used.. on the reflection images i would jsut choose one of those instead of the generic one i down loaded from the AEROGLASS8 site?\
or would i be better off sticking with the one I downloaded from them?

October 16th, 2016, 04:39 PM
Whether you're "better off" using one image or the other is up to you. Obviously it's a choice, you decide how you want it to look lol

October 16th, 2016, 05:09 PM
OK, where is this export function located? Nevermind. I got the new gui.

Where did you get the new gui? Thanks

October 16th, 2016, 05:53 PM
Where did you get the new gui? Thanks

I put it as an attachment in this post http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/73748-aeroglass-for-win10-rs1-question?p=319137&viewfull=1#post319137

The msfn forum has it somewhere, but the link to it seemed to only work with chrome so that's why I uploaded it here

October 16th, 2016, 06:51 PM
I put it as an attachment in this post http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/73748-aeroglass-for-win10-rs1-question?p=319137&viewfull=1#post319137

The msfn forum has it somewhere, but the link to it seemed to only work with chrome so that's why I uploaded it here

I must be blind this week.. lol thats the second time ive asked a question that the answer was in the same thread lol. Thanks bud

October 16th, 2016, 10:46 PM
i couldnt get to it from shemhams link so i went to the msfn forum and it was in one of the first
catagories, and downloaded it from there. the gui from msfn looks a lot dofferent then shemhams
attatchment but then again he may be on a different tab then the theme atlas settings are in.

as a side question i have applied the different reflective images and dont really notice any difference
when i apply the red one should it look like the pic that Mr Grim has attatched to his post?

i have all the reflective, and the the current theme atlas files in the aeroglass folder
so i think it should all be set up rigt i am just not sure why i am seeing no noticable difference
in how the frames look


October 16th, 2016, 11:04 PM
The attachment I added to my post in the other thread is the new GUI. There's no difference between it and the new one on MSFN. The reason I added it as an attachment to my post was because of the link not working right except for on chrome.

You don't seem to know the difference between atlas and reflection images. It's not that complicated, atlas images change the whole border, and reflective images add the transparent moving effect behind window frames. If you don't see a difference with your reflective image try adjusting the slider for its intensity.

October 16th, 2016, 11:06 PM
Atually the theme atlas export is pretty cool, you can take your favourite frame from one theme and add it to another one, not only that but it also applies the correct system metrics when doing so, I think it's a great feature.It is freaking awesome!

October 17th, 2016, 01:06 AM
You apply a theme in RS1/2 and hit export theme atlas image. Then you have your atlas image and .layout file (both need to be in the same location). You then select browse and select the atlas image. You need Aero Glass installed obviously and the newest Aero Glass GUI tool.

Some reason its not working for me. Does Atlas image and layout file need to be in a folder all to themselves? What i did was make a folder in Docs called Theme Atlas and i have like 3 in it. Nothing is changing for me

October 17th, 2016, 01:16 AM
I just created a folder in documents, called it themeatlas. Copied and pasted all my exported ones to it. Opened aeroglassgui, and applied a themeatlas from there. NOTHING!!! Try putting them in your aeroglass folder.

October 17th, 2016, 01:17 AM
I moved the folder to C drive, and the atlases worked.

October 17th, 2016, 01:21 AM
I moved the folder to C drive, and the atlases worked.

Ok that works.. thanks mate!

October 17th, 2016, 01:45 AM
oh no shemham i know the difference but when i apply any of those reflection images you posted
on your reply before , i do not see any change to how my frames look, i am assuming that if i apply
the red reflection image then i should see some kind of redness some place on the frame but it looks
exactly like it does with no set image at all. i am not sure if i am doing something wrong or not. the process
seems pretty straight forward but then again since i am new to this i am not 100% sure what i should see
when a reflective image is set for use. i was assuming that the frame shown in Mr grims post whats some what
like i should see if i applied the red ref,ective image. i am kind of lost as to what i should be seeing from this process
this is a sxreen shot of the settings that i am using and as you can see there doesnt seem to be any visable differnce
no matter what reflective image i use


October 17th, 2016, 09:27 AM
You need to use a theme with more transparency in its frames then. Those frames are black and hard to see through at all with blur enabled, so of course you won't see much of reflection images.