View Full Version : Cryptic Orange

December 5th, 2017, 03:16 AM
This Is Cryptic Orange by One Man Army

As always any of my ports i dont want no thanks.. but you better give thanks to OMA

You know the drill

again.. i used Mr Grims topshell from Machine theme... Without Mr Grim none of these themes would be possible.. go thank him!!!

If you prefer bottom shell in explorer switch this shell folder in Cryptic Red theme folder 79225




mike 59
December 5th, 2017, 07:46 PM
thanks for porting this great theme and thank for sharing your work :Smile::Peace:

December 5th, 2017, 09:04 PM
Thank you for sharing this great theme.

December 5th, 2017, 10:40 PM
This Is Cryptic Orange by One Man Army

As always any of my ports i dont want no thanks.. but you better give thanks to OMA

You know the drill

again.. i used Mr Grims topshell from Machine theme... Without Mr Grim none of these themes would be possible.. go thank him!!!



lol!!!!!I'm using right now cryptic green. Love orange too. Thanks so much!!!!

December 6th, 2017, 12:39 AM
niiiice!! Looks awesome

December 9th, 2017, 07:21 PM
Right Click menus are now fixed on Cryptic Orange.. please redownload

December 9th, 2017, 07:22 PM
ESTE TIENE EL MISMO PROBLEMA GRACIAS :) http://prntscr.com/hlbnd7

December 9th, 2017, 07:24 PM
ESTE TIENE EL MISMO PROBLEMA GRACIAS :) http://prntscr.com/hlbnd7

Please redownload :)

December 9th, 2017, 07:26 PM

December 9th, 2017, 08:18 PM
¿PUEDE RESOLVER OTRO PROBLEMA? http://prntscr.com/hlcali RED ..... http://prntscr.com/hlcbao ORANGE NICE

December 9th, 2017, 08:50 PM
¿PUEDE RESOLVER OTRO PROBLEMA? http://prntscr.com/hlcali RED ..... http://prntscr.com/hlcbao ORANGE NICE

When i get time i will fix it. Ive seen a couple other problems as well. Patience ;)

February 19th, 2019, 05:17 PM
Can we have an update on this? If it does need one?

(I can still use it even if I have an updated version of windows, Sweet.

DJ Golden Paws
February 21st, 2019, 08:22 AM
where do I get the icons for all the folders and the desktop icons and how do I change the windows to black there still white and I know I'm missing a few other things https://gyazo.com/1e938842df11fb145865fbbd08c57990

I'm new to this so please don't be harsh with me thanks in advance for the help

March 11th, 2019, 05:19 PM
Can we have a new update for this theme?


The taskbar is messed up

Dark Knight
March 11th, 2019, 07:14 PM
Can we have a new update for this theme?


The taskbar is messed up

What version of Windows are you running it on?

The reason I ask is that the original post was made back in 2017, which means the theme was more than likely updated for RS2 or 3 and if you are running a later version of Windows that would explain the issue with the taskbar.

March 11th, 2019, 07:16 PM
I'm running on the latest version of windows, 1809.

And yep I know. ^-^ I just would love to see an updated version of this theme because I'm a huge fan of it and I love it so much. :D

This theme is much darker than the Mullisha Orange so it's much more my liking, Without it being for the latest update of windows I still like the theme a lot even if it has a few issues.

March 11th, 2019, 07:28 PM
where do I get the icons for all the folders and the desktop icons and how do I change the windows to black there still white and I know I'm missing a few other things https://gyazo.com/1e938842df11fb145865fbbd08c57990

I'm new to this so please don't be harsh with me thanks in advance for the help

Sorry for the late reply, Here to get the icons http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/65379-Nuclear-Theme-Pack

Dark Knight
March 11th, 2019, 08:46 PM
I'm running on the latest version of windows, 1809.

And yep I know. ^-^ I just would love to see an updated version of this theme because I'm a huge fan of it and I love it so much. :D

This theme is much darker than the Mullisha Orange so it's much more my liking, Without it being for the latest update of windows I still like the theme a lot even if it has a few issues.

I have updated the first post to include a download for the Windows 10 RS5 update.

I did this quick as I am on my way out the door for work, if you spot anything wrong let me know and I will get to it as soon as I can.

March 12th, 2019, 12:20 AM
I have updated the first post to include a download for the Windows 10 RS5 update.

I did this quick as I am on my way out the door for work, if you spot anything wrong let me know and I will get to it as soon as I can.

Alright, Thanks! And take care. ^_^

Edit: The taskbar looks much better but there's a grey line, I will extend it all the way and it's noticeable. (As you can see there's a line when I fully extend the taskbar and you bearly see it when you have the taskbar normal size.
https://imgur.com/fWC0TYm This is a picture using 150% Scale and 2560 x 1440 resolution.
On the left side, you see I right clicked and went into properties on a folder and I can't see anything (Been like that on the old version as well, Would be cool if those texts were orange.
On the right side you see that I have winaero opened and when I hit install/accept or sign in etc I see an orange text in an orange background, Same goes to any installer and when you run something as an admin the pop up window is white on the bottom and has a cyan tab on the top.
https://imgur.com/TjRNnq2 I now see what's wrong, The grey line doesn't match the colour of the entire taskbar, No wonder it doesn't look that good. Take your time to fix this, No rush. :)

Also, Just optional but, May you kindly make those orange lights on the far left and right bigger? (If it's possible to make them big when you use the scale and layout or is not possible? I think they're too small on the 2560 x 1440 resolution with 150% scale, Just my opinion. ^^
Scaling down to 100% with 2560 x 1440 resolution make's the taskbar look normal. (Besides the grey line on the top) I would use this but I cannot see anything without doing the scaling.
When you do 1920 x 1080 with 100% it's still good (Besides the grey line on the top)

Dark Knight
March 12th, 2019, 09:47 AM
Alright, Thanks! And take care. ^_^

Edit: The taskbar looks much better but there's a grey line, I will extend it all the way and it's noticeable. (As you can see there's a line when I fully extend the taskbar and you bearly see it when you have the taskbar normal size.
https://imgur.com/fWC0TYm This is a picture using 150% Scale and 2560 x 1440 resolution.
On the left side, you see I right clicked and went into properties on a folder and I can't see anything (Been like that on the old version as well, Would be cool if those texts were orange.
On the right side you see that I have winaero opened and when I hit install/accept or sign in etc I see an orange text in an orange background, Same goes to any installer and when you run something as an admin the pop up window is white on the bottom and has a cyan tab on the top.
https://imgur.com/TjRNnq2 I now see what's wrong, The grey line doesn't match the colour of the entire taskbar, No wonder it doesn't look that good. Take your time to fix this, No rush. :)

Also, Just optional but, May you kindly make those orange lights on the far left and right bigger? (If it's possible to make them big when you use the scale and layout or is not possible? I think they're too small on the 2560 x 1440 resolution with 150% scale, Just my opinion. ^^
Scaling down to 100% with 2560 x 1440 resolution make's the taskbar look normal. (Besides the grey line on the top) I would use this but I cannot see anything without doing the scaling.
When you do 1920 x 1080 with 100% it's still good (Besides the grey line on the top)

Do you have Aeroglass installed? if not I think that is why you are getting the grey line on the taskbar, I have just tested the theme on my system with Aeroglass installed and there is no line.

I will see what I can do about the other stuff, gonna take some time though, got a busy work schedule coming up.

March 12th, 2019, 01:29 PM
Do you have Aeroglass installed? if not I think that is why you are getting the grey line on the taskbar, I have just tested the theme on my system with Aeroglass installed and there is no line.

I will see what I can do about the other stuff, gonna take some time though, got a busy work schedule coming up.

I installed aeroglass and it didn't change anything, Dunno what's causing it really.

And no worries, Take your time. ^-^

I will get used to it though, It's not that bad.