View Full Version : I need a TS3 auto installer for Ubuntu 16.04

March 10th, 2017, 09:41 PM

I've recently been forced to swap out Windows for Ubuntu and am having hell with this damned terminal method of installing shit. It simply requires more know-how than i have [and definitley more than im capable of f%$#$% handling]. Can someone please create something for me that will do the whole lot for me? I've followed the instructiosn on AskUbuntu but apparently I'm still not getting it right. I'm pissed and am tired of this BS. Can someone please make a simple easy to use automated method that does it all for me? Even if it just uses a single line of script in that damned terminal, it would still be better than having to do the whole lot myself. I won't go into detail the BS Microsoft pulled cuz I'm ready to bomb the entire MS HQ for this BS. All I can say is i no longer have access to anything related to MS [I'm permanently locked out of it all for some stupid reason].

March 10th, 2017, 10:18 PM
i don't know what happened on you end, but i can tell you for a fact you can't be completely locked out of microsoft products. even if you have all legitimate microsoft products and have them linked to a microsoft account and microsoft did do a across the board block of you activation for each of your products there are plenty of other ways to get windows and any other microsoft products you want up and running on your computer.

March 10th, 2017, 10:26 PM
There's no such thing as a script that can auto-install everything for you, there are only more simplified Linux distributions. Also, there are plenty of GUI tools for installing and updating your system, Ubuntu being the original distribution to simplify this for the end user.

March 10th, 2017, 11:10 PM
There's no such thing as a script that can auto-install everything for you, there are only more simplified Linux distributions. Also, there are plenty of GUI tools for installing and updating your system, Ubuntu being the original distribution to simplify this for the end user.

Do you know of any specific tool of such that can simplify the installation of TeamSpeak 3? Because I keep having problems with it. The first step 'appears' to go through fine, but every step after that one seems to fail.... I have no idea what keeps getting put in wrong.

March 10th, 2017, 11:22 PM
Do you know of any specific tool of such that can simplify the installation of TeamSpeak 3? Because I keep having problems with it. The first step 'appears' to go through fine, but every step after that one seems to fail.... I have no idea what keeps getting put in wrong.

You could try installing it through synaptic package manager (best GUI tool for installing software on debian based distributions like ubuntu). Otherwise, no idea unless you copy/paste the terminal output.

March 10th, 2017, 11:47 PM
You could try installing it through synaptic package manager (best GUI tool for installing software on debian based distributions like ubuntu). Otherwise, no idea unless you copy/paste the terminal output.

just looked that up. it seems synaptics package manager is either not compatable with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or something in the os is causing severe problems with it. Looks like TeamSpeak 3 is having similar problems with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.... There is a bash file for an older version of Ubuntu on the teamspeak forums but it doesn't work with anything later than Ubuntu 12

I'm likely going to have to buy the windows phone version and use it through my phone. If so it will be a while before I can get it. Kinda BS imo, but I don't appear to have any other option for TS3.

March 11th, 2017, 12:10 AM
Synaptic works fine with 16.04. It comes pre installed with all versions of ubuntu as far as I know. If it's not type $ sudo apt-get install synaptic and search in the unity launcher for synaptic and you can open it.


March 11th, 2017, 02:06 AM

I've recently been forced to swap out Windows for Ubuntu.

Moving from Linux to Windows is somewhat tedious.
Especially since there is no such thing as Rainmeter (although Conky looks like 50%)

I hope you get used to it (because I couldn't stand being more than 3 months with Ubuntu :sad:)

March 11th, 2017, 03:43 AM
Synaptic works fine with 16.04. It comes pre installed with all versions of ubuntu as far as I know. If it's not type $ sudo apt-get install synaptic and search in the unity launcher for synaptic and you can open it.


Ya i managed to get it, however i don't know how to use it, lol. Luckily I got Ubuntu Software Center to work, had to install an older one cuz the 'Ubunut Software' version in 16.04 LTS is broken. As for TeamSpeak I'll try it again. I think I spotted at least on of the issues I was having.


That link refers to TeamSpeak2. I need TeamSpeak 3 which is proving problematic according to the posts on the actual TeamSpeak forum.

March 11th, 2017, 11:14 AM
Ya i managed to get it, however i don't know how to use it, lol. Luckily I got Ubuntu Software Center to work, had to install an older one cuz the 'Ubunut Software' version in 16.04 LTS is broken. As for TeamSpeak I'll try it again. I think I spotted at least on of the issues I was having.


That link refers to TeamSpeak2. I need TeamSpeak 3 which is proving problematic according to the posts on the actual TeamSpeak forum.

Okay I got it working on Ubuntu Mate in my VM, this will work on your version of Ubuntu as well.


Here is what you need to do:

Downloaded TeamSpeak 3 file (http://www.teamspeak.com/downloads) needs to be run - its an installer script.
1. Allow Execution of Installer

You have to change its permissions first, allowing it to be executed. You can do it in shell (chmod +x TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64-3.0.16.run) or selecting Properties of the file, and allowing it like this:


2. Run the Installer

Open your Terminal (you can press default shortcut of Ctrl+Alt+T), and go to directory where the file is located, eg:
cd Downloads
And run the installer, eg. like this:

Type Q to exit the agreement, and y that you agree with it.

Next, navigate to the TeamSpeak3 folder, it will be in the same directory you ran the installer from. Right click ts3client_runscript.sh and allow it's execution like in step 1. Double click that file and select "run".

March 11th, 2017, 12:45 PM
Nimbi (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/280551-Nimbi) you either have a bad install or brok the software center, cause i know it works just fine in 16.04.

March 11th, 2017, 09:41 PM
ya i got it working. it was a pain and it didn't create an icon on the desktop like the icon creating part claimed it would, but it did put an icon in a different area of which i was able to pin to the launcher to access it. Sorry for not updating this post sooner, I was having some issues with the drned steam client suddenly breaking on me, lol [got that fixed now as well].

March 11th, 2017, 09:42 PM
Nimbi (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/280551-Nimbi) you either have a bad install or brok the software center, cause i know it works just fine in 16.04.

software center has started working as well since the installation of the older ubuntu software center. Is it possible that the issues could be because Ubuntu installed into the efi area for some reason?


Scratch that, lol. It turns out the reason I was having to boot through boot options was because I had unknowingly moved OS Boot Manager down by one, lol. That issue is now fixed, lmao.

March 11th, 2017, 10:48 PM
sorryNimbi (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/280551-Nimbi) you're asking the wrong person. when i do install a linux distro i make sure almost everything i want it for is already setup and ready to go, and for those things that aren't i find packages that will self setup so i don't have to get under the hood. i have created a usb ubuntu 16.04 key, installed, and never had a problem with software center.