View Full Version : Manila thumbnail folders

November 21st, 2016, 07:31 PM
Has this happened to anyone using windows 10 1607?

I was using an ipack for about a week, everything was working as expected until today. The thumbnails reverted to the shitty old manila folders.:unhappy: I uninstalled, cleared cache and reinstalled several times and nothing is working, even tried other ipacks with the same results.

Any ideas as to why I can't get them to change, as I say everything was working fine for a week.

November 21st, 2016, 10:44 PM
Has this happened to anyone using windows 10 1607?

I was using an ipack for about a week, everything was working as expected until today. The thumbnails reverted to the shitty old manila folders.:unhappy: I uninstalled, cleared cache and reinstalled several times and nothing is working, even tried other ipacks with the same results.

Any ideas as to why I can't get them to change, as I say everything was working fine for a week.

Before installing any icon pack did you make a "backup"?

November 22nd, 2016, 12:55 AM
Yes, still no luck with the thumbnails.

November 22nd, 2016, 01:05 AM
Yes, still no luck with the thumbnails.

Try this app (helped me several times)


November 22nd, 2016, 11:29 AM
Try this app (helped me several times)


This app has restored 95% of my thumbnails I think the rest will switch in time.

November 22nd, 2016, 01:29 PM
This app has restored 95% of my thumbnails I think the rest will switch in time.

np...only remember that every time u install some pack of icons (iPack) u must uninstall the previous pack completely (I recommend iobit uninstaller or revouninstaller), because if u do not affect the thumbnail.

If u use IconPackager don't use any pack of icons (that alters the caché of the icons).

November 22nd, 2016, 11:03 PM
np...only remember that every time u install some pack of icons (iPack) u must uninstall the previous pack completely (I recommend iobit uninstaller or revouninstaller), because if u do not affect the thumbnail.

If u use IconPackager don't use any pack of icons (that alters the caché of the icons).

Awsome, all thumbnails are back to expected images! thanks again, I will have a look at the mentioned uninstallers for future use.

January 25th, 2017, 11:26 AM
Ok, having issues again with thumbnails and ipacks. Thought I would put it here since it relates to my previous discussions. I had all the thumbnails as I wanted by installing an ipack about 6 weeks ago, I uninstalled the Ipack and decided to modify the images I wanted to change in the images.dll using resource hacker. (I modified both DLL's in system32 and WOW64 folders so they were identical)
I had everything the way I wanted and now after 6 weeks the thumbnails are reverting back to the Ipack versions that were uninstalled. I'm at a loss as to why because I removed the Ipack using Iobit software and deleted the Ipack from my computer completely and have rebuilt the cache too many times to count using various methods and programs, every time the thumbnails still revert back to the Ipack.
Any ideas as to how this can be happening? The Ipack is no longer anywhere on my computer and when I examine the DLL's they are exactly as I want them but still thumbnails are not displaying the images in the DLL files!
How can an Ipack image still be displaying when it no longer exists?
Thanks for the insight, cheers.

January 25th, 2017, 01:59 PM
Ok, having issues again with thumbnails and ipacks.

Have u tried clearing the registry completely with Ccleaner?

January 25th, 2017, 09:23 PM
Have u tried clearing the registry completely with Ccleaner?

I use Glary Utilities but just for the hell of it I downloaded ccleaner and used it too. Still no change. I don't understand where windows is getting the images from as I removed them 6 weeks ago! extremely puzzled:amazed:

January 26th, 2017, 02:26 AM
I use Glary Utilities but just for the hell of it I downloaded ccleaner and used it too. Still no change. I don't understand where windows is getting the images from as I removed them 6 weeks ago! extremely puzzled:amazed:

Do u have a backup?

January 26th, 2017, 11:26 AM
Do u have a backup?
No. After using ccleaner yesterday, turned on this morning and the folders are (empty folder and thumbnail folder) white in color, which is something I had messed with awhile back.
In my DLL files they are currently blue but not showing up! When they revert to the Ipack version they are glass, so now I have three different versions showing at what seems to be random times. Never know what I'm going to get! glass, white or Blue. I keep deleting and rebuilding the icon cache but at this point I don't believe its doing much good.
Guess Ill just have to live with what ever it decides to display every other day, at least there not manila!!

January 26th, 2017, 01:57 PM
No. After using ccleaner yesterday, turned on this morning and the folders are (empty folder and thumbnail folder) white in color, which is something I had messed with awhile back.
In my DLL files they are currently blue but not showing up! When they revert to the Ipack version they are glass, so now I have three different versions showing at what seems to be random times. Never know what I'm going to get! glass, white or Blue. I keep deleting and rebuilding the icon cache but at this point I don't believe its doing much good.
Guess Ill just have to live with what ever it decides to display every other day, at least there not manila!!

Remember that every time u install iPack, it asks if u want to create a backup ... so that later you don't go with problems like these.
I had a similar problem when I installed IconPackger, I only went back to an earlier version of Windows and everything was fixed

January 27th, 2017, 03:19 PM
Update: Here we go again, turned on computer the last three or four times and all folders are displaying as expected. All images match my current imagesdll files. Go figure! anyway guess I'll leave them alone for awhile and see if they revert to either of the two previous, now non-existent images.