View Full Version : HUD Machine Blue for Windows 10 Creators Update

June 5th, 2017, 02:22 AM
HUD Machine Blue for Windows 10 Creators Update

HUD Machine Blue


Theme Includes

custom cursors
custom sound pack

Enjoy :happy:

Tools you may need:
Uxstyle, Theme Signature Bypass (http://virtualcustoms.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=74615&d=1470338612) and UltraUxThemePatcher
(http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/170375-oldnewexplorer-118/):bulletgreen: UxTheme service hook - Visual Theme Signature Bypass

ONE (OldNewExplorer) (http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/170375-oldnewexplorer-118/)
:bulletred: OldNewExplorer is the Windows 10 (and Windows 8.1, and 8) shell extension / tweaker which can undo "improvements" to file browsing made in newer Windows versions. Everything is optional for your liking.
For best results, use these settings:

StartIsBack++ for Windows 10 (http://startisback.com/#download-tab)
What's hot about StartIsBack on Windows 10 now?
:bulletgreen: Full taskbar skinning!
:bulletgreen: Ability to reduce resource usage by disabling newer Start menu and Cortana processes from prelaunching
:bulletgreen: Ability to use adequately sized (32x32) large icons and larger start menu button on taskbar
:bulletgreen: Modern blur, drop shadow and immersive context menus for start menu

Aero Glass for Win8.1+ (http://www.glass8.eu/)
Experience native look of Aero Glass interface on Windows 8.x+
:bulletred: This utility returns the complete glass effect into windows frames.
:bulletred: Fully native including MSStyle themes and DWM API compatibility

Winaero Tweaker (http://winaero.com/download.php?view.1796)
:bulletgreen: Winaero Tweaker is an all-in-one application which will include most options available in the free Winaero apps and extend it as much as possible. It is a universal tweaker software which supports Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.

Recommended Prior to Applying Custom Themes

:bulletred: Create a Restore Point
:bulletred: Install Fonts included in the "Extras" folder
:bulletred: Apply System Metrics included in the "Extras" folder and logout or reboot
:bulletred: Install an iPack of your choice to change the system icons (check the Theme Extras section above for a link to the icons in the preview)!
:bulletred: Select the Theme's Start Menu and Taskbar in the StartIsBack++ configuration. If it's not a visible option to select the theme's start menu, apply your custom theme first!
:bulletred: Copy a Start Orb from the "Theme" folder to a new location, rename it, then open the StartIsBack++ configuration, click Add... select the Start Orb and click Apply.

I take no responsibility for anyone that bricks their system, use custom themes at your own risk!!

June 13th, 2017, 04:32 PM
Have the login problem with this theme. Lockscreen, enter password, lockscreen and so on

Levi Vladimir
June 13th, 2017, 07:27 PM
Have the login problem with this theme. Lockscreen, enter password, lockscreen and so on

What is your version Windows 10? 1607 or 1703?

June 13th, 2017, 08:33 PM
1703 ... found the problem:

Sicherheitsrisiko gefunden!WS.Reputation.1 in Datei: c:\windows\resources\themes\hud machine blue\hud machine blue light.msstyles von: AutoProtect-Scan. Action: Neustart erforderlich. Beschreibung der Aktion: Die Datei wurde erfolgreich isoliert.

Sicherheitsrisiko gefunden!WS.Reputation.1 in Datei: c:\windows\resources\themes\hud machine blue\hud machine blue white.msstyles von: AutoProtect-Scan. Action: Isolieren erfolgreich. Beschreibung der Aktion: Die Datei wurde erfolgreich isoliert.

Sicherheitsrisiko gefunden!WS.Reputation.1 in Datei: c:\windows\resources\themes\hud machine blue\hud machine blue.msstyles von: AutoProtect-Scan. Action: Isolieren erfolgreich. Beschreibung der Aktion: Die Datei wurde erfolgreich isoliert.

Sicherheitsrisiko gefunden!WS.Reputation.1 in Datei: c:\windows\resources\themes\hud machine blue\topshell\hud machine blue light.msstyles von: AutoProtect-Scan. Action: Isolieren erfolgreich. Beschreibung der Aktion: Die Datei wurde erfolgreich isoliert.

Sicherheitsrisiko gefunden!WS.Reputation.1 in Datei: c:\windows\resources\themes\hud machine blue\topshell\hud machine blue white.msstyles von: AutoProtect-Scan. Action: Isolieren erfolgreich. Beschreibung der Aktion: Die Datei wurde erfolgreich isoliert.

Sicherheitsrisiko gefunden!WS.Reputation.1 in Datei: c:\windows\resources\themes\hud machine blue\topshell\hud machine blue.msstyles von: AutoProtect-Scan. Action: Isolieren erfolgreich. Beschreibung der Aktion: Die Datei wurde erfolgreich isoliert.



[ Name]
Symantec AntiVirus


[ Qualifiers]





[ SystemTime]





A problem with your theme?

June 13th, 2017, 08:50 PM
Please post in English only.

Dark Knight
June 13th, 2017, 09:14 PM
1703 ... found the problem:

A problem with your theme?

Obviously Symantec is picking up a false positive, there is nothing wrong with the theme or the files contained therein, I have the entire HUD Machine series installed and saved on my system and it is absolutely fine. IF there is something on your system, it was not caused by the theme or files in it.

Have you tried scanning the files with Virustotal or Metascan?

Do yourself a favor and dump Norton and get something more reliable.

June 13th, 2017, 09:57 PM
Do yourself a favor and dump Norton and get something more reliable.

Like i always have stated: I rather have a virus than a Norton/Symantec product..

Why? Because you might be able to remove the virus and get a clean machine

No seriously, anything else than Norton/Symantec is better..

I do recommend: ESET Smart Security Premium

June 14th, 2017, 06:10 AM
Norton ≠ Symantec ...

But back to topic, after System Restore and new copy of theme all is working. Don't have the problem the time before. No idea what it was

Dark Knight
June 14th, 2017, 03:04 PM
Norton ≠ Symantec ...

Ummm...... yes

Symantec makes Norton, hence, different dog same fleas. It is safe to say it was your problem.

June 14th, 2017, 03:35 PM
It seems, it was my problem. No idea why it was erase because of virus ... Norton is for home user, Symantec for companys

June 15th, 2017, 01:03 PM
i am running hud machine blue the 1703 version for the creators update Im Running windows 10 pro 64bit On 32gb of Ram with a CoolerPower Rx Radeon 580 Golden Sample Edition With 8 Gb Of Video Ram with a 1.4 ghz gpu

June 16th, 2017, 09:30 AM
...I rather have a virus than a Norton...

XDthats funny. I 2nd it. Norton stinks, and it is the king resource hog of antiviruses

Im Running windows 10 pro 64bit On 32gb of Ram with a CoolerPower Rx Radeon 580 Golden Sample Edition With 8 Gb Of Video Ram with a 1.4 ghz gpu
suddenly i have a itsy bitsy pc

June 27th, 2017, 12:36 PM
I can confirm that the Theme works just perfect, and NO Viruses nor anything bad. Once you apply all the 'Pre-Requisites' and install it in a right way. By the way, congrats for it. I'm just testing very much of them and this one is falling into the seriously ones i'm considering to put in a permanent way in my system. Thanks so much for the hard effort on bringing such quality themes.

Eon Drache
July 8th, 2017, 04:30 AM
Got the black/blue version labelled as "HUD Machine Blue" but cannot get the "HUD Machine Blue White" theme to work.

August 1st, 2017, 05:56 PM
One question, I apply the theme and when I go right click on desktop it shows me classic black color, its that ok?

August 1st, 2017, 06:19 PM
@Mr GRiM can you take a look on image down, when I go right click on desktop or any icon on desktop I have only black classic style.

August 1st, 2017, 06:39 PM
@Mr GRiM can you take a look on image down, when I go right click on desktop or any icon on desktop I have only black classic style.

You have to merge the disable immersive menu .reg file into registry and reboot. It should have been in the zip that you downloaded

August 1st, 2017, 07:33 PM
Thank you a lot, didn't know that was for that, you saved a lot of time also who did that reg file, thanks again. :)

October 17th, 2017, 09:20 PM
Someone has the options for OLD? The pic don't load

January 30th, 2018, 02:18 AM
Does this work for the 1709 version of windows 10? Also is there a good guide on here to get everything up and running with the themes in this version of windows?

January 31st, 2018, 12:36 PM
same question bro, hope someone is here to answer us

January 31st, 2018, 01:00 PM
Does this work for the 1709 version of windows 10? Also is there a good guide on here to get everything up and running with the themes in this version of windows?

Here is a guide to install themes on 1709 ---. http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/78659-Windows-10-Creators-Update-and-Fall-Creators-Update-Themes-Complete-Collection
Make sure you thank Shemhamforash for the tut

February 8th, 2018, 08:29 PM
Hi with this theme I cannot get the top panel to go black so it stays light grey and I have followed the guide.
Can someone please which part controls the color of the top part of the window. Everything else is the way the picture of this theme shows.
please help me ;(

February 8th, 2018, 08:42 PM
Hi with this theme I cannot get the top panel to go black so it stays light grey and I have followed the guide.
Can someone please which part controls the color of the top part of the window. Everything else is the way the picture of this theme shows.
please help me ;(
it will help if you post a screenshot & point to the exact part you would like to change

February 8th, 2018, 11:21 PM
it will help if you post a screenshot & point to the exact part you would like to change

The top part of all my windows are annoyingly white.:worried:

February 9th, 2018, 04:22 AM
...The top part of all my windows are annoyingly white.:worried:

just gotta wait til they come in. Im sure they can help you when they see it

February 9th, 2018, 05:52 AM

The top part of all my windows are annoyingly white.:worried:

just gotta wait til they come in. Im sure they can help you when they see it
testing more things and this problem is only when you are using aero glass application yes? please turn it off and now your problem still persist?:Smile:no:Peace:

February 9th, 2018, 11:00 AM
Awesome theme. But where can I get the icon pack, as that is the only thing I'm missing.

February 9th, 2018, 05:20 PM
Awesome theme. But where can I get the icon pack, as that is the only thing I'm missing.
you can find all pack in one here - http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/79007-iPack-Icon-Theme-Collection-for-Windows-10 (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/79007-iPack-Icon-Theme-Collection-for-Windows-10)

February 9th, 2018, 10:18 PM
Thanks much appreciated.

February 10th, 2018, 09:23 PM
testing more things and this problem is only when you are using aero glass application yes? please turn it off and now your problem still persist?:Smile:no:Peace:

Well I got sick of the logo on the desktop from aero glass so I uninstalled it so now its gone black :)
Many thanks for the reply.

February 10th, 2018, 09:27 PM
Awesome theme. But where can I get the icon pack, as that is the only thing I'm missing.

The icons I use is from the windows 7 days. I don't know the link here as I found it on an old harddisk so I merely copied it to my laptop and installed it.
But I assume its an icon pack called HUD Blue or something along those lines.

February 10th, 2018, 09:35 PM
Well I got sick of the logo on the desktop from aero glass so I uninstalled it so now its gone black :)
Many thanks for the reply.
no problem:girl:

February 15th, 2018, 07:50 PM
Theme Signature Bypass and UltraUxThemePatcher: do you have to install them both or is it only UltraUxThemePatcher?

February 15th, 2018, 09:59 PM
Theme Signature Bypass and UltraUxThemePatcher: do you have to install them both or is it only UltraUxThemePatcher?
only one of these two what you like or prefer:Smile:

February 16th, 2018, 11:59 AM
only one of these two what you like or prefer:Smile:

Ok thanks

April 15th, 2018, 07:28 PM
Now it works but the first few words I type the space button works like a scroll down on page function so I don't know what that's all about...

My problem is I have this HUD Blue and all was working fine but today I logged in and all the blackness in my folders are now back to being white.
My question is what application is responsible of making my folder dark/black so I can update that application or reinstall it ?

Dark Knight
April 15th, 2018, 08:46 PM
Now it works but the first few words I type the space button works like a scroll down on page function so I don't know what that's all about...

My problem is I have this HUD Blue and all was working fine but today I logged in and all the blackness in my folders are now back to being white.
My question is what application is responsible of making my folder dark/black so I can update that application or reinstall it ?

Did you perform a windows update recently? also some cleaning software like Clean Space will do this, try applying the theme again, it should work.

April 15th, 2018, 10:34 PM
Did you perform a windows update recently? also some cleaning software like Clean Space will do this, try applying the theme again, it should work.

I have updated windows and I am now on 1709.
I use no cleaning software.
I have reapplied the theme countless of times and switched to other themes and back again but nothing helps.

April 15th, 2018, 10:43 PM
I have updated windows and I am now on 1709.
I use no cleaning software.
I have reapplied the theme countless of times and switched to other themes and back again but nothing helps.Whichever patches you used to enable the theme, you should reapply.

April 15th, 2018, 10:50 PM
Whichever patches you used to enable the theme, you should reapply.

I already reinstalled that. didn't work.

Edit : I use UxThemeSignatureBypass

April 15th, 2018, 11:01 PM
I already reinstalled that. didn't work.

Edit : I use UxThemeSignatureBypassThanks for that. If you have UEFI, you need to turn secure boot off. Perhaps it was turned on by mistake somehow, or it got reset. Check it out, and report back. Also check your registry settings to make sure it is loading. I have them if you need them.

April 15th, 2018, 11:12 PM
Thanks for that. If you have UEFI, you need to turn secure boot off. Perhaps it was turned on by mistake somehow, or it got reset. Check it out, and report back. Also check your registry settings to make sure it is loading. I have them if you need them.

UEFI is in Bois right ?
Registry I don't know how and where to look sorry.

April 15th, 2018, 11:25 PM
UEFI is the NEW Bios. Unless you have an older MB you would have UEFI. If your themes were working before, and you don't know if you have UEFI, you might not. Here is the code for the registry. You may need to alter the paths for the dlls. Remember to keep the double backslashes (\\) in. Save as .reg, and merge.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows]

April 15th, 2018, 11:29 PM
UEFI is the NEW Bios. Unless you have an older MB you would have UEFI. If your themes were working before, and you don't know if you have UEFI, you might not. Here is the code for the registry. You may need to alter the paths for the dlls. Remember to keep the double backslashes (\\) in. Save as .reg, and merge.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows]

Many thanks but where do I find the registry ?
Do I need a separate app to do the registry ?

April 15th, 2018, 11:36 PM
No. Here is what you do. Open notepad. Copy and paste the code I have posted and save with this exact name including the quotations to your desktop or somewhere. "UXTheme.reg" Now, you can just double click it, or right click, and select merge. Then say OK to both. Then restart.

April 15th, 2018, 11:39 PM
No. Here is what you do. Open notepad. Copy and paste the code I have posted and save with this exact name including the quotations to your desktop or somewhere. "UXTheme.reg" Now, you can just double click it, or right click, and select merge. Then say OK to both. Then restart.It should look like this. Of course without the theme it would be white.


April 16th, 2018, 12:32 AM
It should look like this. Of course without the theme it would be white.


Thanks and sorry for the late responds. I am at work so I sometimes need to go afk.

I did as you advised and it didn't work still got white background.
I checked bios and its enabled.

April 16th, 2018, 12:41 AM
Thanks and sorry for the late responds. I am at work so I sometimes need to go afk.

I did as you advised and it didn't work still got white background.
I checked bios and its enabled.If secure boot is ENABLED it won't work. You must DISABLE it.

April 16th, 2018, 12:56 AM
If secure boot is ENABLED it won't work. You must DISABLE it.

omg lol where do I find secure boot ?

Ps. I haven't changed anything in bios what so ever so I doubt anything in there has changed.

April 16th, 2018, 01:04 AM
Just go here, download my tool and follow the directions. http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/79004-3rd-Party-Theme-Enabler-for-Creators-Update-to-RS4-builds

April 16th, 2018, 02:33 AM
Just go here, download my tool and follow the directions. http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/79004-3rd-Party-Theme-Enabler-for-Creators-Update-to-RS4-builds


April 16th, 2018, 02:41 AM
Did you run it or just extract it to desktop. Once it is extracted click on the shortcut, and run the program. What you download just puts it on your computer, but you actually need to run the thing. This is the first screen.


April 16th, 2018, 03:58 AM
Did you run it or just extract it to desktop. Once it is extracted click on the shortcut, and run the program. What you download just puts it on your computer, but you actually need to run the thing. This is the first screen.


Yes I ran the program. still not working.
I need to pack up now as dayshift will be in soon.
will keep trying again tonight.

Ps. Many thanks for all your help and patience.

April 16th, 2018, 03:45 PM

April 16th, 2018, 04:12 PM
Never-mind-it-was-the-stupid-Theme Signature Bypass that was faulty.
Use UltraUXThemePatcher_3.3.4 if anyone else comes into similar issues.
I just uninstalled
Theme Signature Bypass and then installed
UltraUXThemePatcher_3.3.4 so now it works perfectly again

April 16th, 2018, 04:41 PM
Never-mind-it-was-the-stupid-Theme Signature Bypass that was faulty.
Use UltraUXThemePatcher_3.3.4 if anyone else comes into similar issues.
I just uninstalled
Theme Signature Bypass
and then installed
so now it works perfectly again

April 16th, 2018, 05:29 PM
UEFI is the NEW Bios. Unless you have an older MB you would have UEFI. If your themes were working before, and you don't know if you have UEFI, you might not. Here is the code for the registry. You may need to alter the paths for the dlls. Remember to keep the double backslashes (\\) in. Save as .reg, and merge.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows]
before sharing creating and testing more .dll or patched,pre-patched files,but never have any problem on my windows,but someone using other settings and like other softwarws as signature bypass,ultrauxthemepatcher or black theme toolkit
but really like your skills and experiences here you are very helpful person here dhjohns (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/298513-dhjohns)

Dark Knight
April 21st, 2018, 06:19 PM
Whichever patches you used to enable the theme, you should reapply.

I don't use a Ux theme patcher because as you can see, things like this happen when using them, I use a tool called the ThemeSignatureBypass , IMO works much better than any Ux Theme patcher and you can also update Windows without having to revert to the default Windows theme before updating.

April 21st, 2018, 06:21 PM
I don't use a Ux theme patcher because as you can see, things like this happen when using them, I use a tool called the ThemeSignatureBypass , IMO works much better than any Ux Theme patcher and you can also update Windows without having to revert to the default Windows theme before updating.I have been using ThemeSignatureBypass for years!

June 1st, 2018, 08:09 AM
My laptop looks good with this theme but i would like it if i could get the stock windows icons such as battery and wireless and notification to be blue.
Is there any mods here on virtual customs that does that ?

August 10th, 2018, 09:23 AM
ty m8
its very cool

August 30th, 2018, 10:46 PM
so i have this theme and i love it but im running into a bug with the start menu having something over lapping the shutdown button the thing over lapping it says shot...

Dark Knight
August 31st, 2018, 08:39 AM
so i have this theme and i love it but im running into a bug with the start menu having something over lapping the shutdown button the thing over lapping it says shot...

Un-tick "Display glyph icons" in StartIsBack settings

BTW, one post is enough to get your point across, I have deleted your other post.

September 2nd, 2018, 02:24 AM
Un-tick "Display glyph icons" in StartIsBack settings

BTW, one post is enough to get your point across, I have deleted your other post.
ok i did what you said but its just showing the S part now and yea sorry about that

September 16th, 2018, 02:30 PM
Hey guys , first time trying to install a theme. I have the majority of it done. I love it, I have one problem though. I would have searched but I honestly dont know the name of the thing Im looking for. could someone please tell me how to change the white part thats obviously stuck on standard theme to this theme please. 80652

Thanks and sorry for such a silly question.

****EDIT***** Sorry Ive figured it out myself. The tutorial video I used to install the theme skipped the part invonlving old new explorer so I was stuck with the ribbon until I copped on myself.

October 4th, 2018, 08:27 PM
Have with the light version a problem in 1809. The navigation is now white :(



October 4th, 2018, 08:36 PM
Have with the light version a problem in 1809. The navigation is now white :(


we know about this issues because new build 1809 with new dark explorer not fully supported 1803 themes on 1809 more info here:Smile:- http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/80711-Windows-10-October-2018-Update-1809?p=336239&viewfull=1#post336239 (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/80711-Windows-10-October-2018-Update-1809?p=336239&viewfull=1#post336239)

October 4th, 2018, 08:43 PM
we know about this issues because new build 1809 with new dark explorer not fully supported 1803 themes on 1809 more info here:Smile:- http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/80711-Windows-10-October-2018-Update-1809?p=336239&viewfull=1#post336239 (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/80711-Windows-10-October-2018-Update-1809?p=336239&viewfull=1#post336239)

Ah thanks, I didn't find this post. Thanks

October 4th, 2018, 08:47 PM
Ah thanks, I didn't find this post. Thanks
we can wait only for the 3rd party themes style builder fix:Smile:and then working fine:greedy:

October 23rd, 2018, 04:36 PM
No update for 1809? :'(

December 28th, 2018, 04:11 AM
Omg in 1809 my Dark Mode is completely gone.
Everything is horribley white everywhere. It's like i have died and gone to microsoft hell o.0
Please someone help me. I cant live with the ugly white windows. My eyes hurt...
Will there be a fix ?

Ps. I am too stupid to understand the link given by றѳѳղղįqվદ®

December 28th, 2018, 04:39 AM
Omg in 1809 my Dark Mode is completely gone.
Everything is horribley white everywhere. It's like i have died and gone to microsoft hell o.0
Please someone help me. I cant live with the ugly white windows. My eyes hurt...
Will there be a fix ?

Ps. I am too stupid to understand the link given by றѳѳղղįqվદ®
because version 1809 using new dark explorer and themes for windows 10 rs4 1803 not supported rs5 1809 without update with windows style builder
some updated themes supported for windows 10 without any problem and white explorer you can find here - http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/81045-Windows-10-RS5-1809-Oct-18-Update-Themes-Complete-Collection (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/81045-Windows-10-RS5-1809-Oct-18-Update-Themes-Complete-Collection)
there are many amazing creators on VC site who have a lot of their own amazing themes
but all of these themes are updated gradually, because not everyone has a lot of free time for this:Peace:

December 28th, 2018, 04:52 AM
and some of the updated HUD themes for w10 rs5 1809 you can find here - http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/82185-HUD-Complete-Theme-Pack-by-Mr-GRiM (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/82185-HUD-Complete-Theme-Pack-by-Mr-GRiM)

April 13th, 2019, 05:24 PM
@Mr GRiM any chance to update HUD Machine Blue the light version for 1809 or 1903?