View Full Version : Windows 10 Version 1703 (OS Build 15063.483) Unable To Patch Themeui.dll

July 13th, 2017, 12:53 AM
How do i patch Themeui.dll properly? I try Claim Ownership of it and the other 3 files. run UltraUXThemePatch 3.2.2 as admin and reboot. but Themeui.dll is not getting patched for whatever reason.

July 13th, 2017, 02:53 AM
How do i patch Themeui.dll properly? I try Claim Ownership of it and the other 3 files. run UltraUXThemePatch 3.2.2 as admin and reboot. but Themeui.dll is not getting patched for whatever reason.

Did you adjust the permissions for themeui.dll after taking ownership of it? [I know that may be a dim question but that's the only thing I can think of that could be preventing it from patching].

Also, are you using an admin account on the computer you're doing this on?

July 13th, 2017, 03:36 AM
Ah no, i didnt mess with permissions, i figured taking ownership of it was enough ...

and i only have 1 account for the computer i think, so its admin im pretty sure.

July 13th, 2017, 06:04 AM
Ok, well now I'm not sure if that is the issue. I just updated my system and themeui.dll is no longer patched for me either. Also using UltraUxThemePatcher 3.2.2 ... I'm likely going to have to see if it fails to patch now and if it does, than MS may have done something to the themeui.dll. I'll see if it patches for me.

OK, it looks like themui.dll is at .447 and the others are still .0 so it has in fact been updated. Why only themui.dll got update and not the uxinit.dll or uxtheme.dll, I don't know but it's possible that UltraUxThemePatcher may need another update to work. I'm personally going to wait until it gets updated before I do any themeing again [I would use UXTSB.dll but AeroGlass is buggy and I'm tired of the constant debug window].

July 13th, 2017, 11:45 AM
Ah okay, so its not just me doing something wrong :p Thanks for the help :)

July 13th, 2017, 06:46 PM
Ah okay, so its not just me doing something wrong :p Thanks for the help :)

no prob. also it seems the cumulative update is slightly broken. it didn't fully apply. some of the files were either not there or messed up somehow. I've tried downloading it from the website but that failed as well. Microsoft has sent out cumulative updates that wont apply before so they'll have to fix it 'again'. I'm guessing its those dlls because only themeui.dll updated out of those three.

In the mean time, I can't stand default windows 10 appearance. it triggers my seizures so im gonna have to use UXTSB.dll and AeroGlass to get theming back.... I hate that debug window and last time i disabled AeroHost with UXTSB.dll enabled i couldn't log back in, lol [might've been a bug on that part but im likely not going to disable it this time for safety sake, lol].

July 14th, 2017, 08:22 PM
How do i patch Themeui.dll properly? I try Claim Ownership of it and the other 3 files. run UltraUXThemePatch 3.2.2 as admin and reboot. but Themeui.dll is not getting patched for whatever reason.UltraUXThemePatch does not patch those files. It simply replaces them. Also, the developer of this software has it set so it only runs on the builds he designates. So, for example, a new build comes out he must change the executable so it runs on that build also. He does not alter any of the files. This is why, in my Black Theme Toolkit I simply take ownership of those dlls, rename them, and copy the ones from his program over. I captured these files from a Virtual Machine test. So, to make a long story short, just get the dlls from my toolkit, and put them in your system. :)

July 14th, 2017, 08:34 PM
ux works perfectly fine on 15063.??? through the current 15063.483.

July 14th, 2017, 09:23 PM
ux works perfectly fine on 15063.??? through the current 15063.483.I have no clue. Probably not. My toolkit uses xThemeSignatureBypass for that build, and the RS3s. Some people are stuck on the UX though. I only use what works reliably.

July 14th, 2017, 10:35 PM
yea i just checked my destop tweakes\tools folder and yes it ux that i'm had the best luck with. i deleted the other two when i went to 15063.

July 15th, 2017, 02:36 PM
I got dhjohns toolkit, but not entirely sure which files i should grab. Theres PatchRS1, PatchRS2, PatchTH1, and PatchTH2.

July 15th, 2017, 02:54 PM
I got dhjohns toolkit, but not entirely sure which files i should grab. Theres PatchRS1, PatchRS2, PatchTH1, and PatchTH2.It depends on which Windows 10 you are running. You could just run the toolkit if you wanted to get 3rd party themes to work. It is much easier. :tu:

July 15th, 2017, 04:04 PM
I noticed the desktop file is looking for the install file in wrong place :p its looking in C:\Black Theme Toolkit\install.cmd and not Files\install :p

Installed and restarted, but no matter what theme i try, my explorer is always white. i tried different options with OldExplorer but its still always white O.o

July 15th, 2017, 04:32 PM
I noticed the desktop file is looking for the install file in wrong place :p its looking in C:\Black Theme Toolkit\install.cmd and not Files\install :p

Installed and restarted, but no matter what theme i try, my explorer is always white. i tried different options with OldExplorer but its still always white O.oI re-upped the file. The cmd was missing. Download, and reinstall. You also really need to tell what OS you are using, and the version. It makes a difference. I do remember that there is one version which does not work very well with ONE. I think it was one of the beta RS3s, but I can not be sure. But, if you do not run from install.cmd, it will not work properly. :( You can just reinstall the toolkit, and rerun it. You can do everything overtop of what you did before, you should be OK.

July 15th, 2017, 04:50 PM
The OS im using is in the thread title isnt it? O.o
Windows 10 Version 1703 (OS Build 15063.483)
or is there a different one you mean?

I was using Windows 7 Home before i upgraded. so im guessing Windows 10 Home?

July 15th, 2017, 05:47 PM
So you would do the CU (Creative Update) option.

July 15th, 2017, 06:00 PM
I used Creative Update install, installed windows black. my theme window isnt like win7 like i keep seeing in so many how to videos and my explorer window is still all white. im not entirely sure what im missing O.o

Tried using Windows 10 Black Edition Red and the text and stuff is red, but explorer window is not changing color. even tried Arc Void and its still white window.

Also, update seems to have made all my text bold for some reason O.o

July 15th, 2017, 06:21 PM
In \Program Files (x86)\OldNewExplorer find OldNewExplorerCfg.exe, and uninstall by double clicking the exe, and clicking on the uninstall tab. You may need to restart afterwards.

IMPORTANT -- under the desktop customizations tab in the toolkit, install the CLASSIC PERSONALIZATION MENU. Changing themes will only work this way!!!!! DO THIS FIRST BEFORE MESSING WITH ONE


July 15th, 2017, 06:37 PM
Derp sorry, i didnt bother to read the thread :P guess i should lol

Well i kinda got it working now. explorer changes colors but now i cant get it to show when im highlighting something and if i choose default win10 theme explorer is still weird pastel colors O.o guess ill keep tinkering with it and see what happens lol

Thanks for the help :)

July 26th, 2017, 10:31 PM
I'm having the exact same problem. After the latest update rolled out, windows stay white. I followed the suggestions in the thread. Nothing works. Using same version. 1703 (15063.483).

Edit: I see now that a lot of threads are appearing in numerous places saying Creators Update 15063.483 can no longer be themed. It isn't just us. :)

July 26th, 2017, 11:14 PM
Edit: I see now that a lot of threads are appearing in numerous places saying Creators Update 15063.483 can no longer be themed. It isn't just us. :)That statement is totally not true. Use my All in One Installer, and be sure to install the Classic Personalization to change themes via desktop right click menu.


Chris Massagee
July 27th, 2017, 05:41 PM
ive used the all-in-one and no themes work with my system lmao. nor does the SiB .and i paid for it .but it seems to work in virtual box with no problems .themes and all. so i stopped messing with it .did everything step by step even with no apps installed .

July 27th, 2017, 11:29 PM
ive used the all-in-one and no themes work with my system lmao. nor does the SiB .and i paid for it .but it seems to work in virtual box with no problems .themes and all. so i stopped messing with it .did everything step by step even with no apps installed .

I don't quite remember how I did it. But mine's working fine now. It claims UltraUxThemePatcher is installed but if that doesn't work for you then try adjusting permissions on all three of those files before running it again. If again it doesn't work, manually rename each on by adding .BAK to the end [after the .dll] and placing the ones from dhjohns all in one installer in there manually. You may need to use a tool like 7zip to extract them from the installer.

If after that it still doesn't work... then I'm completely baffled by this...

On an added note, as ironic as it may seem... dhjohns auto installer does NOT auto elevate for me. For some reason I actually HAVE to run it as administrator or it simply doesn't work for me.


I just thought of something that may or may not be the issue.... Do you have Secure Boot disabled in your system BIOS? It might not matter but if you don't, then boot into your BIOS and disable Secure Boot. I know that interferes with some things when it's enabled [although I'm not sure if it's the cause of this particular issue].

July 29th, 2017, 08:33 AM
That statement is totally not true. Use my All in One Installer, and be sure to install the Classic Personalization to change themes via desktop right click menu.


Which part isn't true? I've used your installer for a while now. It's worked perfectly until the Creators Update. Nimbi's solution worked for me.

I just thought of something that may or may not be the issue.... Do you have Secure Boot disabled in your system BIOS? It might not matter but if you don't, then boot into your BIOS and disable Secure Boot. I know that interferes with some things when it's enabled [although I'm not sure if it's the cause of this particular issue].

That worked perfectly. Something changed with Creators Update and secure boot. Now dhjohns' All in One Installer works again. This made me so happy I'm giddy. :happy: I get severe migraines, and I can't handle staring at that bright white for 7 hours a day. Thank you.

July 29th, 2017, 12:53 PM
peppersgc (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/160010-peppersgc) dhjohn's AIO has and does work on ALL versions of 10. now depending a various circumstances it may or mat not work for you. i've been watching your post and to be honest with your attitude i would never help you. i applaud dhjohn and nimbi for for putting yup with your attitude. now i strongly suggest you adjust your attitude before requesting help in the future.

Chris Massagee
July 30th, 2017, 09:35 PM
im going to try to manually copy the files but i need to know which files to copy over.. there are 4 folders with the same files??

July 30th, 2017, 10:16 PM
im going to try to manually copy the files but i need to know which files to copy over.. there are 4 folders with the same files??I don't know which version of Windows 10 you are running, but those files you want to copy over WILL BORK YOUR SYSTEM WITH CREATORS UPDATE AND ABOVE. I hope you are using them for something else. I have no experience with using these on CU. The author has a supposedly newer version out here http://www.syssel.net/hoefs/software_uxtheme.php, but you will need to install the CU, then run the program.

Chris Massagee
July 30th, 2017, 10:22 PM
im using 1703 newest version there is

July 30th, 2017, 11:08 PM
im using 1703 newest version there isWell you don't want any of the patches I have in the toolkit. You should just run it following the directions. I just installed it a couple days ago to see if it worked still, and had no issues. I run the option of the Creators Update. Installed the Classic Personalization, restarted, and all worked.

Chris Massagee
July 30th, 2017, 11:15 PM
what type of start menu do you use? .. everytime i use the installer the taskbar will not change or start menu

edit: im using Sib 2.0.9

July 31st, 2017, 01:49 AM
what type of start menu do you use? .. everytime i use the installer the taskbar will not change or start menu

edit: im using Sib 2.0.9I always use the Windows 10 Start Menu. I love it tremendously.

Chris Massagee
August 1st, 2017, 11:30 PM
i done a fresh install and nothing works . i dunno what else todo besides not use no custom themes .

August 1st, 2017, 11:36 PM
Another tidbit for anyone showing up here looking for help. The people experiencing problems seem to mostly be on AMD based systems, running HP modified versions of BIOS, with Secure Boot enabled. Hope it helps. :)

August 1st, 2017, 11:51 PM
I have AMD, but have regular BIOS. I recommend no secure boot.