View Full Version : Changing Font for Entire VS

June 26th, 2019, 12:39 PM
I'm modifying a VS I got on DeviantArt and tweaking a bunch of little things. One of which is changing the font used all throughout the theme to a completely different one. I've done this before and it's no problem...just tedious and time consuming. I was wondering if instead of changing the font everywhere mentioned in WSB could I instead install the theme as normal and then run something like WinAero Tweaker and change the system font that way? Would that override the font specified in the theme? I would guess it would but is that really a good way to do it?


June 26th, 2019, 12:46 PM
I'm modifying a VS I got on DeviantArt and tweaking a bunch of little things. One of which is changing the font used all throughout the theme to a completely different one. I've done this before and it's no problem...just tedious and time consuming. I was wondering if instead of changing the font everywhere mentioned in WSB could I instead install the theme as normal and then run something like WinAero Tweaker and change the system font that way? Would that override the font specified in the theme? I would guess it would but is that really a good way to do it?


Hi Phillip

Why not use a third party prog to do that ? I do that way since a while now and no pb for changing system font with or size ( you can browse the site to find the other app ) so don't have to play in WSB .


You also can do that under winaero.
I run under W10 19H1 ( 1903 ) btw.

June 26th, 2019, 01:27 PM

noMeiryoUI http://tatsu.life.coocan.jp/MySoft/WinCust/index.html



Resource Hacker http://www.angusj.com/resourcehacker/

June 26th, 2019, 10:44 PM
I have to admit that back in my Win7 days.i learned on my own a little.more than enough to.be a tad bit dangerous lol...so that explains why I never considered that...it's because I haven't heard of a 3rd party app doing that kinda thing! I've kept Resource Hacker all these years but I've never really used it all that much except for checking out what some of the system files I use really do... I'd love to finally put it to some good use! Thanks for letting me know the better way to do this...and also several different ways how to do it too!