View Full Version : so many years

January 11th, 2019, 04:38 AM
:sad:so many years ive been a member.uploaded a ton of my work and made SOME good friends. helped more people then i can remember. so it seems not quite right when i ask a fav of the owner that includes sending cash for it and i never recieve my part of the deal. or when i ask a member that ive known for ever for a fav and get the run around. this is very hurtful and disrespectful as far as i see. so with that being said. ive pulled all themes from site and about 15% of my walls. i dont have the time and or will to do the rest on here. so do what you will with them... if you asked me a year ago if i ever thought i would see this day at VC. i would of said hell no. but i guees people change and the site. so im out....... :( thanks for all the good times... later........ deviantdon........... :( :(:Peace::missu:

January 11th, 2019, 12:50 PM
That's too bad, if there were something I could do to help you out I would, obviously it's something you feel very strongly about to delete your work. If you asked Mark to send you cash for your work I'd have to say I don't understand that, seeing how all the themes on the site are free, and the server costs are expensive at apparently 80 USD a month. Sounds like you're going through tough times but I wish you well.

Dark Knight
January 11th, 2019, 02:25 PM
:sad:so many years ive been a member.uploaded a ton of my work and made SOME good friends. helped more people then i can remember. so it seems not quite right when i ask a fav of the owner that includes sending cash for it and i never recieve my part of the deal. or when i ask a member that ive known for ever for a fav and get the run around. this is very hurtful and disrespectful as far as i see. so with that being said. ive pulled all themes from site and about 15% of my walls. i dont have the time and or will to do the rest on here. so do what you will with them... if you asked me a year ago if i ever thought i would see this day at VC. i would of said hell no. but i guees people change and the site. so im out....... :( thanks for all the good times... later........ deviantdon........... :( :(:Peace::missu:

I wish I could understand what transpired and brought this about? ......... I am confused as all hell right now.
I am sorry you feel this way deviantdon but I have to say that any issues between you and GRiM are just that between you and him, but as far as other members giving you the run around I am completely unaware of that.

If you would like you can private message me so that we can talk more about this to see if we can straighten this out, personally I would really hate to lose you as a member here.

February 3rd, 2019, 01:29 AM
Only just seeing this thread now and honestly didn't even recall any mention of a deal or any discussion of you requesting cash for your work, I went over my mail and did find one concerning you loosing your WSB key and not being able to afford a new one but that was over a year ago and I'm sorry if I didn't reply, I did not mean to disrespect you, we all fall on tough times, I am currently having one myself.

I am sorry you have gotten to this point and sorry you feel the need to remove your work from the site, I am sure allot of members will be sad to see it go, but that is your right to do so and I respect your decision.

We wish you the best of luck on your future endeavours and hope to see you again some time.