View Full Version : Need help importing Windows 7 theme to Windows 10

March 22nd, 2019, 04:44 AM
Hey all. So I'm super new to this and I'm trying to import a windows 7 theme to windows 10 (1809 to be specific). A friend of mine imported a theme for me and it worked great, so to practice I asked him for instructions and tried it myself using the same theme (original windows 7 theme version, not the one he already imported). After going through all the steps I went to apply the theme and....nothing happened. It looked like it was applying the theme but nothing changed. Is it possible for someone to help me understand what I'm doing wrong or perhaps give me better instructions? I already have WSB (and a license) and the import windows 10 script. Here are the instructions my friend gave me (based on the files he sent me):

Windows 7 to Windows 10 TH2 (Only for TH2, does not work on RS1).

Open the folder called "Windows Style Builder 7-10 TH2"
Open the WSB Program.
Go to File > Open > Import 7 Theme
Open the the Windows 7 Theme you want to import.
Save your theme and then reopen it, then save it once more and your done.

after: Windows 10 TH2 to Windows 10 1809

Open the folder called "Windows Style Builder 10-10 RS1"
Open the WSB Program.
Go to File > Open > Import 7 Theme
Open the the Windows 10 Theme you want to import and do not save.
Select Import Style Hack and select "10 Import Fix" (Very important!!, will have white flashing screen if this step is missed)
Save your theme and then reopen it, then save it once more and your done.