View Full Version : Retribution Remastered - Desaturated Edition For Creator's Update

September 7th, 2017, 08:23 AM
Retribution Remastered - Desaturated Edition
For Windows 10 Creator's Update



This is a port of the Retribution Remastered - Desaturarted Edition theme by Razorsedege (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/148478-razorsedge).
Big thanks to Mr.Grim (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/1-Mr-GRiM), Dark Knight (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/199178-Dark-Knight) & Nimbi (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/280551-Nimbi) for their contribution & input which made this port possible.

How To:
You'll need your system patched with UXThemePatcher.
You'll also need 'StartIsBack' to apply the start menu & taskbar style & 'OldNewExplorer' for windows explorer to look exactly like it is in the screenshot.

Links to required software:

UltraUXThemePatcher (https://www.syssel.net/hoefs/software_uxtheme.php?lang=en)

OldNewExplorer: (http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/170375-oldnewexplorer-118/)

(http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/170375-oldnewexplorer-118/)StartIsBack: (http://www.startisback.com/)



mike 59
September 7th, 2017, 09:22 PM
thank you guys for sharing in your great work :Smile::happy:

October 3rd, 2017, 06:48 PM
great theme, thanks for import for Win10

December 21st, 2017, 06:34 AM
How do i use this theme but using the original icons and making all the font white?

December 21st, 2017, 05:09 PM
How do i use this theme but using the original icons and making all the font white?

If you want to use the original icons go into C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\Retribution Remastered - Special Desaturated Edition\Imageres.dll\ & delete all the icons in there. No way to change the font colour without editing the theme itself.

December 21st, 2017, 09:00 PM
If you want to use the original icons go into C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\Retribution Remastered - Special Desaturated Edition\Imageres.dll\ & delete all the icons in there. No way to change the font colour without editing the theme itself.

Sounds good. And I assume I can edit the theme with WSB, correct?

December 24th, 2017, 12:39 AM
Sounds good. And I assume I can edit the theme with WSB, correct?

yup!! that's right!!

December 24th, 2017, 05:39 AM
yup!! that's right!!

If you dont mind, would you tell me where in WSB I need to go to change the font color?

December 24th, 2017, 05:54 AM
If you dont mind, would you tell me where in WSB I need to go to change the font color?

do yo want to change colours for all the parts ,i.e, start menu explorer windows etc?? or somewhere specific?

December 24th, 2017, 06:06 PM
do yo want to change colours for all the parts ,i.e, start menu explorer windows etc?? or somewhere specific?

Hi devilInside,

No, I dont want the start menu customized at all. I just want the font color of explorer windows changed to white. I hope this theme doesnt change the appearance of the start menu. So where do I change the font color in WSB?

December 30th, 2017, 11:45 PM
Hi devilInside,

No, I dont want the start menu customized at all. I just want the font color of explorer windows changed to white. I hope this theme doesnt change the appearance of the start menu. So where do I change the font color in WSB?

hey mate.. extremely sorry for the late reply..didn't notice your post..
anyway.. for the explorer texts: there are quite a few different locations but lets just start simple..

assuming you want to change the text colours for explorer in its default state, as in , when you first open the window, look here:

1)Explorer & Shell > Explorer > Items View > ItemsView: TEXTCOLOR ( C drive /D drive -these text)
2)Explorer & Shell > Explorer > Items View > ItemsView > Details > Property: TEXTCOLOR (for the details on your partitions, as in the free space, etc)
3)Explorer & Shell > Explorer > Items View > ItemsView > Details > Details View Default: TEXTCOLOR (pretty much self explanatory following the above property)
4)Explorer & Shell > Explorer > Items View > ItemsView > Details > Selected: TEXTCOLOR (Colour property for no.1 but in a clicked/selected state)
5)Explorer & Shell > Explorer > Items View > ItemsView > Details > Compressed Folder: TEXTCOLOR
6)Explorer & Shell > Explorer > Items View > ItemsView > Details > Compressed Folder Selected: TEXTCOLOR
7)Explorer & Shell > Explorer > Items View > ItemsView > Details > Encrypted Folder: TEXTCOLOR
8)Explorer & Shell > Explorer > Items View > ItemsView > Details > Encrypted Folder Selected: TEXTCOLOR
9)Explorer & Shell > Explorer > Items View > ItemsView > Search Label: TEXTCOLOR

hope that helps

December 31st, 2017, 01:26 AM
I like this its Simple yet stylish

January 3rd, 2018, 08:58 AM
Sounds good. And I assume I can edit the theme with WSB, correct?

Hey devilinside,

How do I remove the status bar from themes in win explorer? Its annoying. Look at what I mean circled in red in this screen shot:


January 4th, 2018, 05:42 PM
Hey devilinside,

How do I remove the status bar from themes in win explorer? Its annoying. Look at what I mean circled in red in this screen shot:


that ain't the status bar mate.. that's the Details Pane... if you don't want it, open up ONE & look for the option "Show details pane on the bottom" & uncheck it...(it's located just above the two drop downs @ the bottom of the ONE config window)..

January 4th, 2018, 08:24 PM
that ain't the status bar mate.. that's the Details Pane... if you don't want it, open up ONE & look for the option "Show details pane on the bottom" & uncheck it...(it's located just above the two drop downs @ the bottom of the ONE config window)..

Wassup devilinside,

Yeah that works now! But ONE has some lag to it cuz I I had to check then uncheck that option. Thats how it worked for me. I got btw. Thanks man.

January 4th, 2018, 11:17 PM
Wassup devilinside,

Yeah that works now! But ONE has some lag to it cuz I I had to check then uncheck that option. Thats how it worked for me. I got btw. Thanks man.

nah mate, thats not lag... after you change any option in ONE, you need to restart explorer for it to take effect, or at the very least.. close all open explorer windows & open a new one all over again
.. & your version is the latest one so dont worry

January 6th, 2018, 11:12 PM
.. & your version is the latest one so dont worry

Hey devilinside,

Could you please tell me how to remove or hide this bar cirlced in red in the attached screen shot? Thanks.


January 7th, 2018, 05:25 AM
Hey devilinside,

Could you please tell me how to remove or hide this bar cirlced in red in the attached screen shot? Thanks.


uncheck the "Use command bar instead of ribbon" option

January 7th, 2018, 05:38 AM
uncheck the "Use command bar instead of ribbon" option

The problem with that is the bar turns white. What do you suggest?

January 7th, 2018, 08:15 AM
The problem with that is the bar turns white. What do you suggest?

well you gotta have either one of those. as in either the command bar or the default windows 10 ribbon.. read thi tutorial thoroughly if you dont want the command bar and want the ribbon to match your theme.. this thread explains how you can do that:


January 8th, 2018, 03:05 AM
well you gotta have either one of those. as in either the command bar or the default windows 10 ribbon.. read thi tutorial thoroughly if you dont want the command bar and want the ribbon to match your theme.. this thread explains how you can do that:


Hi Devilinside,

I'm trying to change the font color of the desktop context menu (right-clock on desktop menu). I tried changing the color to white in the path in WSB below. But the font color stays grey. What do you suggest?

Lists, menu,s & tabs > menu > popupitem > TextColor :Color

January 8th, 2018, 04:18 AM
Hi Devilinside,

I'm trying to change the font color of the desktop context menu (right-clock on desktop menu). I tried changing the color to white in the path in WSB below. But the font color stays grey. What do you suggest?

Lists, menu,s & tabs > menu > popupitem > TextColor :Color

Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Context Menu > PopUpItem > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Context Menu > PopUpItem > Hot > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Context Menu > PopUpItem > Disabled > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Context Menu > PopUpItem > DisabledHot > TextColor:Color

Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Immersive Context Menu > PopUpItem > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Immersive Context Menu > PopUpItem > Hot > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Immersive Context Menu > PopUpItem > Disabled > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Immersive Context Menu > PopUpItem > DisabledHot > TextColor:Color

Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Immersive Dark Context Menu > PopUpItem > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Immersive Dark Context Menu > PopUpItem > Hot > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Immersive Dark Context Menu > PopUpItem > Disabled > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Immersive Dark Context Menu > PopUpItem > DisabledHot > TextColor:Color

These are all the locations

January 8th, 2018, 12:30 PM
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Context Menu > PopUpItem > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Context Menu > PopUpItem > Hot > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Context Menu > PopUpItem > Disabled > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Context Menu > PopUpItem > DisabledHot > TextColor:Color

Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Immersive Context Menu > PopUpItem > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Immersive Context Menu > PopUpItem > Hot > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Immersive Context Menu > PopUpItem > Disabled > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Immersive Context Menu > PopUpItem > DisabledHot > TextColor:Color

Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Immersive Dark Context Menu > PopUpItem > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Immersive Dark Context Menu > PopUpItem > Hot > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Immersive Dark Context Menu > PopUpItem > Disabled > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Immersive Dark Context Menu > PopUpItem > DisabledHot > TextColor:Color

These are all the locations

He/she should learn how to use the color replacer.. makes things so much easier if youre looking to make everything the same color. lol

January 8th, 2018, 01:23 PM
He/she should learn how to use the color replacer.. makes things so much easier if youre looking to make everything the same color. lol

:laughing:true !!! even I forgot about that one

Dark Knight
January 8th, 2018, 07:30 PM
He/she should learn how to use the color replacer.. makes things so much easier if youre looking to make everything the same color. lol

Pssst!, One of you guys want to enlighten me? I am old school and am pretty sure I have been taking the long way around things like this :whistle::ashamed:

This old dog does learn new tricks! :Smile::Peace:

January 8th, 2018, 07:55 PM
Pssst!, One of you guys want to enlighten me? I am old school and am pretty sure I have been taking the long way around things like this :whistle::ashamed:

This old dog does learn new tricks! :Smile::Peace:

Hahaha right on bro.....

Ok first go to the color you want to change... i used menu text for example.. click menu text and color picker opens.. add to custom colors and click cancel.
Next click on color replacer at the top.. click to the right in the box where it says replace... choose from the custom colors you just added..
then click the " with " box and choose whatever color you want to replace with and click ok.. a lil box will appear telling you how many place where the
color was changed

79407 79408

January 8th, 2018, 09:51 PM
Hey freak96ize.. I got 3 questions hope you can answer:

1) I have a dark spreadsheet in Excel, the theme turns it white. What do i do to make sure my theme deosnt affect Excel?

2) Also when I edit my themes in WSB, the system font size changes. How can I stop that from happening?

3) I'm trying to change the font color of the desktop context menu (right-click on desktop menu). I tried changing the color to white in the path in WSB below. But the font color stays grey. Someone replied and said i should go to these locations:

Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Context Menu > PopUpItem > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Context Menu > PopUpItem > Hot > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Context Menu > PopUpItem > Disabled > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Context Menu > PopUpItem > DisabledHot > TextColor:Color

Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Immersive Context Menu > PopUpItem > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Immersive Context Menu > PopUpItem > Hot > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Immersive Context Menu > PopUpItem > Disabled > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Immersive Context Menu > PopUpItem > DisabledHot > TextColor:Color

Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Immersive Dark Context Menu > PopUpItem > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Immersive Dark Context Menu > PopUpItem > Hot > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Immersive Dark Context Menu > PopUpItem > Disabled > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Immersive Dark Context Menu > PopUpItem > DisabledHot > TextColor:Color

But the problem is that on my WSB I cannot find these specific locales. Heres my screen shot of WSB. What do I do??


January 9th, 2018, 02:12 AM
I learn Something new everyday here :cheeky:lol

January 9th, 2018, 02:52 AM
Hey freak96ize.. I got 3 questions hope you can answer:

1) I have a dark spreadsheet in Excel, the theme turns it white. What do i do to make sure my theme deosnt affect Excel?

2) Also when I edit my themes in WSB, the system font size changes. How can I stop that from happening?

3) I'm trying to change the font color of the desktop context menu (right-click on desktop menu). I tried changing the color to white in the path in WSB below. But the font color stays grey. Someone replied and said i should go to these locations:

Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Context Menu > PopUpItem > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Context Menu > PopUpItem > Hot > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Context Menu > PopUpItem > Disabled > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Context Menu > PopUpItem > DisabledHot > TextColor:Color

Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Immersive Context Menu > PopUpItem > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Immersive Context Menu > PopUpItem > Hot > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Immersive Context Menu > PopUpItem > Disabled > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Immersive Context Menu > PopUpItem > DisabledHot > TextColor:Color

Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Immersive Dark Context Menu > PopUpItem > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Immersive Dark Context Menu > PopUpItem > Hot > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Immersive Dark Context Menu > PopUpItem > Disabled > TextColor:Color
Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Immersive Dark Context Menu > PopUpItem > DisabledHot > TextColor:Color

But the problem is that on my WSB I cannot find these specific locales. Heres my screen shot of WSB. What do I do??


Its says that it is white.
you might also try changing font color here --> Fonts, Colors, & System Metrics > Fonts & System Metrics <-- and change menu font on the right side
as for Excel i have no idea.. never used it. What theme are you using?

Edit: where is your system font changing? need more info


January 9th, 2018, 10:02 PM
Its says that it is white.
you might also try changing font color here --> Fonts, Colors, & System Metrics > Fonts & System Metrics <-- and change menu font on the right side
as for Excel i have no idea.. never used it. What theme are you using?

Edit: where is your system font changing? need more info

Hi freak69ize (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/201075-freak69ize),

I tried Fonts, Colors, & System Metrics > Fonts & System Metrics > font color. But it doesnt work. Heres my theme. Hope you can help with that desktop context menu font color:

As for the system font size thats changing when I save themes in WSB, its changing every system font. What do you suggest?


January 9th, 2018, 11:31 PM
Hi freak69ize (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/201075-freak69ize),

I tried Fonts, Colors, & System Metrics > Fonts & System Metrics > font color. But it doesnt work. Heres my theme. Hope you can help with that desktop context menu font color:

As for the system font size thats changing when I save themes in WSB, its changing every system font. What do you suggest?


First i need to know what OS you are on.. Windows 7, 8 or 10?
and if youre on 10 what version?

January 9th, 2018, 11:37 PM
First i need to know what OS you are on.. Windows 7, 8 or 10?
and if youre on 10 what version?

Oh sorry about that. I'm on Win 10 1709.

January 10th, 2018, 12:19 AM
Oh sorry about that. I'm on Win 10 1709.

I dont know whay its blue on your pc cuz its white on mine. Have you tried to switch to windows default theme and then back to your theme?


January 11th, 2018, 04:38 AM
Have you tried to switch to windows default theme and then back to your theme?


Yes I've tried that. This is VERY damn strange!

Theres no 'Context Menu' under 'Lists, Menus & Tabs' in my WSB and I'm sure I'm using the same version you're using. I'm using Beta version. Do you think its not there cuz I got a Beta version?

Heres the latest update on my theme. Let me know if it still turns white on your PC....


January 11th, 2018, 06:58 AM
I dont know whay its blue on your pc cuz its white on mine. Have you tried to switch to windows default theme and then back to your theme?


Hey freak69ize..

Dude I fixed it! So please disregard my last post. Thanks.

But I still need your help in 3 areas:

1) I need to color other fonts white. For example, in windows explorer when I go to Documents > folder > file, the font color of those files are grey. Where in WSB do i change that color?

2) Where in WSB do I change font color of search in win explorer?

3) Where do I change the drive's capacity bar color in win explorer?

January 11th, 2018, 01:36 PM
Hey freak69ize..

Dude I fixed it! So please disregard my last post. Thanks.

But I still need your help in 3 areas:

1) I need to color other fonts white. For example, in windows explorer when I go to Documents > folder > file, the font color of those files are grey. Where in WSB do i change that color?

2) Where in WSB do I change font color of search in win explorer?

3) Where do I change the drive's capacity bar color in win explorer?

Here try this.. this ia a guide that was done years ago by Dave Senior. It's for Windows 7 but a lot of locations are still the same or close to it. It may be named a lil different but you should be able to find what youre looking for. This is what i used for years. If you still cant find what your looking for i will try to help you

its a pdf file.. just click it and it will open up in Edge79416

January 12th, 2018, 01:01 AM
Here try this..

its a pdf file.. just click it and it will open up in Edge79416

Hi freak69ize,

Appreciate that. But I already had this guide. Much of it works, but a lot of stuff is outdated esply for win 10.

Anyway, take a look at the attachments. Do you know where I can change the font color cirlcled in red?



January 12th, 2018, 02:05 AM
Hi freak69ize,

Appreciate that. But I already had this guide. Much of it works, but a lot of stuff is outdated esply for win 10.

Anyway, take a look at the attachments. Do you know where I can change the font color cirlcled in red?



I have no clue... maybe one of master themers can help.. @Mr GRim @gsw953

January 12th, 2018, 03:01 AM
Hi freak69ize,

Appreciate that. But I already had this guide. Much of it works, but a lot of stuff is outdated esply for win 10.

Anyway, take a look at the attachments. Do you know where I can change the font color cirlcled in red?






January 13th, 2018, 07:55 AM

Hey gsw953,

Very cool!!! Greatly appreciate the help! Is was very needed. I got 3 more questions please pertaining to another theme I'm working on:

1) How can I color BOTH the color background inside the checkmark box and checkmark? See here:

2) How do I color the titlebar and font of the titlebar? See:

3) How do I color highlights of all items in win explorer that the mouse hovers over?


January 13th, 2018, 08:58 AM
going slightly off topic here....a really beautiful theme here devil..... ty so much buddy ....couldnt rep you as i have to spread the love around it says... fantastic job my friend

January 13th, 2018, 02:18 PM
Hey gsw953,

Very cool!!! Greatly appreciate the help! Is was very needed. I got 3 more questions please pertaining to another theme I'm working on:

1) How can I color BOTH the color background inside the checkmark box and checkmark? See here:

2) How do I color the titlebar and font of the titlebar? See:

3) How do I color highlights of all items in win explorer that the mouse hovers over?


I think this is the path for your 1st question---> Buttons, Boxes, & Controls > Buttons > Button > RadioButton

i think.. lol

Edit.. here is path for 2nd question---> Address, Breadcrumb, & Search > Breadcrumb > Aero > Normal > Inactive Crumbs.. and active crumbs

January 14th, 2018, 07:28 PM
Edit.. here is path for 2nd question---> Address, Breadcrumb, & Search > Breadcrumb > Aero > Normal > Inactive Crumbs.. and active crumbs

Hey freak69ize,

I think thats the path for changing the font color in the titlebar. But what about changing the background color of the titlebar itself? Do you know?

January 15th, 2018, 06:45 PM
Edit.. here is path for 2nd question---> Address, Breadcrumb, & Search > Breadcrumb > Aero > Normal > Inactive Crumbs.. and active crumbs

Hey freak69ize,

I think that path is for changing the font color in the titlebar bar. But whats the path to change the background color of the titlebar?

And whats the path to change the color of highlights when hovering over items in win explorer?


January 15th, 2018, 08:30 PM
Hey freak69ize,

I think that path is for changing the font color in the titlebar bar. But whats the path to change the background color of the titlebar?

And whats the path to change the color of highlights when hovering over items in win explorer?


Download this pdf right here & go through it.. this is a complete guide for WSB.. all the locations & other relevant info is in there.. this will help you with all you need mate

January 16th, 2018, 03:07 AM
Hey freak69ize,

I think thats the path for changing the font color in the titlebar. But what about changing the background color of the titlebar itself? Do you know?

You need to make another thread in the theme help section... we are way off topic for this thread. And answering your question its an image not a color in wsb.. you would have to make an image for it in gimp or photoshop

January 19th, 2018, 04:11 AM
You need to make another thread in the theme help section... we are way off topic for this thread. And answering your question its an image not a color in wsb.. you would have to make an image for it in gimp or photoshop

The problem with that is everytime I create a new thread in that section no one replies.

Heres the link to the new thread: