View Full Version : OldNewExplorer 1.1.9 TopShell and BottomShell all versions for Windows 8 8.1 and w10

September 25th, 2019, 10:19 PM
OldNewExplorer 1.1.9
Windows 8 8.1
Windows 10 Dark mode
Windows 10 Light mode
Windows 10 TH2-19h1+
4 custom versions
Tihiy (https://msfn.org/board/profile/36858-tihiy/)
What is it?
OldNewExplorer is the Windows 10 (and Windows 8.1, and 8)
shell extension / tweaker which can undo "improvements" to file browsing made in newer Windows version.
Everything is optional for your liking.- Restore devices / drives grouping
Everything is 'Devices and drives'. That's stupid!
O-N-E can restore grouping which made sense in Win7/8.- Restore libraries / remove folders
Remove all those folders which were unoptionally added into Windows 8.1
This PC folder and put the libraries back to their place, without registry hacking / breaking apps.- Restore command bar / remove Ribbon
Because some people consider it an abomination.
Same reason; reclaim useful horizontal space.- Improve styling
Get rid of some Win7 stuff here and there; improve styling with some built-in visual styles.
For themers / skinners, O-N-E can help to override a lot of hardcoded styling in Windows 8, maybe even Start screen!
Moonnique - Restore Details Pane and Status Bar at Bottom (BottomShell) or at Top (TopShell)!!!
OldNewExplorer TopShell
OldNewExplorer BottomShell
Problem with using TopShell custom themes resolved
and now you can use TopShell on any of the custom theme what you like
(4K Ultra HD) 4096 x 2160 50p preview
Villi Vidi Vici® and Moonnique®
windows 8 and 10 using OldNewExplorer and if is all files modified in the System32 and SysWOW64 directory as TopShell
OldNewExplorer change all of the modified (TopShell) files as default BottomShell
i am testing many many and many .res files one week and nothing happened and no tutorial for w8 and 10 on the internet
this is only one of my solution how to use details pane (TOP) TopShell
need to using my modified OldNewExplorer hope if this help to you friends
if you like Details Pane click on Install Details Pane
Details Pane can be Enabled or Disabled
if you like Status Bar please enable or click on install Status Bar
Status Bar can be Enabled or Disabled
4 custom versions of
OldNewExplorer 1.1.9
Version 1
Details Pane BottomShell
Status Bar BottomShell
Version 2
Details Pane BottomShell
Status Bar TopShell
Version 3
Details Pane TopShell
Status Bar BottomShell
Version 4
Details Pane TopShell
Status Bar TopShell
Stupid FAQ - This is a TEST version, no installer. Potentially dangerous too!
This is for Windows 8.1. Also should work for Windows 8 as well, though 8.1 options do not apply there;
No changes are enabled by default. If something does not apply, try logging off / restarting explorer.exe
Install is for all users, settings are per-user
For long thoughful posts use email.
https://msfn.org/board/topic/170375-oldnewexplorer-119/ (https://msfn.org/board/topic/170375-oldnewexplorer-119/)
Download - https://tihiy.net/files/OldNewExplorer.rar (https://tihiy.net/files/OldNewExplorer.rar)

January 29th, 2020, 09:52 PM
Thanks Moonnique and good job :Smile:

January 30th, 2020, 09:15 PM
Thanks Moonniqueand good job :Smile:

January 31st, 2020, 07:57 AM
Thanks for the post! This forum is my main resource for theme info.

Sidenote: do you still use Theme Signature Bypass? I've tried to get it working on Win 10 1909 and I can't rename the aero folder according to MrGrim's instructions. Is it normal to need to take ownership of the aero theme?

January 31st, 2020, 09:12 PM
Thanks for the post! This forum is my main resource for theme info.

Sidenote: do you still use Theme Signature Bypass? I've tried to get it working on Win 10 1909 and I can't rename the aero folder according to MrGrim's instructions. Is it normal to need to take ownership of the aero theme?
hello and i am glad you like it
and sorry for this but i never installing and using theme signature bypass or aero glass dont know more info about this apps or how to working or which windows 10 builds supports
but if you cant replace default Aero folder then yes you can try Take ownership method or Grand Admin full control
move Aero folder to your desktop rename this folder for what you like and move this folder back to the original directory

February 1st, 2020, 05:03 AM
How can you get these menus of topics please help
I have Win 10 1909 I can't install it, I am as king for help beautifully, I did everything as in the video and instructions

February 1st, 2020, 01:00 PM
How can you get these menus of topics please help
I have Win 10 1909 I can't install it, I am as king for help beautifully, I did everything as in the video and instructions
For x64 Windows 10 systems (above 1809) only, for now, the patch needs VC2017 x64 runtime to work

1.Download ExplorerContextMenuTweaker and unzip this 7zip file
Put two dll files into system32 folder
Launch a cmd or powershell window with administrative privilege
type and run 'regsvr32.exe ExplorerContextMenuTweaker.dll'
To uninstall, run 'regsvr32.exe /u ExplorerContextMenuTweaker.dll'

2.Download ExplorerContextMenuTweaker-0.1 fix
unzip this 7zip file where you like and run Install/Merge
do not delete this original folder