View Full Version : Annihilator Theme for Windows 10 Creators - April 2018 Update

May 26th, 2017, 01:49 AM

Annihilator for Windows 10 Creators - April 2018 Update

Premium full system .msstyles theme created by Mr GRiM (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/1-Mr-GRiM) compatible with Windows 10 Creators Update - April 2018 Update. Imported from Annihilator (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/66860-Annihilator-Windows-8-1-1-Theme) using Windows Style Builder Custom Import Scripts (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/70828-Custom-Class-Maps-and-Import-Scripts-for-Windows-10-TH2-RS1).


Theme Pack
Cursor Theme
Desktop Background
Explorer Icons
Start Buttons

Theme Design Mr GRiM
Windows Style Builder Mr GRiM


Rebuilt the window borders, thanks to Mr Grim for help with putting a theme's borders in the shadows
The new borders have transparency in their frames even without Aero Glass installed
Remade caption buttons for Windows 10 style caption buttons
Added new SiB++ taskbar features


May 26th, 2017, 02:57 AM
Good job Shem. a question
have u ever tried to make a theme that is completely yours?

May 26th, 2017, 09:12 AM
Good work looks very nice

May 26th, 2017, 09:37 AM
Good job Shem. a question
have u ever tried to make a theme that is completely yours?

No, I'm not interested in creating themes. I just do this for fun. I no longer use any Windows OS other than in virtualbox.

May 26th, 2017, 04:50 PM
No, I'm not interested in creating themes. I just do this for fun. I no longer use any Windows OS other than in virtualbox.

I understand, it would be great if you did themes for Linux because I think u use it more.

May 26th, 2017, 09:20 PM
I understand, it would be great if you did themes for Linux because I think u use it more.

Thanks, yeah I have used Arch Linux on my pc for like 2 years now, in total I think I've switched to Linux for about 3 years.

Now that desktop environments are using gtk3 engine, themeing is supposedly simplified. However I think it does help to know some coding, since they are basically css files (https://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/chap-css-overview.html) and svgs for the caption buttons. I have modified one gtk3 theme but there is a lot to it, I could not make a whole theme from scratch unfortunately. I mainly use the most well known gtk3 themes now and I also like my emerald theme ports and my custom icon/cursor schemes.

May 26th, 2017, 10:34 PM
Thanks, yeah I have used Arch Linux on my pc for like 2 years now, in total I think I've switched to Linux for about 3 years.

Now that desktop environments are using gtk3 engine, themeing is supposedly simplified. However I think it does help to know some coding, since they are basically css files (https://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/chap-css-overview.html) and svgs for the caption buttons. I have modified one gtk3 theme but there is a lot to it, I could not make a whole theme from scratch unfortunately. I mainly use the most well known gtk3 themes now and I also like my emerald theme ports and my custom icon/cursor schemes.

That looks a little more complex, I said it because in DA there are several that make themes for Linux FLATstyle almost every day (make it seem as if it were easy to do themes daily), and now I see that it isn't.

May 26th, 2017, 11:03 PM
That looks a little more complex, I said it because in DA there are several that make themes for Linux FLATstyle almost every day (make it seem as if it were easy to do themes daily), and now I see that it isn't.

Here is the most complete list of good themes I can link for you, most of those themes I tend to avoid.



September 16th, 2017, 09:26 AM
thank you for this theme

September 24th, 2017, 05:12 AM
hey great theme I was thinking about attempting to use this one, I tried to add a theme when 1703 first came out under the microsoft insider program and I could not get it to take a theme at all. I seen some place I believe it was posted by Mr GRIMM that if you had a ipack installed that it must be taken off before you can install any new ipacks. i do ave one of Mr GRIMMS old ipacks installed I have
HUD_Machine_Red_Icons_&_Extras_Setup_Win_8.1 installed. it seems to me that in win10 version 1607 I could jsut go to my add and remove programs to remove the ipack, but in 1703 I do not see it listed in the add and remove programs section. I would like to install the theme but I am not sure how to remove the old ipack, any help you can give me would be appreciated

September 28th, 2017, 01:51 AM
first I have to say great theme, I love it , and now unfortunately I have to say I have a couple issues with it. first issue, is with the task bar clock I have tried all kinds of fix's and actually had this issue before but found it was caused by me changing the system font. i set it back to the factory default font and the issue went away. I have tried that this time and no luck. I tried changing it to several different system fonts with winaerotweeker and still no luck the colon seperator between the hour and minute is not there and a square shows instead. screen shot 1 attatched78674
any ideas on how to fix this?
the second issue I have had on other dark themes, on some entry box's where one would type a search term the box is really dark and the fonts do not show up in them, they are there you can see them if you select them but when not selected it jsut looks like a black box. see attatched screen shot 2.78675
is there any way to fix this issue?
I have tried and tried to figure out if I had some setting wrong with both these issues, I thought maybe it was some setting I had changed in winaerotweeker and I even tried going back into winaero and setting it back to default and uninstalling winaero. havent had any luck with anything I have tried. any help you can give me or any direction you can point me to solve these issues would be greatly appreciated. I have 2 computers and this one I am on is just pretty much used as a replacement for cable tv it is used mostly to stream programs with so its my test computer, if I muck it up I dont lose anything of value lol I try to get this one right and work out all the bugs on it before I attempt to theme my other computer that has programs and work on it I would not want to lose. anyway once again I thank you for all your hard work in creating these themes I love being able to make win10 look nice. and thank you for any help you can give me on these 2 issues

September 29th, 2017, 06:20 AM
I've no idea about the 1st problem. Maybe it's related with Startisback setting or maybe need to use latest version. Hopefully someone can suggest a solution or you can use other theme too.

For the 2nd problem, have you try using google styles from userstyles.org? I know it's not a good solution but using style help me to eliminate that black bar on search. I believe Stylish extension for Firefox is still fine compared to Chrome version (it collect all website we visit), or you can also use Stylus extension which is also pretty good, though we can't style internal page using Stylus. I'm not sure if using complete theme like FT Deepdark can help fix the problem but it's still a very good theme for Firefox.

Wish you can find a better solution :Smile:

btw DuckDuckGo search engine is also pretty nice as alternative to Google search. It has built in dark theme too without the hassle of installing style.

EDIT - my bad you're using Yahoo and not Google. Still can try using style to see if can fix it.

October 2nd, 2017, 03:03 AM
actually i just used yahoo for demonstration purposes, with this theme the font color is light blue in most places that one types but in yahoo it is dark grey and does not show up well. I was and am not sure if that is something i did with winaerotweeker, start is back or what lol I figured if it was on my end someone would tell me it isnt like that on their computer running this theme. as for the clock, like i said i had it do that to me when I was dinking around with changing the system font in winaero tweeker before but I solved it by switching back to the factory default font. that doesnt change it now with the theme installed. one last question i have become aware of a fall update for win10 1703 that will be rolled out soon, and it was recomended to uninstall all themes and just run the standard windows theme incase the final version of 1703 has some changes that conflict with theming. i remember when i fist themed my computer I had to donate to a couple places to get the full version of programs for theming. I believe aeroglass is one bt i was thinking there was another that i needed for every thing to look right. i want to make sure i find the correct key codes to re install those programs if you could point me to the programs I have to have to theme after the upgrade i would appeciate it. I know aero glass is one but i thought there was a second one i had to purchase and have a key code for but i cant remember which one it is

October 8th, 2017, 05:36 AM
ok is it jsut me? i tried to download the updated annihilator theme and it kicks me to the complete collection page, then that download button kics me over to git hub and asks me ti sign up I am lost now lol do I need to make an account at git hub to be able to down load a couple different themes now?


October 8th, 2017, 01:37 PM
hey great theme I was thinking about attempting to use this one, I tried to add a theme when 1703 first came out under the microsoft insider program and I could not get it to take a theme at all. I seen some place I believe it was posted by Mr GRIMM that if you had a ipack installed that it must be taken off before you can install any new ipacks. i do ave one of Mr GRIMMS old ipacks installed I have
HUD_Machine_Red_Icons_&_Extras_Setup_Win_8.1 installed. it seems to me that in win10 version 1607 I could jsut go to my add and remove programs to remove the ipack, but in 1703 I do not see it listed in the add and remove programs section. I would like to install the theme but I am not sure how to remove the old ipack, any help you can give me would be appreciated

If you have (had) this installed: HUD_Machine_Red_Icons_&_Extras_Setup_Win_8.1
Uninstall it immediately. Or use a restore point. This was never meant to be used on Windows 10.

iPacks are uninstalled simply by double clicking them from the list of installed programs in control panel.

Another way is running cmd as admin and entering sfc/scannow.

actually i just used yahoo for demonstration purposes, with this theme the font color is light blue in most places that one types but in yahoo it is dark grey and does not show up well. I was and am not sure if that is something i did with winaerotweeker, start is back or what http://virtualcustoms.net/images/smilies/lol.gif I figured if it was on my end someone would tell me it isnt like that on their computer running this theme. as for the clock, like i said i had it do that to me when I was dinking around with changing the system font in winaero tweeker before but I solved it by switching back to the factory default font. that doesnt change it now with the theme installed. one last question i have become aware of a fall update for win10 1703 that will be rolled out soon, and it was recomended to uninstall all themes and just run the standard windows theme incase the final version of 1703 has some changes that conflict with theming. i remember when i fist themed my computer I had to donate to a couple places to get the full version of programs for theming. I believe aeroglass is one bt i was thinking there was another that i needed for every thing to look right. i want to make sure i find the correct key codes to re install those programs if you could point me to the programs I have to have to theme after the upgrade i would appeciate it. I know aero glass is one but i thought there was a second one i had to purchase and have a key code for but i cant remember which one it is

There is a problem with the way StartisBack is working on your taskbar, or like you said the fonts or something. I would reset winaero tweaker or do a a system restore/reset if I were you. Usually any kind of major Windows 10 update I apply the default theme and maybe uninstall one, startisback, and aero glass (that's all). Upon booting into updated Windows, reapply your themeing customizations. My themes are working on both versions of creators update.

For the search bar text background I would recommend trying a different browser.

Aero Glass and StartisBack are both non free programs (that can be used with some success without donating)

ok is it jsut me? i tried to download the updated annihilator theme and it kicks me to the complete collection page, then that download button kics me over to git hub and asks me ti sign up I am lost now lol do I need to make an account at git hub to be able to down load a couple different themes now?


Easier to upload them all together. No you do not need an account there. Edit: I see what you're saying though, as a compromise I have changed the target link in the Windows 10 Themes Complete Collection thread to the download link on GitHub. So when you click download in that thread, the file starts downloading rather than redirecting you to GitHub.

October 9th, 2017, 03:07 AM
ok great thanks for the info, at this point i will most likely jsut leave my nachine the way it is untill the fall update hits me then do a complete clean install. this machine is just for streaming content to my big screen so a clean install is not an issue to do. as far as the hud red icons, they worked fine on the anniversary edition of win10. but when it upgraded to 1703 i lost the option to uninstall them in the add and remove programs function. 1703 does not show them installed at all. that should all get taken care of with a clean install of the fall update tough. do you know when they are going to roll out the fall update? that way i have an idea of when i am going to have to do a cvlean install. my other computer diesnt have a theme all i did with it is put start is back on it so i should not ahve any issues with it

October 9th, 2017, 03:18 AM
as far as the hud red icons, they worked fine on the anniversary edition of win10. but when it upgraded to 1703 i lost the option to uninstall them in the add and remove programs function. 1703 does not show them installed at all. that should all get taken care of with a clean install of the fall update tough. do you know when they are going to roll out the fall update? that way i have an idea of when i am going to have to do a cvlean install. my other computer diesnt have a theme all i did with it is put start is back on it so i should not ahve any issues with it

I don't know what icon pack you are referring to for sure, but as far as I know, there are no further updates scheduled.

October 9th, 2017, 03:34 AM
the icon pack i used before was this one HUD_Machine_Red_Icons_&_Extras_Setup_Win_8.1, it seemed to work fine on win10 anniversary edition, but when the upgrade to the creators edition came up thats when I had issues, the incons were still installed but the little icon in the add and remove programs menu disapeared so there was no way to uninstall them. someone mentioned an update for the win10 creators edition coming out this fall. thats what i was taking about. I assumed that the latest post from you about updating them for the fall creators update meant that there was changes comng from win10. as far as i know i have not recieved any updates recently. the last one I recieved was this one

2017-09 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1703 for x64-based Systems (KB4038788)

i guess i am still a bit lost will the edition number still be the same with the fall update? 1703 or should i see a different version number? or is that the fall update you were talking about ?

October 9th, 2017, 03:37 AM
the icon pack i used before was this one HUD_Machine_Red_Icons_&_Extras_Setup_Win_8.1, it seemed to work fine on win10 anniversary edition, but when the upgrade to the creators edition came up thats when I had issues, the incons were still installed but the little icon in the add and remove programs menu disapeared so there was no way to uninstall them. someone mentioned an update for the win10 creators edition coming out this fall. thats what i was taking about. I assumed that the latest post from you about updating them for the fall creators update meant that there was changes comng from win10. as far as i know i have not recieved any updates recently. i guess i am still a bit lost will the edition number still be the same with the fall update? 1703 or should i see a different version number?

Where's the link you downloaded this icon pack from?

October 9th, 2017, 03:43 AM
ya know I do not remember it might have been on deviant art, but I thought I downloaded them here and found them just by typing in icons to the search bar

sorry about the typos , i have to use reading glasses to see the keyboard and it ends up making the screen fuzzy i can only see one of them at a time lol i ha ve had those icon packs since i first came on virtual customs so I think its been about a year and I cant remember for sure where i downloaded them

December 8th, 2017, 09:08 AM
i have been away for a while and finally got the fall update sent to me. i tried to download the annihilator theme and it shifted me to the complete master theme set. i opened that and it has files scattered in different folders. if i want to just install the annihilator theme only do i need to go thru and pick out each individual piece for the annihilator theme?. when i installed it before the annihilator theme was all packaged nice and i jsut had to shift the theme folder into my windows resources theme folder and then click the theme i am kind of lost now the way its packaged. any help you can give me would be appreciated.

thanks for your time

December 8th, 2017, 11:29 AM
i have been away for a while and finally got the fall update sent to me. i tried to download the annihilator theme and it shifted me to the complete master theme set. i opened that and it has files scattered in different folders. if i want to just install the annihilator theme only do i need to go thru and pick out each individual piece for the annihilator theme?. when i installed it before the annihilator theme was all packaged nice and i jsut had to shift the theme folder into my windows resources theme folder and then click the theme i am kind of lost now the way its packaged. any help you can give me would be appreciated.

thanks for your time

You need to copy paste the theme folder Annihilator and Annihilator.theme file (it should be 2 squares with a preview of a grey wallpaper). Paste in those two files and you're good.

December 9th, 2017, 04:21 AM
what about the system metrics and all the other stuff that had to be enabled in the old annhilator theme folder? has 1709 changed to a point you dont have to deal with all that stuff now? also i remember something about installing some program so that you could run multiple different custom themes with one interface. its been a while i have not been on since october so it seems like a ton has changed.
does the same theme instalation instructions work for 1709 as for 1607 and 1703?

I am completely lost unfortunately

thanks again for all your help


December 10th, 2017, 04:11 AM
what about the system metrics and all the other stuff that had to be enabled in the old annhilator theme folder? has 1709 changed to a point you dont have to deal with all that stuff now? also i remember something about installing some program so that you could run multiple different custom themes with one interface. its been a while i have not been on since october so it seems like a ton has changed.
does the same theme instalation instructions work for 1709 as for 1607 and 1703?

I am completely lost unfortunately

thanks again for all your help


Same deal, you should install all the extras in the "files" folder. Maybe you haven't looked at the files you're downloading but the same files are all there. Maybe you don't realize, but it's a pain in the ass to upload the exact files for every specific theme everytime Windows decides to update or can you take two minutes to actually look for yourself to see what I include?? Not trying to be mean but maybe you should look into what I've included first.

Actiually nothing has changed since the current version of Windows (1709) compared to the previous version (1703).

December 10th, 2017, 06:07 AM
i did look thru all the folders and i seen stuf that had no theme name listed and was unsure if those needed to be added also or what, it was confusing. i understand completely how much of a pain it is to up load the same thing over and over again in different folders, i have to do it myself in other online places i deal with. like is said i went thru the folders and put all the stuff that said annihilator in one folder but there was other stuff that had no theme name on it so i was unsure if it had to be added or not.

May 6th, 2018, 08:38 PM
Updated thread information to show support for Windows 10 April 2018 Update