View Full Version : windows 10 RS 4

October 20th, 2017, 04:10 PM
Hello folks. i just want to say you all have make lovely themes.. but seems that the themes stop working in 1709 build 17017 . uxtheme patcher nor uxstyle work anymore on this build number. so only have of my theme loads. missing all the buttons mostly and stb menu doesnt work as should. i had to load that manually for it to work.. i hope they can update uxtheme patcher to work on rs4 soon.


October 23rd, 2017, 01:39 AM
Hello folks. i just want to say you all have make lovely themes.. but seems that the themes stop working in 1709 build 17017 . uxtheme patcher nor uxstyle work anymore on this build number. so only have of my theme loads. missing all the buttons mostly and stb menu doesnt work as should. i had to load that manually for it to work.. i hope they can update uxtheme patcher to work on rs4 soon.


all working fine for me yet, u just need to wait people to convert things, too earlie to say not working on RS4 yet.
and not worth to share it right now, cuz its only beggining of RS4
(sorry english)