View Full Version : Custom Folder Sizes?

March 4th, 2017, 05:09 PM
So if you notice the default Windows folders once they hit a certain small size they change to a different version of the same folder.

Here is an example of the Windows 10 Folder when it's small. http://i.imgur.com/smWoG2k.png

I have a custom made Windows Vista Folder as seen Here http://i.imgur.com/jZRkfK4.png

But these custom ones don't "Scale" Properly as you can see Here http://i.imgur.com/AsCmdFa.png

Someone uploaded the actual Windows Vista Icons online and I used them for my Windows Explorer as seen Here http://i.imgur.com/IHNVnW0.png

These folders scale down properly to This http://i.imgur.com/vB98BdP.png

So how can I get my custom Folders from http://i.imgur.com/AsCmdFa.png to http://i.imgur.com/3xFblyV.png

How does Windows do this? Is there a way to just take the small version of the custom folder and somehow replace it with the small version of the genuine folder? I hope I explained that well enough.

March 6th, 2017, 06:53 AM
I have solved my own problem.


April 14th, 2017, 02:20 PM
Thank you very much.:P