View Full Version : New to Win10 themes! slight problem please help!

December 8th, 2016, 05:51 AM
Ok so I haven't messed with themes since StyleXP (lol) and today decided I wanted to make my windows 10 look better. I used the all in one tool found on this site and chose the Windows Black edition Blue theme that came with the installer. For the most part everything is great except im having a problem with the background of File Explorer being extremely dark. Is there a way to fix this and make it look like the other windows?


December 8th, 2016, 10:11 AM
if i remember right that is normal. the real problem is the rest of the theme is gray not black, just a lot of themes have or are light gray but peeps keep calling theme white. now with that said there are at least a couple of themes on the site that are completely gray and ave blue fonts.