View Full Version : Classmap help you edit the control panel images

March 31st, 2019, 10:25 AM
Hello guys, I have found this amazing classmap that help you ad an image of 'top control panel' and 'left side control panel' into your .msstyle file directly (without using 'theme resource changer'). The only think you have to do is you have to patch a 'shell32.dll' file with 'windows theme installer'. (If you don't know how to do it please leave a comment below).
The original source of the classmap is in: http://k-rlitos.com/foro/topic.php?id=2025
You go to Explorer & Shell > Explorer > Items View > ItemsView
With this classmap it help you to change the image of

and this

(The theme in the image was made by andrea_37 (https://www.deviantart.com/andrea370)).

The Shell32.dll file use for win 7 only.

March 31st, 2019, 11:58 PM
It looks really good Mate, Is WSB 8.1 Compatible with this I would love to add this feature to make themes for Windows 10? Thanks for sharing:peace:

April 1st, 2019, 10:18 AM
It looks really good Mate, Is WSB 8.1 Compatible with this I would love to add this feature to make themes for Windows 10? Thanks for sharing:peace:
Actually I'm not sure (because I use win 7 and it work). I suggest you should try it (but don't patch the shell32.dll) and see what happen. If it didn't work please tell me your version of win 10.

April 1st, 2019, 10:30 AM
Actually I'm not sure (because I use win 7 and it work). I suggest you should try it (but don't patch the shell32.dll) and see what happen. If it didn't work please tell me your version of win 10.Thanks Mate I will give it a run later, Im running W10 1809 using WSB 8.1 I cant wait to see if it works with Mr Grims Dark Mode Script, I am just about to Start a new Theme and this will come in handy, Thanks again Mate. :Peace:Cheerz

April 1st, 2019, 01:54 PM
Thanks Mate I will give it a run later, Im running W10 1809 using WSB 8.1 I cant wait to see if it works with Mr Grims Dark Mode Script, I am just about to Start a new Theme and this will come in handy, Thanks again Mate. :Peace:Cheerz
You just need to ad those properties
The left image is: Explorer & Shell > Explorer > Items View > ItemsView > Shell32 > ThemeLeftBar
The top is: Explorer & Shell > Explorer > Items View > ItemsView > Shell32 > ControlPanelTopBar
If your control panel left image didn't change then give me a day I will give it a try in win 10 soon.

April 1st, 2019, 02:10 PM
Thanks Mate I think i have it worked out now, Classes loaded fine. just one thing, I was able to Edit the panels with Mr GriMs 1809 Update & Dark Mode Style script by exporting the Image and working it with Paint 3D comes out like this Below

April 1st, 2019, 02:32 PM
Well, this classmap made for windows 7 themes but it can be use to make windows 10 themes. I have seen many windows 10 themes using this classmap.

April 1st, 2019, 05:43 PM
Thanks Mate I think i have it worked out now, Classes loaded fine. just one thing, I was able to Edit the panels with Mr GriMs 1809 Update & Dark Mode Style script by exporting the Image and working it with Paint 3D comes out like this Below

instead of putting the aquaman image in there.. why dont you put the plain nav panel image here & put the aquaman image in ControlPanel > NavigationPanel> <3> (according to your WSB tree) & use the porperties: SizingType: Truesize & Valign:Center

April 2nd, 2019, 12:35 AM
instead of putting the aquaman image in there.. why dont you put the plain nav panel image here & put the aquaman image in ControlPanel > NavigationPanel> <3> (according to your WSB tree) & use the porperties: SizingType: Truesize & Valign:CenterThanks Mate, Is this the Area you Suggested? I kinda like this one in the Nav Panel, I have others that I can use for the Banner, Ive been using Windows Paint 3D Stickers to apply the Images onto the panels. If I change the propertys will it affect the panel? Im guessing it will unless I just use my Image instead.

April 2nd, 2019, 01:16 AM
Thanks Mate, Is this the Area you Suggested? I kinda like this one in the Nav Panel, I have others that I can use for the Banner, Ive been using Windows Paint 3D Stickers to apply the Images onto the panels. If I change the propertys will it affect the panel? Im guessing it will unless I just use my Image instead.

actually thats not what i meant.. check out this screenshot:


you should have the same location tree in wsb which for some reason you don't... what version is your wsb?
what i meant was if you do it in this manner as the screenshot the image of aquaman in your theme will stay nice & centred instead of stretching with the window size

April 2nd, 2019, 01:45 AM
actually thats not what i meant.. check out this screenshot:


you should have the same location tree in wsb which for some reason you don't... what version is your wsb?
what i meant was if you do it in this manner as the screenshot the image of aquaman in your theme will stay nice & centred instead of stretching with the window size AHHa, Now I get it, lol. Im using WSB 8.1 I changed the Class Map and Group Map to try ad extra images in Explorers Window but it seems I can access the areas with the Original Classes, Check out Skulls Posts below it works good for W7. I just thought I would try it out, I think I will Roll back to the Original Classes untill I learn a bit more about it,:peace: Cheerz