View Full Version : Theme Request - HUD Machine Gold

May 23rd, 2018, 03:50 PM
So I've been trying to find a theme I really like that looks close enough to a color scheme I'm going for and I'm using ASUS Gold now, but I greatly prefer the appearance of the HUD Machine theme set. I have the Razer SWTOR mouse and keyboard and have been working on themeing my computer to match (cause I feel like it lol) and the swatch from the color changer in Razer Synapse that matches the default color is this: http://prntscr.com/jlo8o3

The ASUS Gold shade is super close too, I just thought it might be better to have an exact color swatch for my request for if anyone was willing and able to help me out? I originally thought of using HUD Machine White and just changing the color scheme somehow, but not knowing how to actually implement anything (save for something as simple as an icon, cursor or start orb replacement) it's not something I think I could do on my own.