View Full Version : Zero idea why this is happening

July 2nd, 2019, 02:14 AM
okay so im editing a Niivu theme and for some reason I cannot change the taskbar... the taskbar wont even change to his theme (in my moded theme) and I can see it selected in Start is back but it seems to just go back to the default. im saving over his original file and modding some things. Now when I load up his orginal theme in WSB everything works fine and I can even edit it and change things. I would just do that but ive built so much in my own mod/theme that redoing all work is just not an option. Any ideas? im literally stumped

ive attached a pic.. im on 1809 btw


July 2nd, 2019, 04:00 AM
okay so im editing a Niivu theme and for some reason I cannot change the taskbar... the taskbar wont even change to his theme (in my moded theme) and I can see it selected in Start is back but it seems to just go back to the default. im saving over his original file and modding some things. Now when I load up his orginal theme in WSB everything works fine and I can even edit it and change things. I would just do that but ive built so much in my own mod/theme that redoing all work is just not an option. Any ideas? im literally stumped

ive attached a pic.. im on 1809 btw


post the msstyles so I can have a look and figure out the problem

July 2nd, 2019, 04:11 AM
thanks for the response, I actually got it working.. i just exported the taskbar values from a working one into a script and then ran it on my modded theme and everything seems to be working now. Weird glitch but maybe this a good workaround for others with this issue.