View Full Version : 14955

October 29th, 2016, 07:27 PM
I was using the all in one installer, updated to 14955 and it didn't work. after several install/ uninstalls of the aio I was able to apply the black theme, but it did not display correctly. Being the A/R person I am, I clean installed 14955 and it bricked to the point of removing the drive and formatting it on another pc. I clean installed again, bricked, formatted and clean installed 14393. The all in one worked flawless. I just updated to 14955, disabled security suite, ran the aio and it's back to the beginning. Being the A/R person I am, I will probably clean install an earlier build tonight.
My point? Anyone else having problems with14955 using the All in One installer to apply Black themes?

October 29th, 2016, 08:56 PM
Since Richard Noggin didn't like me posting in the theme area, I'll post here. I was using the all in one installer, updated to 14955 and it didn't work. after several install/ uninstalls of the aio I was able to apply the black theme, but it did not display correctly. Being the A/R person I am, I clean installed 14955 and it bricked to the point of removing the drive and formatting it on another pc. I clean installed again, bricked, formatted and clean installed 14393. The all in one worked flawless. I just updated to 14955, disabled security suite, ran the aio and it's back to the beginning. Being the A/R person I am, I will probably clean install an earlier build tonight.
My point? Anyone else having problems with14955 using the All in One installer to apply Black themes?I had 14951 on my computer. I completely uninstalled Black Theme with the Installer. I then updated to 14955, and tried installing with the Installer, and got only partial. With clean install of 14955, I had no problems at all. I then installed 14951 in Hyper-V, installed Black themes with installer, then switched to a regular default Windows theme. I updated to 14955, then ran installer again, and it worked great.

October 31st, 2016, 01:26 PM
I tried again to clean 955. Same thing; brick, format and back to 393( because that's the only .iso I still have). I set it to slow ring and updated 931, after uninstalling the AiO, and the AiO failed to work. I manually installed UltraUx and ONE and the themes work. Maybe it's an ASUS hardware problem?
I saved the 14931.iso to start from next time. I noticed this time when I ran Rufus that it was set to MBR. That may be why 955 bricked.?. My AR will kick in later and I'll try 955 again.

October 31st, 2016, 01:38 PM
I don't know why you are having issues with 14955 installing. My mobo is mbr only, although I don't use Rufus (since it bricked a thumbdrive. :( ) I always use diskpart to create a bootable flash drive. Are you sure you are installing 14955 clean? Do you have an iso for it?

October 31st, 2016, 02:08 PM
I create iso's from the esd's. I delete all partitions on my ssd, create a new set and format the new windows partition. I have been doing it this way all along.

October 31st, 2016, 02:13 PM
I create iso's from the esd's. I delete all partitions on my ssd, create a new set and format the new windows partition. I have been doing it this way all along.OK just making sure. I don't know why it wouldn't install then, either 14955 or toolkit.

November 1st, 2016, 04:54 AM
14955 bricked again. It must be the esd or iso was/is corrupt. I clean installed 14931 and the themes worked All in Wonderully! I'm staying on the slow ring until the next fast release.

November 1st, 2016, 12:51 PM
14955 bricked again. It must be the esd or iso was/is corrupt. I clean installed 14931 and the themes worked All in Wonderully! I'm staying on the slow ring until the next fast release.It sounds like a bad ISO. New build may possibly be released today, Tuesday.

November 1st, 2016, 01:12 PM
It sounds like a bad ISO. New build may possibly be released today, Tuesday.

THempleman (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/298565-THempleman) i'm apt to agree with dhjohns (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/298513-dhjohns) on this one.

Dark Knight
November 1st, 2016, 03:29 PM
14955 bricked again. It must be the esd or iso was/is corrupt. I clean installed 14931 and the themes worked All in Wonderully! I'm staying on the slow ring until the next fast release.

If there is one thing I learned from being an insider, you cannot theme or run themes and be in the fast ring, or even the slow ring for that matter without it constantly breaking something on your themes. That's why now I have a system with the stable version of 10 that runs my themes and I use everyday and a seperate system that is on the fast ring that runs nothing more that the vanilla version of Windows 10. I just got sick and tired of constantly having to reinstall my OS.

I suspect with the release of the creators edition early next year, themers are going to have a whole new slew of things to work out, looks as to be some pretty big changes coming from Redmond on the next update to Windows 10.

November 6th, 2016, 09:21 PM
Updated to 14959 and neither the AiO or manual installation of themes worked (along with my touch pad) . I clean installed 14959 and it bricked, or so I thought. Came back later, it booted and the AiO WORKED!!!

November 6th, 2016, 09:36 PM
Updated to 14959 and neither the AiO or manual installation of themes worked (along with my touch pad) . I clean installed 14959 and it bricked, or so I thought. Came back later, it booted and the AiO WORKED!!!The gods are smiling on you today!