View Full Version : question for Mr Grim on the hud family themes

October 16th, 2016, 04:07 AM
I have hud green and hud red installed i can flip back and forth from one to the other, with no issues.
all i have to do is change the icon pack from, you to match, I tried to install hud blue and things went
whacky and i had to reinstall the hud red theme to make things go back to the correct way with red and green and uninstall hud blue

. is hud blue designed different then red and green? hud blue did not apply the task bar and a few other things were
still colored red. my question is when i install another theme do i need to go back in the themes folder and set, everything
to original settings like the metrics and stuff thats in the extra's folder? ideally i would like to have hud red blue and green
installed since those are the 3 i have found your icon packs for, plus i like those colors the best lol

i am not sure what i did wrong when installing hud blue. hud red and green were pretty straight forward
also i noticed that when i run gimp and i put my cursor over a button the little baloon tip has a black background
with black text, can that be changed some how? i wasnt sure of that was something winaero tweeker could change or not.
i noticed that on a yahoo page also when you search it lists sites, images, and videos, in the video one the box is black and
the text is black there also. not a serious issue but jsut a little glitch

any help you can give me on this would be really appreciated
