View Full Version : Working up a custom build. Need an opinion.

July 14th, 2017, 05:04 PM

OK, so as the title says, I'm working up a custom build via PC Parts Picker. However I'm trying to make it at a more realistic price since I can't afford a lot. It will likely take a fair few months to get since even at the lowest possible price it will still be expensive asf [I'll have to get the parts one at a time]. It also needs to be high end since I do alot of gaming, a lot of customizing, and need a lot of storage and memory. I originally wanted at least 2 16TB HDDs but could only find 2 2TB HDDs at a reasonable price.

Here's what I've got figured out so far: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/BZ9DHN

Any help would be appreciated. Also, hoping to keep this below $2000 if possible [thus PC Parts Picker]. I won't have any chance if it reaches $2000.

July 14th, 2017, 05:33 PM
i'll add suggestions as i think of them, but for the most part looks good price wise. i know from the current amd system i just built. i'd drop the two internal 2tb drives at total cost of just shy $134 and go with a external usb 3.1 4tb for $110 or under.

July 14th, 2017, 05:39 PM
personally money is a issue and i'd rather have the higher end psu so i don't have to upgrade in the future i'd forget the modular psu and go with for the same price


July 14th, 2017, 08:15 PM
Hey Nimbi,

It is a pretty good setup you picked there I have to say. If I would look at one thing you might want to consider changing is going the way of your vid card. If you look at different parts and such maybe mix and match some other items and go a bit more heavy on the vid card side you would be better off I think.

I don't game myself but I did upgrade my vid card a few months ago to this one https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B01JHQT1SE/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Ignore that price though as that's a crazy price I picked it up for 360 bucks and that's Canadian so USA it will be cheaper as your dollar is worth more then ours. But after going back and forth with Toady on what model I should upgrade to I can tell you that the 1060 rips through everything you throw at it with lighting speed. The 1060 is Nvidia's replacement for their high end 980 model. Toady was saying I was going to love the card and I sure do my graphics apps run like so fast and so smooth and my video rendering times oh man.. Things I used to render that would take 2 hours or more now take less the 15 mins. So I would say if your looking at a gaming rig put most of your money in the vid card processor and mobo, everything else is pretty well mix and match.

I would like to have my hands on the new Ryzen AMD CPU myself and I was going to buy it the 1800x model but MS playing their games locked all new i7's and ryzen CPU's to Windows 10. Still trying to force people to upgrade cause it ain't doing as well as they wanted so I said screw that you ain't gonna force me to use that OS I will stick with my 8350 for now lol

July 14th, 2017, 08:31 PM
I would like to have my hands on the new Ryzen AMD CPU myself and I was going to buy it the 1800x model but MS playing their games locked all new i7's and ryzen CPU's to Windows 10. Still trying to force people to upgrade cause it ain't doing as well as they wanted so I said screw that you ain't gonna force me to use that OS I will stick with my 8350 for now lol

give it time someone will come up with a good work-around. way too many peeps who do not want to give up on 7 or xp for that matter.

July 14th, 2017, 08:37 PM
give it time someone will come up with a good work-around. way too many peeps who do not want to give up on 7 or xp for that matter.

Ya I kinda figured at some point maybe AMD or Intel might launch a lawsuit against MS about it as far as I understand it is in the works. At some point of course I will have to upgrade the OS I realize this but it does not have to be just yet or right now lol. Of course in the few years when I will probably have to there will also be new CPU's out so I can wait a bit longer if I have to just not going to let MS force me into it they can eat it lol

July 14th, 2017, 09:43 PM
I recently bought a $130 3Tb at bestbuy. I dont know if it will be the same in their other stores but at the one i went to it was on sale.
By the way i agree with razor, with the other parts its okay but as much as possible dont go cheap with the video card. Buyinh the parts one at a time is how i did it too. I got to canvas prices from different stores. Took me more than
half a year before acquiring all i needed

July 14th, 2017, 10:22 PM
Thanks everyone. I'll definitely look into all of this. Especially Razorsedge's point about the cards. Sadly though I failed to realise that not having registered to the website ahead of time and saved it to an account would prevent me from being able to edit that build list later on so now I gotta make an account on there and redo the whole frigin thing... rip me lol...

I'll keep that one open in a seperate tab for reference to make sure i dont get mixed up too much, lol.

July 14th, 2017, 10:41 PM
there site make for a great starting point, i used them before buying my parts and was glad i did. and as for razors point on the vid card i also agree for your use. in my case the biggest thing i do is vid reencode. so i just shut everything down i can and run that and walk away till it's done. i bought a nvidia gtx 750 ti manufactured by asus and am very happy with it.

July 15th, 2017, 02:34 AM
sorry bout the harddrive suggestion. looking at your prices i guess i got a bad deal. On sale my ass that drive's going back lol

July 15th, 2017, 02:54 AM
new link to it. [not sure if this one is viewable]. meant to upload this earlier but my system got ransacked by a virus and forced me back to linux.... [it got to my friggin boot manager....].


July 15th, 2017, 03:01 AM
might want to think about the 6300 over the 6200 cpu i got mine for the same price you have the 6200. i'd also drop the stand alone sound card. with the builtin sould this day and really a waste of money in my book.


July 15th, 2017, 03:09 AM
might want to think about the 6300 over the 6200 cpu i got mine for the same price you have the 6200. i'd also drop the stand alone sound card. with the builtin sould this day and really a waste of money in my book.


hmmm... just tested the 6300... says incompatability issues... id rather not have even the smallest of those since it is my first actual custom build [supposing i can get it].

July 15th, 2017, 01:25 PM
that might be with the msi mobo. i've got a asus 970 pro gaming/aura and i literally have no issues right now. actually i just switched from a msi board to the asus. with the msi board liked to run at over 90%. i replaced the board and ended up not even having to reinstall windows. on boot window did the getting devices ready and once on the desktop i have yet to have any issue.

July 17th, 2017, 04:42 AM
new link to it. [not sure if this one is viewable]. meant to upload this earlier but my system got ransacked by a virus and forced me back to linux.... [it got to my friggin boot manager....].


the gpu is 128bit.
and for gaming i think 600W would be a safe amount for a PSU since you will be stressing the whole rig. IMO. actually it might have to be more, I have a 600W from 2012 and its already showing signs, but i do overclock, but then my parts are not nearly as powerful as yours

July 22nd, 2017, 02:14 AM
Alright so here is how I see it
RAM good
PSU please no, get to 700 WATT
MOBO fine
HDD fine tho SSD for os would be very helpful
CPU ew amd but yeah its fine

Here is the biggest problem.

You are spending over 1000 on a pc. For a couple hundred extra (still keeping you under 2000) you could get yourself a 10 series card.
Your grafix card is utterly pathetic for the price range you are at. Look into a 1070 graphics card.
I know that its more expensive (not over 2000 dollars mind u) but the 10 series cards will are worth every single penny.

ALSO are you a college student? in case you are, you should never ever be paying in full for an OS. I just finished freshman year at college and wow are those deals great