View Full Version : items view as image!

December 18th, 2017, 08:53 PM

Hi guys! How is it possible to use an image as items view? I mean the main window on FileExplorer. I knew that you can use only a fill colour but I saw a theme here (ASUS BLUE) which has an image. i can't find the image in WSB though! Can someone help me? I 'll be very greatful!

December 18th, 2017, 09:53 PM

Hi guys! How is it possible to use an image as items view? I mean the main window on FileExplorer. I knew that you can use only a fill colour but I saw a theme here (ASUS BLUE) which has an image. i can't find the image in WSB though! Can someone help me? I 'll be very greatful!

Explorer & Shell > Explorer > Items View > ItemsView > Folder background

December 18th, 2017, 10:04 PM
thanks man , I find the image in the specific theme but I ve an issue. On other themes the settins is disabled. is there any way to enable it?

December 19th, 2017, 12:00 AM
thanks man , I find the image in the specific theme but I ve an issue. On other themes the settins is disabled. is there any way to enable it?

You can make a style hack from one that does and import it to the one that doesnt

December 19th, 2017, 03:36 PM
I almost figured out imy issue now is that I cannot adjust with any way a custom image as folder background. do you know dude if there is a way via stylehack for example? I read somewhere that i can add a glyph image to overlay the background but I don't Know how to do that.

an exampe image I want: