View Full Version : 3rd-Party Theme Enabler for Creators Update to RS4 builds

November 18th, 2017, 03:04 AM
This is a new branch of my Black Theme Toolkit. (I will discontinue work on the other.) It is version 3.0.0. It does NOT install any themes. It will not let you use it for builds earlier than Creators Update.

You can enable 3rd-party themes using either UXThemeSignatureBypass or UltraUXThemepatcher. If you want to use both just run it for each one separately.

OldNewExplorer is installed during setup, and you can pick your options.

Registry edits are included which WILL preserve your colors after awakening from sleep, or restarting from Safe Mode.

All the rest of my normal customizations are included. Unpacking the program will put an icon on the desktop, and install it in the Control Panel. As always it is self-elevating so no need for the right-click run as administrator.

After installation, and customization of your desktop, you just put whatever themes you want in the \Windows\Resources\Themes directory then you are good to go.


January 20th, 2018, 04:41 PM
Thanks so much for making and updating this program!

If you are interested I have a few reg files you might want to add, I have a reg for replacing the windows shortcut arrow you could add in the Desktop customizations section (Note this sets the icon used for the arrow to a blank one, some shortcut arrow removal programs just delete it but I've found depending on your version of windows that can break every single one of your shortcuts so changing it is much better):

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\explorer\Shell Icons]

And I also have a reg file for removing the 7 folders that windows shows in the "This PC" section (which you see every time you open the explorer if you remove quick access) (It used to be 6 folders but the latest windows build added another), I think it would fit nicely as an option under "File Explorer Cleanup":

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00















January 21st, 2018, 04:58 AM
Thanks Dude Appreciated.:peace:

February 14th, 2018, 12:26 PM
Running Windows 10 1703, but when I apply either Bypass or UXPatcher, I'm able to apply themes, but on reboot, I'm left with a flashing grey screen and no access to Windows. Takes restoring to before application to get back into Windows.

February 17th, 2018, 02:01 AM

August 21st, 2018, 03:34 AM
Ok so this tool the black theme tool is working very Nice But it keeps saying no third party theme installed

How do i fix that or what do i do next ??
what should i do next

January 20th, 2019, 06:13 AM
Does this still work? dont wanna risk messing my pc up

January 20th, 2019, 06:35 AM
Does this still work? dont wanna risk messing my pc up
yes working great without any problems

October 22nd, 2019, 12:08 PM
it's not work with me .. he say to me .. my is in not compatible with this toolkit .. what should I do ?! plz

May 21st, 2021, 02:27 AM
Will we be seeing an update for Windows 21H1 of this all in one? Just curious.. Currently just installed the new UltraUXThemePatcher, and made sure my start is back is up to date, but like having the all in one as a backup for when I need to rebuild an OS installation. Thanks