View Full Version : Taskbar position breaks existing theme.

December 27th, 2017, 06:15 PM
I'm a huge fan of the theme "Pix_" by twnsnd, made in 2013 and not since updated. One of the issues on release, highlighted by a comment on page 2 of their deviantart, is that when desktop composition/aero is disabled, and the taskbar is moved to any position aside from the bottom of the screen, segment 1, 3 and 4 listed under http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/40252-A-Quick-Look-at-Taskbar-Editing become unthemed, reverting back to the pale blue windows default.

By default I use my taskbar at the top of the screen in a linux style, so the missing parts are quite notable. I'm also very inexperienced with themeing, though given that non-aero works in the default bottom position, the files seem to exist and require a transfer, though to where I cannot say. Thus I have come here to ask more capable people than I for any help at all, I believe it to be a simple enough fix once figured out, but with it being beyond my scope, any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time.


December 28th, 2017, 06:58 PM
I'm a huge fan of the theme "Pix_" by twnsnd, made in 2013 and not since updated. One of the issues on release, highlighted by a comment on page 2 of their deviantart, is that when desktop composition/aero is disabled, and the taskbar is moved to any position aside from the bottom of the screen, segment 1, 3 and 4 listed under http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/40252-A-Quick-Look-at-Taskbar-Editing become unthemed, reverting back to the pale blue windows default.

By default I use my taskbar at the top of the screen in a linux style, so the missing parts are quite notable. I'm also very inexperienced with themeing, though given that non-aero works in the default bottom position, the files seem to exist and require a transfer, though to where I cannot say. Thus I have come here to ask more capable people than I for any help at all, I believe it to be a simple enough fix once figured out, but with it being beyond my scope, any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time.


Sounds like the theme doesnt have top and side taskbar support within the Pix.msstyle. You would have to message twnsnd and ask if he could do it.. or maybe somebody would be willing to do it if you had permission. Only other oprion is use bottom taskbar. What windows are you on.. 7, 8.1, or 10?

December 28th, 2017, 11:01 PM
Windows 7. I have already contacted twnsnd quite some time ago about it and have had no reply. Likewise, the theme has not been touched since 2013. I'm aware he still uses it himself, though so far as I can tell from old comments (3-4+ years old) and activity times, never visits Deviantart where it was uploaded, nor has edited it in the slightest since it's upload. Likewise, I have not been able to contact them through any other platform I know they own, though admittedly I haven't gone digging for a more personal account to direct message them with.

That is why I'm interested specifically in modifying it to add the required support for the taskbar positions for personal use only. While I understand it may be suspicious that I wish to edit a theme made by someone else, I simply wish to fix an issue they themselves acknowledged and decided not to fix (Deviantart, page 2) - anything done with it wouldn't be shared or uploaded anywhere. My main issue here is that I do not know the distinction between generic taskbar theming in windows style builder, and themeing specifically for the top taskbar, unlike the vertical ones which are listed clearly and seperately. I understand if the circumstances and lack of reply from them would prevent anyone from helping me here, though I wish to make my intentions clear either way. If lack of permission is important, I'll drop it here, otherwise I'd be thankful for any help or direction going forth.