View Full Version : Windows Vista Theme for 10 Help

January 28th, 2019, 08:27 AM
Well I downloaded this theme https://www.deviantart.com/sagorpirbd/art/Vista-Themes-Final-for-Win10-521781687 and it applies no problem but as you can see below for some reason the address bar is not changing over. I have AeroGlass 8 installed and OldeNewExplorer & Ribbon Disabler.


When it's supposed to look like this:

I'm pretty sure the maker is not around anymore but this looks to be simple to fix maybe? I still have Windows 7 and have a perfect working Vista theme but I want my 10 to look the part too.

January 28th, 2019, 11:32 AM
OldNewExplorer - uncheck "Use alternate navigation buttons style"
and (i think) check "Enable glass on navigation bar"

January 28th, 2019, 05:56 PM
Well I downloaded this theme https://www.deviantart.com/sagorpirbd/art/Vista-Themes-Final-for-Win10-521781687 and it applies no problem but as you can see below for some reason the address bar is not changing over. I have AeroGlass 8 installed and OldeNewExplorer & Ribbon Disabler.


When it's supposed to look like this:

I'm pretty sure the maker is not around anymore but this looks to be simple to fix maybe? I still have Windows 7 and have a perfect working Vista theme but I want my 10 to look the part too.

Last I checked, the maker is still on dA. However I've only recently returned to dA so I can check again. I was one of his subs and he's actually a friend of mine from before I left dA a while back. I'll check it out and if he's still there I'll send a link to his page to your private messages so you can check out more of his works. He was one of my favorite theme designers on dA.

January 29th, 2019, 02:55 AM
I got the buttons but still not there for some reason.


Dark Knight
January 29th, 2019, 09:46 PM
I got the buttons but still not there for some reason.


You need to go to C:\AeroGlass , in that folder you will see a file: AeroGlassGUI.exe, double click it, you'll need to play with the settings to get the Vista Glass look.

April 3rd, 2019, 10:40 PM
I've applied this theme to Windows 10 1809, but the UWP apps look like this:

Is there a way to get the theme to skin the top of the window also? I think modernframe.dll used to do that previously, but it does not work anymore?


Image didn't upload, just gave an extremely long code. I removed the code to prevent the message from being flagged. ~Nimbi

April 5th, 2019, 12:04 AM
Ok, so unfortunately your issue [despite failed image upload] is one that has been known since BigMuscle discontinued support for the ModernFrame.dll.

Unfortunately there is no longer a way the theme the Window frames on Modern/Metro/Universal Apps. Most themers actually don't use them anymore anyways, tbh.

Albeit it was something that made me very sore, but knowing that BigMuscle does all the coding solo, it makes sense that he wouldn't be able to keep that part running with how often MS kept breaking it.

There were also quite a few other issues that made it very hard to keep it running properly, so unfortunately, chances are ModernFrame likely won't ever be themeable again. You'll simply have to use one of the older builds that ModernFrame.dll still supports if you wish to have the themeable ModernFrame.

April 5th, 2019, 02:20 PM
Thank you for your response. My image upload was just a screen shot of the Settings window. I did a cut/paste of it using the Snipping Tool.

I can respect/understand the difficulty BigMuscle has to go through to get Aero Glass working on each new build. It's a never ending game of cat and mouse between BigMuscle and Microsoft.

Is there a build of Aero Glass that works on 1809 that allows for the skinning of the Window frames on Modern/Metro/Universal Apps?

April 6th, 2019, 10:22 PM
Thank you for your response. My image upload was just a screen shot of the Settings window. I did a cut/paste of it using the Snipping Tool.

I can respect/understand the difficulty BigMuscle has to go through to get Aero Glass working on each new build. It's a never ending game of cat and mouse between BigMuscle and Microsoft.

Is there a build of Aero Glass that works on 1809 that allows for the skinning of the Window frames on Modern/Metro/Universal Apps?

Unfortunatetely, no there is not. Each build only works on specific versions of Windows 10. The only one that works on 1809 doesnt support ModernFram.dll. You'll need to be running the Anniversary update or earlier to have ModernFrame support. Definitely don't run earlier versions of AeroGlass on newer builds of Windows 10. You will bork your system if you try.