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August 29th, 2017, 10:16 PM
Ahhh, I guess I could put TH2 on a VM, Just being lazy and don't want to go through all that, just thought someone would already have it set up :cheeky:

no mate that TH2 installation is not required. use grim's import scripts. firstly use the 7 to 10th2 import script to import the windows 7 theme to th2.. (your actual windows installation can be rs2 that's not a problem). save the theme, close it, reopen & save it once more & close it. (btw the instructions are all there on grims thread). now use the 10 to 10 RS1+ import script importing the 10th2 theme ...apply stylehack then save & close... reopen the theme & save it once more & thats it. Now you do the rest of the fixes, etc manually.

thats how i do it & it works for me every time.

Custom Class Maps and Import Scripts for Windows 10 TH2 & RS1 (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/70828-Custom-Class-Maps-and-Import-Scripts-for-Windows-10-TH2-RS1)

Windows 7 to Windows 10 TH2 (Only for TH2, does not work on RS1).
1. Open the folder called "Windows Style Builder 7-10 TH2"
2. Open the WSB Program.
3. Go to File > Open > Import 7 Theme
4. Open the the Windows 7 Theme you want to import.
5. Save your theme and then reopen it, then save it once more and your done.


August 30th, 2017, 07:34 AM
no mate that TH2 installation is not required. use grim's import scripts. firstly use the 7 to 10th2 import script to import the windows 7 theme to th2.. (your actual windows installation can be rs2 that's not a problem). save the theme, close it, reopen & save it once more & close it. (btw the instructions are all there on grims thread). now use the 10 to 10 RS1+ import script importing the 10th2 theme ...apply stylehack then save & close... reopen the theme & save it once more & thats it. Now you do the rest of the fixes, etc manually.

thats how i do it & it works for me every time.

Custom Class Maps and Import Scripts for Windows 10 TH2 & RS1 (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/70828-Custom-Class-Maps-and-Import-Scripts-for-Windows-10-TH2-RS1)

Windows 7 to Windows 10 TH2 (Only for TH2, does not work on RS1).
1. Open the folder called "Windows Style Builder 7-10 TH2"
2. Open the WSB Program.
3. Go to File > Open > Import 7 Theme
4. Open the the Windows 7 Theme you want to import.
5. Save your theme and then reopen it, then save it once more and your done.


I didn't think that would work, I might have to give it a go myself :smile:

Yeah I gave it a go but no joy :sad:

Dark Knight
August 30th, 2017, 02:31 PM
no mate that TH2 installation is not required. use grim's import scripts. firstly use the 7 to 10th2 import script to import the windows 7 theme to th2.. (your actual windows installation can be rs2 that's not a problem). save the theme, close it, reopen & save it once more & close it. (btw the instructions are all there on grims thread). now use the 10 to 10 RS1+ import script importing the 10th2 theme ...apply stylehack then save & close... reopen the theme & save it once more & thats it. Now you do the rest of the fixes, etc manually.

thats how i do it & it works for me every time.

Custom Class Maps and Import Scripts for Windows 10 TH2 & RS1 (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/70828-Custom-Class-Maps-and-Import-Scripts-for-Windows-10-TH2-RS1)

Windows 7 to Windows 10 TH2 (Only for TH2, does not work on RS1).
1. Open the folder called "Windows Style Builder 7-10 TH2"
2. Open the WSB Program.
3. Go to File > Open > Import 7 Theme
4. Open the the Windows 7 Theme you want to import.
5. Save your theme and then reopen it, then save it once more and your done.


GRiM's right, it does not work, I have tried hundreds of times not only with this theme but other Windows 7 themes, all I get for my efforts is "there is an error in the msstyle file". I just happened to be reading through all those older threads were GRiM mentioned about having to use the OS that you are trying to port to when it clicked.
I don't know how you are able to do it and not the rest of us ??? because there are still a lot of Windows 7 themes I would like to bring to 10, especially this beauty.
I am going to try and set TH2 up on a VM today and see if that works, if it'll even register now.

August 30th, 2017, 05:05 PM
GRiM's right, it does not work, I have tried hundreds of times not only with this theme but other Windows 7 themes, all I get for my efforts is "there is an error in the msstyle file". I just happened to be reading through all those older threads were GRiM mentioned about having to use the OS that you are trying to port to when it clicked.
I don't know how you are able to do it and not the rest of us ??? because there are still a lot of Windows 7 themes I would like to bring to 10, especially this beauty.
I am going to try and set TH2 up on a VM today and see if that works, if it'll even register now.

but that is how I do it every time i port my own themes!! so odd!! in fact that is how i even ported john wick over to rs2..... this is really confusing!!!

Dark Knight
August 30th, 2017, 07:06 PM
but that is how I do it every time i port my own themes!! so odd!! in fact that is how i even ported john wick over to rs2..... this is really confusing!!!

Well then, would you mind telling us how you are doing it, step by step? because I just took the time to setup TH2 on a VM and it's still not working.

In the mean time, you could be a real sport and port this to TH2 (since it works for you) so I can bring it to the Creators Update?

August 30th, 2017, 08:50 PM
Well then, would you mind telling us how you are doing it, step by step? because I just took the time to setup TH2 on a VM and it's still not working.

In the mean time, you could be a real sport and port this to TH2 (since it works for you) so I can bring it to the Creators Update?

OKAY.. ill post back in a bit

August 30th, 2017, 09:03 PM
Well then, would you mind telling us how you are doing it, step by step? because I just took the time to setup TH2 on a VM and it's still not working.

In the mean time, you could be a real sport and port this to TH2 (since it works for you) so I can bring it to the Creators Update?

and as for the step by step:
i take the 7 to 10TH2 import script in one folder, copy the exe from my wsb install (version & replace the exe inside the import script folder & then I take 10 to 10RS1+ script in another folder repeating the same process for the exe.
then i use the 7 to 10 th2 script by opening the wsb.exe in that folder & click open & import 7 theme & select the thene. once it's imported .. i save the theme in a new folder with the shellsyle dll for rs2 already present inside said folder(donno if that matters). i close the theme & reopen it then save it one more time & close it & exit wsb.
the i iopen up the wsb.exe inside the 10 to 10 RS1+ folder, click open & import 7 theme & select the previously saved theme. once its imported I apply the stylehack that grim posted.then i save the theme & close it, reopen it again & save it again, then close it. then i reopen it & hit test for the first time & it works.. well works for all the themes I've posted in the 10 themes section.

& that's it

August 30th, 2017, 10:27 PM
In the mean time, you could be a real sport and port this to TH2 (since it works for you) so I can bring it to the Creators Update?


Here you go mate... just ported to win 10 rs2 ... i did not do anything else .. so its completely untouched... the shellstyle is the default nav & text version
i realize you were asking for a th2 imported version, but if you see above in the lthe steps i follow, there is no way to know for sure if its working because the first time i can test it is when i import it for the rs2/rs1 version, hence the rs2 impoted theme..


August 31st, 2017, 01:03 AM
and as for the step by step:
i take the 7 to 10TH2 import script in one folder, copy the exe from my wsb install (version & replace the exe inside the import script folder & then I take 10 to 10RS1+ script in another folder repeating the same process for the exe.
then i use the 7 to 10 th2 script by opening the wsb.exe in that folder & click open & import 7 theme & select the thene. once it's imported .. i save the theme in a new folder with the shellsyle dll for rs2 already present inside said folder(donno if that matters). i close the theme & reopen it then save it one more time & close it & exit wsb.
the i iopen up the wsb.exe inside the 10 to 10 RS1+ folder, click open & import 7 theme & select the previously saved theme. once its imported I apply the stylehack that grim posted.then i save the theme & close it, reopen it again & save it again, then close it. then i reopen it & hit test for the first time & it works.. well works for all the themes I've posted in the 10 themes section.

& that's it

This is interesting, the way I always did it was in a VM of TH2. Although I find your instructions difficult to follow, that's awesome you got it to work in that method, kudos to you. At this point no one can tell you about the details of importing from 7-10, you have mastered this. :Peace:

August 31st, 2017, 01:33 AM
At this point no one can tell you about the details of importing from 7-10, you have mastered this. :Peace:

WOW!!!! coming from you Shem, that i consider quite the compliment!! Thanks mate.:happy::Peace:

August 31st, 2017, 12:33 PM
I had a look at the one Devilinside posted and compared it to mine to see why his works but I cant figure it out, anyway I did fix a fair few bits from his import so it should be a bit easier to complete.

Dark Knight
August 31st, 2017, 02:24 PM
I had a look at the one Devilinside posted and compared it to mine to see why his works but I cant figure it out, anyway I did fix a fair few bits from his import so it should be a bit easier to complete.

From what I understand Grim, I have been reading over on the WSB forums, it has something to do with either the start menu or Explorer and Shell when porting a Windows 7 theme. I read one users post over there where he will open a Windows 7 theme then export each tree section as a style hack then re-import each section of tree and test until he finds the one causing the trouble and as he stated it is usually the start menu or explorer and shell tree.

I had noticed that even devilinside's port that the start menu is not ported correctly but how he does it is beyond me because I have followed his directions to a tee and I still get the msstyle error message.

August 31st, 2017, 03:29 PM
I had a look at the one Devilinside posted and compared it to mine to see why his works but I cant figure it out, anyway I did fix a fair few bits from his import so it should be a bit easier to complete.

Thanks, I'll get on it right away. I'll have it posted once I'm done [mind I'll need someone to create the proper System Metrics reg file for me to include for use on Windows 10 RS2 but I should be able to get the rest done [I'll let you guys know if I come across anything else I may need].:Peace:


Ok, mostly finished I think.... just gotta see if someone can get the nav bar buttons in, lol. It seems that's done differently in Windows 10 than in Windows 7, lol. Some areas need font color fixed as well. I noticed while attaching this that the text was black in the file explorer window when selecting a file to attach. It also seems the bg tuns white if you're not using details view in the file selection windows. I've gotten as much as I know how to done, though. I hope this helps someone.



August 31st, 2017, 05:07 PM
looks good now

September 1st, 2017, 05:50 AM
From what I understand Grim, I have been reading over on the WSB forums, it has something to do with either the start menu or Explorer and Shell when porting a Windows 7 theme. I read one users post over there where he will open a Windows 7 theme then export each tree section as a style hack then re-import each section of tree and test until he finds the one causing the trouble and as he stated it is usually the start menu or explorer and shell tree.

I had noticed that even devilinside's port that the start menu is not ported correctly but how he does it is beyond me because I have followed his directions to a tee and I still get the msstyle error message.

Yeah that's pretty much what I did as well, the only error that I got was when I tried to import the DWM Window style hack so maybe that's where the problem is.

September 1st, 2017, 10:01 AM
Thanks, I'll get on it right away. I'll have it posted once I'm done [mind I'll need someone to create the proper System Metrics reg file for me to include for use on Windows 10 RS2 but I should be able to get the rest done [I'll let you guys know if I come across anything else I may need].:Peace:


Ok, mostly finished I think.... just gotta see if someone can get the nav bar buttons in, lol. It seems that's done differently in Windows 10 than in Windows 7, lol. Some areas need font color fixed as well. I noticed while attaching this that the text was black in the file explorer window when selecting a file to attach. It also seems the bg tuns white if you're not using details view in the file selection windows. I've gotten as much as I know how to done, though. I hope this helps someone.

dialog window(save as) & similar, is under explorer & shell...under items view properties i think.. either way, im downloading your updated copy & will fix it up

September 1st, 2017, 10:14 AM
From what I understand Grim, I have been reading over on the WSB forums, it has something to do with either the start menu or Explorer and Shell when porting a Windows 7 theme. I read one users post over there where he will open a Windows 7 theme then export each tree section as a style hack then re-import each section of tree and test until he finds the one causing the trouble and as he stated it is usually the start menu or explorer and shell tree.

I had noticed that even devilinside's port that the start menu is not ported correctly but how he does it is beyond me because I have followed his directions to a tee and I still get the msstyle error message.

one more thing:
i didn't think or rather don't think this should matter but in windows 7 i do use style builder version but in win 10 as i mentioned before I use version ... so that's about the whole setup.. yes start menu does not get ported properly this way... neither does the taskbar..but the rest of the theme stays in place pretty much

September 1st, 2017, 07:57 PM
Fixed the Nav buttons & menu buttons, also put in the branding & genuine images as well as the navigation & top bar for control panel, fixed the start button, and fixed search icon & close icon for the addressbar & searchbox. Included a set of start buttons for use with SiB.



September 1st, 2017, 11:26 PM
Fixed the Nav buttons & menu buttons, also put in the branding & genuine images as well as the navigation & top bar for control panel, fixed the start button, and fixed search icon & close icon for the addressbar & searchbox. Included a set of start buttons for use with SiB.



AWESOME!!! THANKS SO MUCH! I only see one remaining issue [maybe two not sure]. The one I see for sure is that the toolbars menu on the taskbar's right click context menu isn't fully skinned [custom toolbars show up white and the address and links toolbar options also show up white].

The one I 'might' have spotted is basically a slight bit of something around the forward/back buttons on the nav bar [not sure if that is an actual issue but thought I should point it out].


September 2nd, 2017, 01:10 AM
AWESOME!!! THANKS SO MUCH! I only see one remaining issue [maybe two not sure]. The one I see for sure is that the toolbars menu on the taskbar's right click context menu isn't fully skinned [custom toolbars show up white and the address and links toolbar options also show up white].

The one I 'might' have spotted is basically a slight bit of something around the forward/back buttons on the nav bar [not sure if that is an actual issue but thought I should point it out].


The toolbar flyout is a bug in SiB I already informed Tihiy but he wasn't interested in fixing it.

September 2nd, 2017, 01:10 AM
Fixed the Nav buttons & menu buttons, also put in the branding & genuine images as well as the navigation & top bar for control panel, fixed the start button, and fixed search icon & close icon for the addressbar & searchbox. Included a set of start buttons for use with SiB.



Awesome work guys, I think that was a good team effort lol

September 2nd, 2017, 03:50 AM
The toolbar flyout is a bug in SiB I already informed Tihiy but he wasn't interested in fixing it.

Ah, ok thanks for the info.

Awesome work guys, I think that was a good team effort lol

Agreed. Mind i did notice there is still black text in the save file window and the navigation pane is also still not showing up in there. But I dun have Vista Style Builder anymore because one look at it and my mind broke from being completely overloaded, lol. No way in hell I'll figure that out without first going through some serious mental training, lol. That's just too much for me since I have no experience or knowledge at all with it, lol.

September 2nd, 2017, 04:00 AM
Awesome work guys, I think that was a good team effort lol

thanks mate... you started it we just capped off:Peace:

September 2nd, 2017, 04:05 AM
thanks mate... you started it we just capped off:Peace:

Agreed. And that said, I'd say it's ready to be posted into a thread of it's own. Who wants to do the honors? I'd do it but I feel it would be best if someone who had a section devoted to themes they made and/or ported did so. That way it would be easier to find, lol.
[unless someone here sees something that deems it not being quite ready yet, lol]

September 2nd, 2017, 04:19 AM
Mind i did notice there is still black text in the save file window and the navigation pane is also still not showing up in there. But I dun have Vista Style Builder anymore because one look at it and my mind broke from being completely overloaded, lol. No way in hell I'll figure that out without first going through some serious mental training, lol. That's just too much for me since I have no experience or knowledge at all with it, lol.

the save file dialog text seems fine on my end.. not black on black i mean.. & navigation pane not showing up.. i left a unnecessary fillcolor property in there ..sorry now it's removed ... just bear with me a bit check my next post .. i'm re uploading the theme

September 2nd, 2017, 04:32 AM
okay fixed up a few more things namely:
nav buttons
menu buttons
context menu(was totally unthemed... my bad)



September 2nd, 2017, 08:58 AM
okay fixed up a few more things namely:
nav buttons
menu buttons
context menu(was totally unthemed... my bad)



Thanks. As for the save menu black text issue.... i dunno what happened but it seems to have gone away. must have been a momentary glitch on my end or something just not loading properly...

Only thing left that I can see to finish is the clock, lol.

September 2nd, 2017, 10:56 AM
Thanks. As for the save menu black text issue.... i dunno what happened but it seems to have gone away. must have been a momentary glitch on my end or something just not loading properly...

Only thing left that I can see to finish is the clock, lol.

clock?? how'd you make the clock show up in win10?? excuse my ignorance..but i really don't know how.. but please do tell if this is possible to do then how??

Agreed. And that said, I'd say it's ready to be posted into a thread of it's own. Who wants to do the honors? I'd do it but I feel it would be best if someone who had a section devoted to themes they made and/or ported did so. That way it would be easier to find,]

yeah if it is deemed ready .. cuz we have practically hijacked razors thread ..sorry dude...i was thinking since this was a team effort ... why not keep a separate thread for these special cases in case we get to do another 7 theme like this!!!?? --(it was fun)

Dark Knight
September 2nd, 2017, 02:04 PM
okay fixed up a few more things namely:
nav buttons
menu buttons
context menu(was totally unthemed... my bad)



Beautiful job!

The only thing that looks a little off are the nav buttons, look at the ones in Razors screen caps, they don't have the light line around them, I had gotten mine to this point also but did not want to post it because of that and I couldn't figure a way to get rid of it , not without re-making the buttons themselves.

September 2nd, 2017, 02:46 PM
Beautiful job!

The only thing that looks a little off are the nav buttons, look at the ones in Razors screen caps, they don't have the light line around them, I had gotten mine to this point also but did not want to post it because of that and I couldn't figure a way to get rid of it , not without re-making the buttons themselves.

yeah i saw ...well i guess I need to remake it... once i'm done ill re-upload it

September 2nd, 2017, 03:18 PM
yeah i saw ...well i guess I need to remake it... once i'm done ill re-upload it
ONE can't handle transparency on nav buttons or the dropdown arrow. Usually I copy the layer a bunch of times on top of itself so the transparency is gone. Then you want to remove any ugly pixels one by one to get the roundness back.

September 2nd, 2017, 03:28 PM
Beautiful job!

The only thing that looks a little off are the nav buttons, look at the ones in Razors screen caps, they don't have the light line around them, I had gotten mine to this point also but did not want to post it because of that and I couldn't figure a way to get rid of it , not without re-making the buttons themselves.

That's a problem with all themes on windows 10 on the nav buttons, any nav buttons that have semi transparent pixels create a white border, that's why I try to add a solid background to the nav buttons instead, just another one of those things that bug me when themeing on Windows 10.

I had a go at making them look better, I think it's about as good as your going to get.

September 2nd, 2017, 03:38 PM
ONE can't handle transparency on nav buttons or the dropdown arrow. Usually I copy the layer a bunch of times on top of itself so the transparency is gone. Then you want to remove any ugly pixels one by one to get the roundness back.

The problem is nothing to do with ONE it's Microsoft that stuffed up when they started using the msstyles instead of the shell32.dll bitmap images for the nav buttons, not that I don't like having them in the msstyles, I think they should have always been that way but the implementation was poor, even the default themes have these ugly white pixelated edges, not so much on Windows 10 but on Windows 8 when they had round nav buttons it was very ugly, looks like instead of fixing the issue they made the buttons even more basic.

September 2nd, 2017, 03:57 PM
they started using the msstyles instead of the shell32.dll bitmap images for the nav buttons
Sorry to cut into this, but...shell32? I could've sworn it was ExplorerFrame in 7...or am I just losing my mind? .-.

September 2nd, 2017, 07:08 PM
ONE can't handle transparency on nav buttons or the dropdown arrow. Usually I copy the layer a bunch of times on top of itself so the transparency is gone. Then you want to remove any ugly pixels one by one to get the roundness back.

i was doing exactly that very thing.. creating multi layers & merging them & i just looked in here & saw you posted this!~!@!

September 2nd, 2017, 07:20 PM
That's a problem with all themes on windows 10 on the nav buttons, any nav buttons that have semi transparent pixels create a white border, that's why I try to add a solid background to the nav buttons instead, just another one of those things that bug me when themeing on Windows 10.

I had a go at making them look better, I think it's about as good as your going to get.

thanks mate.. & i think it's done...we covered all the aspects of the theme?? right?

September 2nd, 2017, 08:04 PM
Sorry to cut into this, but...shell32? I could've sworn it was ExplorerFrame in 7...or am I just losing my mind? .-.

i think wat grim is referring to is limited to 10 maybe 8 but not windows 7.. just guessing here though

September 2nd, 2017, 08:32 PM
clock?? how'd you make the clock show up in win10?? excuse my ignorance..but i really don't know how.. but please do tell if this is possible to do then how??

yeah if it is deemed ready .. cuz we have practically hijacked razors thread ..sorry dude...i was thinking since this was a team effort ... why not keep a separate thread for these special cases in case we get to do another 7 theme like this!!!?? --(it was fun)

I meant the taskbar clock text. In the Win7 version it's a completely different text and style than what is currently in the ported version. The timedate.cpl images only apply to the advanced clock settings area where it shows a analog clock.

And as for a separate thread to use for team projects, I agree, we should definitely set one up.

Beautiful job!

The only thing that looks a little off are the nav buttons, look at the ones in Razors screen caps, they don't have the light line around them, I had gotten mine to this point also but did not want to post it because of that and I couldn't figure a way to get rid of it , not without re-making the buttons themselves.

I notice that as well, however, in my honest opinion I actually like the way they look so far. However, I wouldn't be opposed to it being fixed if it is possible, lol.

September 2nd, 2017, 08:59 PM
That's a problem with all themes on windows 10 on the nav buttons, any nav buttons that have semi transparent pixels create a white border, that's why I try to add a solid background to the nav buttons instead, just another one of those things that bug me when themeing on Windows 10.

I had a go at making them look better, I think it's about as good as your going to get.

Awesome fix! Great job! One thing, though. the font used for the clock in your fix is far different from the font in Razorsedge's post... was there a problem applying the font he used?

And lastly any idea on whether there will be a custom system metrics file for use with this theme?


Nvm on the font issue... I'm an idiot... I didn't have the font installed lmao..... It is aligned kinda off though. Needs to be pushed down a few pixels i think


September 2nd, 2017, 09:33 PM
gr8 thanks for the separate thread.. so whats next?http://virtualcustoms.net/image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAACAAAAAgCAYAAABzenr0AAAABGdBTUEAALGPC/xhBQAACV9JREFUWMOtl2lwldUZx3/nve97l Tm3iw3KyEJu6DIEhBEFkUroOhMP9hBKiq1RfzQqWXqUq0oHaszOtqxixbqtE5tpeKCFcUiFAGJkogsAQIJAUMSyJ6b5d7c5V2efshNDB2sduqZOfPe z/vOef/Puc8z/N/lIjQ81MNANTgwy2CEdSojQfYXhvgV/sS9Ef6yUz3YJomAKZpkkgkSLU0YAZQBZhDYGG2zp XaywpTdI7oMAGpRhugecdNL6dthxYM3JzgFWz3CyZ7iXW/9UTvw0CfuBJwAbmDYGjQplMLMzgfHsSw/X/EFAgIiACCJZlEY/HPaZpTgUeBzqBQmCWpmnFLm3Qxh6PF69L4ch/X17/qgFBoSvBh4kZTyJmbHE4bN7m9rhnBwKBSYZh AFs2yaRSHhisdhky7JWAWOBzU48cU5TLjQGuSsF8o0IKHBMcLtskqapKlv8q/MLC39Rkpc2JicnE92XgekIjp3AsRJEo1E6usJ0h/t1M2kuNzTX8qTtenrApb9f39G3fkmBdciwIGJf2txqpBeIAs2CYIZQa/rnvfDFVa/6inLGLpkthDL99PYEabygUXs zqnmbsI93UQjERxHGJWTQVluGnkhwR I0NFnUdPgY1GwafNPJtfcL520hwcUuudiL9C/NDmQhGCOUCUFP3sjueDZ766p4ztTdoPoJLPyiLa2UNA0nqwTV FVXj7qc2O405g7NsgVk4Qp5UcoyfsCv1vDVTSKtqZWtu677PbnL8xftLbkwKrMZmt3b1Th8jB8HsMWcEzIDgpHfPkPbHPNf aelTsoCjmgPQa 2 DDF2BSHHK3ET7fScWeW6g85MG0bK6aEeHaZTvIzvSB/1EwVsCe38K4GBRsY/f Ac4cnNx Z/qnd6h62RmzFco1Ig4oR8j2CU3e9OveT8555q6VH1CUEwLzDPgehpN98NJWOLoMPB RFcqk/NodXF3WyYLLupl304dk54wC7SQYP4fTMfj1FqhcBMYeFs/RKZ3TkPdOZNrT7mKKlSXD3qEBBD2AD/7WOnPD9GsuUJI7AP2vQGYBvL0eNn4PrvbDm7chB85C1l4K0gYYP YEk2fVUJBpQ RPEBwN234Jv78Z5mfAu99H9tdC2n5unNlOV46r/JNI0d2BHHCsEQRsDd5uLLrlgpa/4PryQxCdjeMfCzTCv96CbB3KF8Jjf4GcAzjNf0d15pCT30loTAskZ OkjwNaYMdbkGHDrAWwfjOEDuJ88VcYSGfmjDY bBu7ytJIz/bLlwSeOl7gfe1c8YrxpSZecaDTgzIUgo1sWAuF9XB8E1L/MuI7iup9Fumx0HUdXQNp8aEMHSGBbFiLlLXD0T9C7e8Q72fQ/xy0JZgUiFEXC0x872zoBtJGWGD9P515Z3tcS8dkaiQTHmioRXgOtiyF7a/jXLcQ8gpRnTEUhUjRTOx2Hcc2cRxwmuoG3996E2x7DVl0DRQUQGcE5eRDUTl0e1GWRYYmbKzOuP7Jfe4RoViic2wrlt3V6qMvfRT0dWB9sBm1LIhqOYX22m4wg8iyZahSP1aVDb1dxNzZxIw8JNaK d5m1I0ZqPbawfcTfmTpraixIeyqJIR7aNfz8MZtPj4Tnf3YruS4YQKGIVO6eyPUNTucqSqBmzXU/jbie304D90Oc5bAzU9CyEf8H5Xon1Rh3eTm3KliGj4tQpYYuA62E9tpYD 4AubcCEufgvxM4ts/xThQhbPAzbGK0dQ1RYlGwuXA1cOh2KNrOX39vXxe386ovQXklExj/BOHMV7cR/LgMSidCO8/j2qoxevvgnUuDp YQcXBXGxxcAqFORuq0V swHziBHbpJGj7Da7GU3jTOmGdi8rj09m/K43DtbWAaQD5wwQ0l bSlMWRmnp8hgulJhC51cflD53AXROG1kqwgHKIXZbN4X1T2fVmNm/sPYumFHEpxU6kM3NdDd7aHmipHFQGMyEyIZvKjy5n5xtZfFB5ira28xdlYh3AcRxTcyli0V72VFbT3TeWxvYirqjIo6y8m0BhFBEIt2RQ926QQ9U2Hx to bkSUDDtk3Od5ZyZP81TJjdS2ZBFBFFV2M6tVsCfF5tsu9QNY1NDSPzkDUciv1 /0al1BpN0zBNC9NW5IZyKRuVR2F2BhnpBo4jhPsSNLeHOdvcQl9PNx6vjjg2yaRJuj HsuICikJBAmluHIHe/hiN7WEami9gJSMjN 8C7hSR7UpESE9PXwNsVEqhaRq245BIJLHFhaF70HUdREiaSWwzgeYSvB5jUKMAlmUNa0VwAe5UtklwaRXAe8BdItKtA4jILuCAgrmmZWGZJh7DQHO5sO0kthlHAF1TeNIMlALbdnAcZzCjKYVhGNi2jePYQOzrdNZWoHv4IiQSiWbbNOuTjkPcMLCDQQZiMSKRCLFYDNNM4tIUuu5CRLBtZ1CmDaVyEUQETdNQI2VvqmVmZTFh4UK0YHAI6r5oMvA4SkkQ5H6QLY8 Kn/YtUvufuQRKZswQVJ2/J96SXGx/GjtWnnns8/ktIic2bpV1vh8Q NHgWkiMixIHESYCTwIHH/2WcZ0d7PivvuQDRto7OmhqqKCip07OXOijvNNTXR0tKbOXQgEgowuKWV06RjmLV7I4luWc2VxMQbQefo0lStXEtq8mRuATYP79QC9w16glNKBp4AHVgM/ADqANiB/2nQmrvohJdcuJ2NyKaQNunhXAmwLRIOAFwIjLN9T08Sxra/TtOVVBqqrKQbCmsbDQKPjXEjJ93MiMkxgaO49wEtXgnEHMDUFRoFgLkyZn0HR8hkwaTzkFYHHO8imLw7NLVBfT8eeg9TtidLVN gPlsfDx6EQmyIR nt73wZWA31Dx/ fBACCwDqUurdUyF dBffOFQompEasVPjyAk7qwvcDYWAghadl0N0/mhfPetjUPeA0dba Q2/v08DBi6T/VxAYoZnVXFD3KeGOK9NFm5EHl2cL4wo0cgNuAj4PLsOHKT4SKp1 LZdj0SC7znaxrzXcFGk//wx94ZeB CVrj8GCR75B9aWmgnoFVAKUgCbgEbSgkFYgBMuErHGCr0hQaQ3Aj4Hsi6sN1KUIXMoC3lSmKgSKgFDKddzAeGAMkAEYKcwZFPSYqTKtLnV/9dSXt6T t6aeia8joKUWdqcW0Uf8TqaKUG1EJ0XCSn2lkcLNFDbUEynMGUng31dHYel0af4oAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC

September 2nd, 2017, 11:25 PM
Sorry to cut into this, but...shell32? I could've sworn it was ExplorerFrame in 7...or am I just losing my mind? .-.

sorry my bad yes explorerframe.dll

September 2nd, 2017, 11:31 PM
Awesome fix! Great job! One thing, though. the font used for the clock in your fix is far different from the font in Razorsedge's post... was there a problem applying the font he used?

And lastly any idea on whether there will be a custom system metrics file for use with this theme?


Nvm on the font issue... I'm an idiot... I didn't have the font installed lmao..... It is aligned kinda off though. Needs to be pushed down a few pixels i think


I changed the font but thats the best I could get with the alignment, Windows 10 doesn't allow the use of content margins for the clock though and adding any sort of glow effect moves the clock up, I would have set the glow size to 0 but for some reason using this font it cut half of the last character off.

I just looked at mine again and it seems to be better aligned for me, maybe something to do with the time format.

September 2nd, 2017, 11:34 PM
I changed the font but thats the best I could get with the alignment, Windows 10 doesn't allow the use of content margins for the clock though and adding any sort of glow effect moves the clock up, I would have set the glow size to 0 but for some reason using this font it cut half of the last character off.

Ah, ok. In that case I do believe the only thing left is a system metrics file if anyone knows how to create one. I'm currently still on the Teak Modern one which for me works but I'm not sure if it is any different than what this theme is meant to be set to.


whoops forgot to mention the unusually tiny taskbar in small taskbar mode again, lol. Spotted this from the very start but kept forgetting to bring it up. It's practically far smaller than what I would've thought it was intended to be... [I may be wrong though, lol].


September 3rd, 2017, 12:00 AM
Fixed the spacing issue with the start orb. It now has even spacing on both the left AND the right when before there was no spacing at all on the right, lol. Also included a small version for use with the current small taskbar. [if that gets resized I'll update the small orb]


September 3rd, 2017, 01:40 AM
whoops forgot to mention the unusually tiny taskbar in small taskbar mode again, lol. Spotted this from the very start but kept forgetting to bring it up. It's practically far smaller than what I would've thought it was intended to be... [I may be wrong though, lol].

increased taskbar height by 1px... anymore & it just doesn't look right ... so yeah im guessing this is how thin the small taskbar is supposed to be



September 3rd, 2017, 02:26 AM
ah ok then. in that case it's fine the way it is. Doesn't bother me at all tbh just wasn't sure if that was how it was intended to be, lol.

Also for those Black Glass Enhanced lovers out there... take a peak at how well it goes with this theme :greedy:



Also when making the edited start orbs i discovered the Paint3D app is perfect for that :peace:

September 3rd, 2017, 04:45 AM
Added BGE and the desktop context menu registry files to the Extras folder.


September 3rd, 2017, 12:00 PM
if this theme is finalized i propose John Wick to be the next Group Project.. I know that Dark Knight (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/199178-Dark-Knight) has done some work on the imported version I posted a few weeks back.. if we can get that then we can continue the rest of the port.. just a thought!!

Dark Knight
September 3rd, 2017, 02:44 PM
if this theme is finalized i propose John Wick to be the next Group Project.. I know that Dark Knight (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/199178-Dark-Knight) has done some work on the imported version I posted a few weeks back.. if we can get that then we can continue the rest of the port.. just a thought!!

Your wish is my command! ........

I didn't get all that far with it, I wanted to finish it while I was on vacation but aeroglass wasn't working right and in general just pissing me off and now that I am back to work I don't have all that much time to fool with it, but here it is, I re-did the start menu because it didn't port correctly from 7 to 10, you may need to tweak it some.
But now that aeroglass is working, it looks jam up !

September 3rd, 2017, 03:20 PM
Your wish is my command! ........
-LOL almost fell outta my chair when i saw this...
thanks mate

September 3rd, 2017, 10:28 PM
so far so good for the theme except for the close,min,max buttons for explorer. I can't seem to get the margins right on this ..so if someone could help out on that end...


Done so far:
Taskband & Taskband Extended UI
Nav & Menu buttons
Navigation panel & navigation top panel
Context menu's
Built-In start button
Tweaked the start menu
Branding Image & Genuine Image

September 4th, 2017, 12:31 AM
Compiled what I could and attempted to see if a system metrics file i had would change the position of the explorer frame buttons. failed for the buttons but I still got a fair bit compiled


Added a .theme file
Placed the theme into a Theme folder
Placed the extras into an Extras folder


Explorer frame buttons position issue confirmed
Taskbar buttons span entire length of taskbar unless set to show labels
Start buttons included need resizing [I attempted to but although I was able to add the needed space to the right I was unable to line them up, the images need to be either redone with less spacing or more spacing around them (So I deleted the edits I made until better images can be made for me to work with)]


September 4th, 2017, 02:48 AM
Compiled what I could and attempted to see if a system metrics file i had would change the position of the explorer frame buttons. failed for the buttons but I still got a fair bit compiled


Added a .theme file
Placed the theme into a Theme folder
Placed the extras into an Extras folder


Explorer frame buttons position issue confirmed
Taskbar buttons span entire length of taskbar unless set to show labels
Start buttons included need resizing [I attempted to but although I was able to add the needed space to the right I was unable to line them up, the images need to be either redone with less spacing or more spacing around them (So I deleted the edits I made until better images can be made for me to work with)]


other than the explorer controls ill fix up the rest for now

September 4th, 2017, 12:36 PM
So I managed to somewhat fix the button controls for explorer, maybe Dark Knight (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/199178-Dark-Knight) or Grim (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/1-Mr-GRiM) can look into this but this was what I could come up with. I know that I can use the button images in place of the glyph images & they would size better but that's not how the theme was originally done so I have put that idea on hold, for now. I also remade the start button(the one used inside the msstyles) from scratch so need to know if that is up to par. Also removed the branding & genuine images from extras folder as they are embedded in the theme already & removed explorer.exe folder from the theme folder as it doesnt work on windows 10 & added the start button for use with SIB. Taskitem buttons should be fixed now & I reduced the height of small taskbar by 1 px.




Dark Knight
September 4th, 2017, 01:20 PM
So I managed to somewhat fix the button controls for explorer, maybe Dark Knight (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/199178-Dark-Knight) or Grim (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/1-Mr-GRiM) can look into this but this was what I could come up with. I know that I can use the button images in place of the glyph images & they would size better but that's not how the theme was originally done so I have put that idea on hold, for now. I also remade the start button(the one used inside the msstyles) from scratch so need to know if that is up to par. Also removed the branding & genuine images from extras folder as they are embedded in the theme already & removed explorer.exe folder from the theme folder as it doesnt work on windows 10 & added the start button for use with SIB. Taskitem buttons should be fixed now & I reduced the height of small taskbar by 1 px.




Did some work on the nav buttons, let me know how they look now, it would actually help if you had aeroglass installed, you werent too far off but the theme looks completely different without any glass effect......

September 4th, 2017, 01:57 PM
Did some work on the nav buttons, let me know how they look now, it would actually help if you had aeroglass installed, you werent too far off but the theme looks completely different without any glass effect......

right.. ill install aero glass & then test it thanks

September 4th, 2017, 04:05 PM
the buttons are much better now thanks.. but exactly how do you setup aero glass?? installed it but cant make any sense of it..i used grim's installer btw

Dark Knight
September 4th, 2017, 05:18 PM
the buttons are much better now thanks.. but exactly how do you setup aero glass?? installed it but cant make any sense of it..i used grim's installer btw

If you used GRiMs installer then AeroGlass GUI should have been installed with it, open it and set your settings accordingly .......


There should also be a glass reflections folder in your C:\Aeroglass directory, choose one of the reflections provided with the installation. You should be good to go after that, sometimes you may have to reboot for the effects to take place, sometimes it will take right away.

September 4th, 2017, 05:57 PM
thanks mate.. that did the trick.. im posting the updated version of the theme now.. i believe it's done .. if i've missed something please let me know & I will fix it up ASAP

September 4th, 2017, 06:05 PM


John Wick for Windows 10 RS2 Creator's Update:


September 4th, 2017, 10:22 PM


John Wick for Windows 10 RS2 Creator's Update:


Great work! All that's needed now is the clock text to be implemented and for the start orb included to be resized and the spacing in it redone. That one is the issue I couldn't fix with Paint3D it kept causing it to be unrecognizeable by SiB++ when I added the space to the bottom to make it fit properly. And removing the space from the top caused an alignment issue. Adding the space to the right was all I could do, lol.

September 4th, 2017, 10:29 PM
Great work! All that's needed now is the clock text to be implemented and for the start orb included to be resized and the spacing in it redone. That one is the issue I couldn't fix with Paint3D it kept causing it to be unrecognizeable by SiB++ when I added the space to the bottom to make it fit properly. And removing the space from the top caused an alignment issue. Adding the space to the right was all I could do, lol.

you are talking about the single start button inside the msstyles right?? i remade that one from scratch, after your last post, but is it still mismatched?? if so where are the adjustments needed?? i can fix it up in that case

September 4th, 2017, 10:30 PM
Added the space to the right, but again got the same issue when adding the space to the bottom. Here it is with the needed space on the right.


September 4th, 2017, 10:30 PM
you are talking about the single start button inside the msstyles right?? i remade that one from scratch, after your last post, but is it still mismatched?? if so where are the adjustments needed?? i can fix it up in that case

I mean the one in the folder for use with SiB

September 4th, 2017, 10:36 PM
oh!! i didnt even apply it for once with the theme...damn that was a major screwup!! does it cause problems as it is?? cuz thats actually untouched and exactly as razorsedge made it

September 4th, 2017, 10:54 PM
It needs to be centered basically. as it is it stick to the very bottom of the taskbar. Check my version and you'll see the only fix I could get to work was the added space on the right. SiB claimed it wasn't a valid start image when I tried to fix the missing space on the bottom. And removing the space from the top to match the bottom misaligned the top and bottom images.

All I could do was add the missing space to the right...

September 4th, 2017, 11:04 PM
It needs to be centered basically. as it is it stick to the very bottom of the taskbar. Check my version and you'll see the only fix I could get to work was the added space on the right. SiB claimed it wasn't a valid start image when I tried to fix the missing space on the bottom. And removing the space from the top to match the bottom misaligned the top and bottom images.

All I could do was add the missing space to the right...


is this okay??


September 5th, 2017, 12:11 AM

is this okay??


perfect on small taskbar. 1 or 2 pixels low on large but barely noticeable so i say this works :peace:

Great job!


September 7th, 2017, 11:42 AM
Okay,I think I am now finally plagued by the problem Dark Knight (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/199178-Dark-Knight) was talking about..no Windows 7 themes are importing anymore.. all throw an error.. I've tried with applying the stylehack & without applying the stylehack.. same result

Update: Actually i was doing something wrong .. got it to work again Thank God!!

September 27th, 2017, 12:02 AM
Hello everyone. In case you're still wondering what this mysterious reason is for WSB throwing errors.... lmao well it is Fonts, Colors, & System Metrics > Fonts & System Metrics > Textshadowcolor. I figured this out when Razorsedge started posting new themes. Hope this helps. I just tested whether my memory was correct and deleting this single property allows the themes Noisy Boy and Friday the 13th import as expected to TH2.

Also, on a housekeeping note, I went ahead and deleted all your archive attachments in this thread.

September 27th, 2017, 04:00 AM
Hello everyone. In case you're still wondering what this mysterious reason is for WSB throwing errors.... lmao well it is Fonts, Colors, & System Metrics > Fonts & System Metrics > Textshadowcolor. I figured this out when Razorsedge started posting new themes. Hope this helps. I just tested whether my memory was correct and deleting this single property allows the themes Noisy Boy and Friday the 13th import as expected to TH2.

Also, on a housekeeping note, I went ahead and deleted all your archive attachments in this thread.

shems right.. to be more specific.. razorsedge uses the TextshadowOffset: Position & TextshadowColor: Color properties twice. Once in:

Fonts, Colors & System Metrics > Colors (Globals)
& then in:
Fonts, Colors & System Metrics > Fonts & System Metrics
you'll find it at the very bottom.

Delete the two you find under the Fonts & System Metrics tree & you are good to go. The other two works as it should, & doesn't cause any problems.