View Full Version : Save As not working?How can I save a new copy of the W10 aero.msstyles theme for base

May 3rd, 2019, 08:49 PM
So, I opened up WSB. Now, obviously I want to create a new theme for Windows 10 1809, but how can I copy the Aero.msstyles theme and then same it as a new theme file? How can I edit it without overwriting the original theme?

Also where is the titlebar settings for windows 10, can't figure out how to change the color of the main titlebar

Dark Knight
May 4th, 2019, 05:43 AM
So, I opened up WSB. Now, obviously I want to create a new theme for Windows 10 1809, but how can I copy the Aero.msstyles theme and then same it as a new theme file? How can I edit it without overwriting the original theme?

Also where is the titlebar settings for windows 10, can't figure out how to change the color of the main titlebar

Navigate to your C:\Windows\Resources\Themes folder, Hold down your Ctrl button and click both the aero folder and aero.theme file located in the Themes folder so that they are both highlighted, right click > copy then paste to the desktop, from there you can rename them whatever you wish, just make sure you rename the theme folder, .theme file and .msstyle file the same names.

Open the .theme file with notepad and change the theme name where required (there will be multiple places) to whatever you named the .msstyle and .theme files to, this way when you put the completed theme into your C:\Windows\Resources\Themes folder the .theme file knows what and where to point to.

May 4th, 2019, 06:26 AM
Yeah I already got that far after I made this post, minus the notepad part. I ran in to a copy error access denied on the vscache folder or whatever. That's why I made this thread tbh. I wasn't 100% sure what files it was failing to copy over, narrowed it down to the vscache, which i guess is not important. Thx!

Navigate to your C:\Windows\Resources\Themes folder, Hold down your Ctrl button and click both t.....

I just now noticed I couldn't actually save any of my themes, even without making any changes. I can test them and they display, I can stop testing but the moment I try to save any, I get a compile error.