View Full Version : multiple themes working at same time?

September 28th, 2017, 11:51 PM
I have a question about themes on win10 creative update 1703. is it possible to have more then one theme installed or are we stuck with just one? i currently have the annihilator theme installed but I also like the Zero G theme is it possible to run both so one can switch back and forth or is it out of the question because of the system metrics
seetting? I have in the last on win 1607 ran hud red and hud green at the same time but both were made by Mr Grimm and they were the same exact theme just different colors.

any help you can give me would be appreciated


September 29th, 2017, 01:25 PM
yes. once your system is patched for 3td party themes you should be able to run any theme built for you build of 10. so in your case just make sure you grab themes for 1703 aka 15063.??? aka creators update. now a fyi just in case you're not aware on the 17th the fall creators update of 10 will start to be being released. to be safe before install it i suggest you revert 10 back to it's default theme, uninstall any and all patchers, uninstall, uninstall oldneweexplorer and any startmenu tweakers if you have them installed. at this point there is no guarantee that anything currently used to patch the spring creators update will work or work properly on the fall creators update. any more questions please just holler.