View Full Version : 1703 fall update.

October 16th, 2017, 07:58 PM
from what i can glean off the internet the 1703 fall update will be a full deal.
the new version number will be 1709. my question is, since i have some glitches
in 1703. i installed an ipack and can not see to get rid of it. i went the whole rebuild
the icon cashe route and I am still stuck with some of the icons from the Ipack I
removed. i also have a clock error, instead of the colon between the hour and minutes
I have a square block. would i be better off just doing a restore back to day 1 before
the fall update hits or will the fall update fix all those issues? also at this time i am running
the annihilator theme and everything works perfect other then the clock and the mixed
icons, should i remove the theme completely before I do the restore? I am guessing it would
be better for the fall update to hit a clean version of 1703 then one that has some glitch's
this is an old computer with a intel dual core 2.8 gig and 6 gigs of ram so its not that great of
a machine to start with but all I do is stream content to my television with it and surf the internet.

any help you guys and gals can give me would be appreciated


October 16th, 2017, 10:52 PM
on 1709 both ipacks and 7tsp packs work. now avoid uxthempatcher and uxstyle. theme sig bypass works. i'd personally do a clean install of 1709.

October 20th, 2017, 06:56 PM
now avoid uxthempatcher and uxstyle. theme sig bypass works

could you please be more descriptive?, what do you mean by "theme signature bypass"?, because if you are recommending to avoid uxthemepatcher and uxstyle in the 1709 then still two more different methods at least (the aerolite folder renaming, or the registry methodology to load a specific dll at win startup that will do the theme signature), which one you mean?.

Im gonna update from 1703 to 1709 and I would like to know whether the themes for 1703 will work... and how can I make them work properly. Thankyou.

October 20th, 2017, 08:21 PM
it's already in dhjohn's all-in-one-installer. as for editing files myself not a fan soothers will have to give you in on that. what id is below, but be forewarned that a lot of time it is hit and miss on what will and not work.

startisback, oldnewexplorer, classic personization .reg tweak, uxtheme patcher, mu themes.

October 20th, 2017, 10:53 PM
i believe what he is refering to is there was a couple different types of patches to make theming possible, before you tried one and if the theme didnt appear then you used the other one. now there is one that works on all win 10 versions the fist 2 little programs 1 is called uxthempatcher and the other is called uxstyle. they do not work on win10 any longer and there is a new one program called theme signature bypass that does work ,you run it and it patches all the files you need patched. here is a link to a post by shemhamforash that shows the program and gives instructions on how to install themes on win10. i believe it also has a link to where you can get the theme signature bypass program


October 21st, 2017, 12:20 AM
no. first sig bypass is not new, but it works in most cases. second uxtheme parcher 3.3.0 does work just breaks a few control panel items. uxsyle is the only one that doesn't work on 10 at this time.

October 21st, 2017, 10:21 AM
i believe what he is refering to is there was a couple different types of patches to make theming possible

Yes, that is what I mean, thankyou for clarify, I cannot express myself in English as very well as I would like to.

This is what worked for me in the Creators Update 1703, and the good thing is that this methodology does not modify/patch any ux theming related system dll files (however, instead of that it loads a custom dll at win startup, but it can be uninstalled with ease):

UxTheme service hook - Visual Theme Signature Bypass
Right now I'm installing the Fall Creators Update 1709 in a virtual machine to experiment with that methodology (to see whether it works right before installing it in the host machine).

sig bypass is not new
I still don't know what methodology/patcher you mean for "signature bypass", still unclear...

uxtheme parcher 3.3.0 does work just breaks a few control panel items

The name is UltraUXThemePatcher, not "uxtheme parcher"... that can be confused UXTheme Multi-Patcher (that does not work for Creators Update).

Please, try to be more careful when writting names of thigns that... well, it could break the O.S. of a inexperienced user.

PS: Just to clarify and re-confirm the words of the quote above: the newest version of UltraUXThemePatcher yes officially it has support for Windows 10 1703 and 1709 (but I still didn't tried it in 1709).

October 21st, 2017, 01:28 PM
first browse the form threads and post in regards to theme signature bypass, ere are plenty. a bit out dated but here's a thread i found with google.


second as for what worked on 1703 does not mean it will work on 1709. lastly EVERYONE knows what i meant so no need to correct me, OR chastise me. you are out of line. as for confusing peeps with multi NO since i NEVER used the word multi.