View Full Version : Porting Question

Dark Knight
December 24th, 2018, 06:33 PM
Does anyone remember how to port themes from RS1 (Anniversary Update) to RS2 (Creators Update)?

Been looking all over VC for the instructions and if they are here I cannot find them:sigh:, I have been trying to port Razorsedge AC/DC Rock or Bust theme to RS5, the last copy of the theme I have and can find is from RS1 and the port is not going well, keep getting an error in the .msstyle file.

December 24th, 2018, 07:51 PM
Does anyone remember how to port themes from RS1 (Anniversary Update) to RS2 (Creators Update)?

Been looking all over VC for the instructions and if they are here I cannot find them:sigh:, I have been trying to port Razorsedge AC/DC Rock or Bust theme to RS5, the last copy of the theme I have and can find is from RS1 and the port is not going well, keep getting an error in the .msstyle file.I just tryed it on mine and got some sort of error in msstyles probley because i am running 1809. Devillinside had a few problems porting his new theme Inscribe to RS5 to he might be able to help you with this I dont really know much about it myself. Rock or bust is a great Theme I hope you can Port it to RS5. Merry Christmas Bro...

Dark Knight
December 24th, 2018, 08:06 PM
I just tryed it on mine and got some sort of error in msstyles probley because i am running 1809. Devillinside had a few problems porting his new theme Inscribe to RS5 to he might be able to help you with this I dont really know much about it myself. Rock or bust is a great Theme I hope you can Port it to RS5. Merry Christmas Bro...

That's the problem, it needs to be ported from RS1 to RS2 then ported again to RS5 (maybe) won't know until I can get it to RS2 because sometimes Razorsedge's themes can be a little squirrelly sometimes.
I think Shem ported it once for someone to RS2, I found a link but when I clicked it the thread is no longer there.

December 24th, 2018, 10:12 PM
That's the problem, it needs to be ported from RS1 to RS2 then ported again to RS5 (maybe) won't know until I can get it to RS2 because sometimes Razorsedge's themes can be a little squirrelly sometimes.
I think Shem ported it once for someone to RS2, I found a link but when I clicked it the thread is no longer there.

I may be wrong but I think according to this RS1 and RS2 work equally since these import scripts seem to make them work on everything from RS1 to RS4 [I may be wrong]


but here are the import scripts for RS5


I know the immersive context menu currently can't be disabled in RS5. I'm hoping somebody can find a new working workaround for that [even if it turns out to be a standalone program to replace the windows 10 context menu].

December 25th, 2018, 12:58 AM
Does anyone remember how to port themes from RS1 (Anniversary Update) to RS2 (Creators Update)?

Been looking all over VC for the instructions and if they are here I cannot find them:sigh:, I have been trying to port Razorsedge AC/DC Rock or Bust theme to RS5, the last copy of the theme I have and can find is from RS1 and the port is not going well, keep getting an error in the .msstyle file.

Go to File > Open > Import 7 Theme

Open the the theme you want to import and do not save.

Select Import Style Hack and select "10 Import Fix" (will have white flashing screen if this step is missed)

Save your theme and then reopen it, then save it once more and you are done.

also, razorsedge's themes have three properties which usually cause the error when imported to win 10..

Fonts, Colors & System Metrics > Fonts & System Metrics > MinColorDepth:Int > any values that are less than 15... i've seen him using 4 or 6 here but for the import to not throw an error it needs to be 15

also there are two others under the same tree which are

TextShadowOffset: Position

as these already exist under Fonts, Colors & System Metrics > Colors (Globals), they can be deleted

i cant remember exactly, but the latter two i think are not the culprit.. it's the first one.. but i guess better safe than sorry

Dark Knight
December 25th, 2018, 08:32 AM
Thanks guys, you were both a lot of help.

I was able to get the theme ported just have a couple of tweaks to make, will try to have it done after Christmas.

Merry Christmas friends! :happy:

December 25th, 2018, 05:51 PM
this is really amazing thread friends because i have more permissons and PMs for porting themes but my reply is only sorry:unhappy:for that because really dont know how to porting rs1 themes to rs2:ashamed:
and higher this is really amaaazing:happy:

December 25th, 2018, 11:14 PM
Thanks guys, you were both a lot of help.

I was able to get the theme ported just have a couple of tweaks to make, will try to have it done after Christmas.

Merry Christmas friends! :happy:

no problems mate.. cheerz

Dark Knight
December 27th, 2018, 04:22 PM
Ok guys, need a little help here, take a look at the screen cap below, this is what I am having issues with, I used to be able to do this with no problem on the last version of Windows, but it seems that WSB for 1809 or maybe SIB isn't playing well with the way it handles the aero peek, and close caption button features on the taskbar and the show desktop button.

I ported this straight from RS1 to RS5 which went well, I am thinking it probably needed to be ported from RS1 to RS2, 3 or 4, then change the images then port again to RS5 but I am not using virtual machines anymore.

I am uploading the theme here, in the file there is the original port to 1809 with no work done and the port to 1809 with the aero peek feature I have been trying to work on, in the hopes that maybe someone can take a crack at this, I've been looking at it so long that maybe I am missing something.



I do not recommend anyone that does not know how to port or handle themes in WSB to download this file, it is not complete and still needs to be tested on Windows 10 1809. I will take no responsibility for anyone that downloads it and tries to run it as their theme. The file will be posted when tested and complete in my theme folder in the forum. Until then , this is still a work in progress.

Dark Knight
December 27th, 2018, 08:48 PM
Ok guys, need a little help here, take a look at the screen cap below, this is what I am having issues with, I used to be able to do this with no problem on the last version of Windows, but it seems that WSB for 1809 or maybe SIB isn't playing well with the way it handles the aero peek, and close caption button features on the taskbar and the show desktop button.

I ported this straight from RS1 to RS5 which went well, I am thinking it probably needed to be ported from RS1 to RS2, 3 or 4, then change the images then port again to RS5 but I am not using virtual machines anymore.

I am uploading the theme here, in the file there is the original port to 1809 with no work done and the port to 1809 with the aero peek feature I have been trying to work on, in the hopes that maybe someone can take a crack at this, I've been looking at it so long that maybe I am missing something.



I do not recommend anyone that does not know how to port or handle themes in WSB to download this file, it is not complete and still needs to be tested on Windows 10 1809. I will take no responsibility for anyone that downloads it and tries to run it as their theme. The file will be posted when tested and complete in my theme folder in the forum. Until then , this is still a work in progress.

Nevermind Guys I think I got it, I found an old msstyle file that Shem posted a while back, I will post the theme later on :peace::happy:

December 27th, 2018, 08:51 PM
Nevermind Guys I think I got it, I found an old msstyle file that Shem posted a while back, I will post the theme later on :peace::happy: