View Full Version : Windows 10 19H1/19H2 1903/1909 18362/18363 END for iPack users

September 29th, 2019, 12:33 PM
Windows 10 19H1/19H2 1903/1909 18362/18363
END for iPack users
Hello my dear Friends
Windows 10 October update 19H2 1909 18363
All files has now been moved from c/windows/system32
and from c/windows/syswow64 directory
for example imageres.dll
Windows 10 19H2 1909 18363
now using only the new specific directory
with new .mun files Unsupported for iPack
and thats really big problem for iPack and for iPack Lovers
my Personal Recommendation is stopping using iPack
if you are on Windows 10 19H2 1909 18363
or just stay on Windows 10 19H1 1903 18362
all of the new files need now saving as imageres.dll.mun.res etc
and all of the new .mun files can be Patched only with new 7tsp
Se7en Theme Source Patcher v0.6 2019
by Fixit (https://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/159280-Fixit)
https://virtualcustoms.net/TOOL-Se7en-Theme-Source-patcher-v0-6-Build-2019 (https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/83629-TOOL-Se7en-Theme-Source-patcher-v0-6-Build-2019)

All files has now been moved from c/windows/system32
and from c/windows/SysWOW64 directory
now not need to patching this both directories
just save all files as .mun
19H2 now not supported saved files as
all of the new files need to save as (example)
shell32.dll.mun.res not as shell32.dll.mui.res
Windows 7
explorer.exe need to save as explorer.exe.res
imageres.dll need to save as imageres.dll.res
imagesp1.dll need to save as imagesp1.dll.res
shell32.dll need to save as shell32.dll.res
Windows 8 8.1 and Windows 10 TH2-RS5
explorer.exe need to save as explorer.exe.mui.res
imageres.dll need to save as imageres.dll.res
imagesp1.dll need to save as imagesp1.dll.res
shell32.dll need to save as shell32.dll.mui.res
Windows 10 1903 19h1 , 1909 19h2 and 20h1
explorer.exe need to save as explorer.exe.mui.res
imageres.dll need to save as imageres.dll.mun.res
imagesp1.dll need to save as imagesp1.dll.mun.res
shell32.dll need to save as shell32.dll.mun.res
notepad.exe need to save as notepad.exe.mun.res
themecpl.dll need to save as themecpl.dll.mun.res
zipfldr.dll need to save as zipfldr.dll.mun.res

September 30th, 2019, 01:00 AM
thanks a lot for the info moon!! but either way, ever since the new 7TSP was released, ipacks lost its appeal to me as not only can 7tsp patch better it can apply icons to parts ipack could never touch on windows 10

September 30th, 2019, 02:31 PM
thanks a lot for the info moon!! but either way, ever since the new 7TSP was released, ipacks lost its appeal to me as not only can 7tsp patch better it can apply icons to parts ipack could never touch on windows 10

yes yes i agree and i am using 7tsp 10 years without any problems because only 7tsp can patching more special system files
but many peoples dont know other special funkcions of 7tsp
you can add start orb or wallaper custom theme or cursors and sounds

but i wonder whether these changes will affect the ability to use 3rd party themes on 19H2

and this 19H2 changes dont have affects for using 3rd party themes
working good start is back , old new explorer and 1.1.9 and UltraUXTheme patcher 3.6.2
because all of the 19H1 1903 themes working great on 19H2 1909 without any problems or updating shellstyle or scripts:peace:

October 1st, 2019, 01:50 AM
yes yes i agree and i am using 7tsp 10 years without any problems because only 7tsp can patching more special system files
but many peoples dont know other special funkcions of 7tsp
you can add start orb or wallaper custom theme or cursors and sounds

and this 19H2 changes dont have affects for using 3rd party themes
working good start is back , old new explorer and 1.1.9 and UltraUXTheme patcher 3.6.2
because all of the 19H1 1903 themes working great on 19H2 1909 without any problems or updating shellstyle or scripts:peace:

cool!!! good to know!!

October 7th, 2019, 09:58 AM

All files has now been moved from c/windows/system32

and from c/windows/SysWOW64 directory

now not need to patching this both directories

just save all files as .mun

19H2 now not supported saved files as


all of the new files need to save as (example)

shell32.dll.mun.res not as shell32.dll.mui.res

October 27th, 2019, 07:19 AM
thanks you a lot of mind

October 27th, 2019, 07:05 PM
thanks you a lot of mind

November 15th, 2019, 04:08 AM
Only issue with me is i get this error using 7tsp. 7tsp is for windows seven. :crying:

Grim Reaper
November 15th, 2019, 01:07 PM
i'll add one thing and that is a lot of the sites are suggesting with this to ditch all the old 10's and do a fresh install of this. i'm assuming it has to do with the changes to various files and their locations. that said i'll be working on my roommates system and would like a list of the theme tweaking apps that are currently compatible with 1909 and their version numbers. thanks

Grim Reaper
November 16th, 2019, 12:12 PM
i'll add one thing and that is a lot of the sites are suggesting with this to ditch all the old 10's and do a fresh install of this. i'm assuming it has to do with the changes to various files and their locations. that said i'll be working on my roommates system and would like a list of the theme tweaking apps that are currently compatible with 1909 and their version numbers. thanks


November 16th, 2019, 12:44 PM
Gday Mate, Sorry I didnt see this earlier, so 1909 is catching up with everyone, me to. Any way heres the Dirt on W10 1909.
all the old Mods still work on this and the themes for 1903 just make sure your in Default W10 theme before you try updating.After the update all your old Mods should all still be Installed
Im running it myself and have all the most up to date Mods, here's a screen shot of my apps so you can see what Im using.84690
You also need OldNewExplorer Still too.
I hope this helps you out, let me know how ya go Bro:peace:Cheerz!!

November 16th, 2019, 12:59 PM
19h2 is only the feature update and no major update
w10 19h1 1903 working on the same base as w10 19h2 1909
all themes from 19h1 and all other extras working great on 19h2
OldNewExplorer Start is back 7tsp and all other .dll .mun .mui .res
Windows 10 19h2 OS build 1909 18363 working on 18362 base

November 18th, 2019, 05:38 PM
i think no only iPack and yes if you need 7tsp you need extract iPack
then delete all unsupported files for w10 and if you are on w10 19h1+
you need create or port all to the mew .mun files
original iPack here
https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/70312-Magnum-Full-System-manual-Install-Icon-pack (https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/70312-Magnum-Full-System-manual-Install-Icon-pack)

Yo, interesting discovery, but it seems there are some systems that don't appear to need that new mun files. I'm running Windows 10 1909 and the magnum iPack still works for me...


Mainly tested because I noticed my system was still appearing to load it's icons from the dlls and I got curious to see if it would work.... and welp... I'm pleasently surprised xD
So, it seems not all systems have adopted the mun file requirement.

November 18th, 2019, 05:50 PM
Yo, interesting discovery, but it seems there are some systems that don't appear to need that new mun files. I'm running Windows 10 1909 and the magnum iPack still works for me...


Mainly tested because I noticed my system was still appearing to load it's icons from the dlls and I got curious to see if it would work.... and welp... I'm pleasently surprised xD
So, it seems not all systems have adopted the mun file requirement.
because iPack create a fake file in your system32 direcrtory
w10 19h1 and 19h2 not using system32 and syswow64 directory for imageres
in 19h1 and 19h2 has been moved to SystemResources
sorry but i am creating and replacing system files 9years and creating a fake files in system directories can have adverse avoid for windows
the same as for shell32.dll = this break down your system
therefore I do not recommend using iPack but 7tsp tested by me and updated with support for patching the original new .mun files by Microsoft

November 18th, 2019, 06:04 PM
because iPack create a fake file in your system32 direcrtory
w10 19h1 and 19h2 not using system32 and syswow64 directory for imageres
in 19h1 and 19h2 has been moved to SystemResources
sorry but i am creating and replacing system files 9years and creating a fake files in system directories can have adverse avoid for windows
the same as for shell32.dll = this break down your system
therefore I do not recommend using iPack but 7tsp tested by me and updated with support for patching the original new .mun files by Microsoft

ah ok. I assumed mine simply hadn't changd any since I've noticed i still have all of my icons in the dll files even without using the iPack xD. My bad xD

November 19th, 2019, 02:04 PM
Yo, interesting discovery, but it seems there are some systems that don't appear to need that new mun files. I'm running Windows 10 1909 and the magnum iPack still works for me...


Mainly tested because I noticed my system was still appearing to load it's icons from the dlls and I got curious to see if it would work.... and welp... I'm pleasently surprised xD
So, it seems not all systems have adopted the mun file requirement.

because iPack create a fake file in your system32 direcrtory
w10 19h1 and 19h2 not using system32 and syswow64 directory for imageres
in 19h1 and 19h2 has been moved to SystemResources
sorry but i am creating and replacing system files 9years and creating a fake files in system directories can have adverse avoid for windows
the same as for shell32.dll = this break down your system
therefore I do not recommend using iPack but 7tsp tested by me and updated with support for patching the original new .mun files by Microsoft

ah ok. I assumed mine simply hadn't changd any since I've noticed i still have all of my icons in the dll files even without using the iPack xD. My bad xD
Hope if this help
this posts has been copied here and sorry friends because i dont have more free time for updating all of my threads
for better understanding i am creating , testing and patching system files 9years
and here some info where is the real problem with using iPack
iPack not Supported on w10 19h1 1903 18362 and w10 1909 18363
because all files from original System32 and SysWOW64 directory are moved to SystemResources directory
if you create many .res files in your iPack and patching your system iPack create a Fake files in your System directory
if you patching only imageres.dll its all ok but if you create more Fake iPack files
after patching you make changes to your system files and this can lead to unexpected problems
or total breakdown of Windows! black screen after next reboot .etc
for better understanding 2 images here where is the real problem
Image 1 System32 = blank directory
Image 2 SystemResources
and here ome image from my iPacks
and my official Announcement

December 15th, 2019, 08:17 PM
Windows 10 19h1 1903 18362
Windows 10 19h2 1909 18363
How to replace taskmgr.exe icon
Windows 10 19h1+ are using the new .mun files
Remember all of the new .mun files can be patched only with new 7tsp GUI 2019
1.go to c/Windows/SystemResources and open file taskmgr.exe.mun with Restorator
2.replace icon number 107 and 30651
3.save taskmgr.exe.mun as taskmgr.exe.mun.res
4.patch your system with 7tsp GUI 2019

December 20th, 2019, 07:13 PM
Windows 10 19h1 1903 18362 and Windows 10 19h2 1909 18363
now is patching more secured as on the older Windows 10 TH2-RS5 builds
after creating a new packs and testing 7tsp 6 months every day
7tsp 2019 and replacing new .mun files in the SystemResources directory is more secured
as replacing icons .dll .exe and .mui files .etc in the System32 and SysWOW64 directory
https://virtualcustoms.net/TOOL-Se7en-Theme-Source-patcher-v0-6-Build-2019 (https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/83629-TOOL-Se7en-Theme-Source-patcher-v0-6-Build-2019)
you can replace any of the .mun file what you like in the SystemResources directory
without any problem and unexcepted crashing after patching or next reboot

January 13th, 2020, 10:18 PM
Complete list of .mun files in Windows 10 1903 19h1 19h2 20h1 and 20h2


January 28th, 2020, 05:49 PM

January 28th, 2020, 08:26 PM

February 6th, 2020, 11:17 PM
THis patches my icons just fine, however it makes some of my control panel windows unusable. I've attached a screenshot. Anyone else have this issue? I have tried googling to find some answers but no luck. This happened on a fresh windows 10 1909 install, after finding this version of 7tsp, I figured the problem was solved. It happens with iPack installers as well. So I know it is a windows issue, but if someone has an idea of what is causing the issue, please lmk. Thank you in advance

February 7th, 2020, 02:06 PM
THis patches my icons just fine, however it makes some of my control panel windows unusable. I've attached a screenshot. Anyone else have this issue? I have tried googling to find some answers but no luck. This happened on a fresh windows 10 1909 install, after finding this version of 7tsp, I figured the problem was solved. It happens with iPack installers as well. So I know it is a windows issue, but if someone has an idea of what is causing the issue, please lmk. Thank you in advance
hello and yes this can broke your Control panel or File Explorer if you are using 7tsp Icon Pack not fixed for using on Windows 10 19h1+ with new .mun files
please can you upload here 7tsp Icon Pack what you are currently using and which broke your system

February 8th, 2020, 07:29 PM
Hi moonique, I am using your dark red theme, both ipack and 7tsp break control panel. Here is the version I am using

February 8th, 2020, 07:47 PM
Hi moonique, I am using your dark red theme, both ipack and 7tsp break control panel. Here is the version I am using
if you are on Windows 10 1903 19h1 or 1909 19h2 please do not use 7tsp Icon Pack w8 8.1 w10
Because this Icon Packs has been created and working only on Windows 8 8.1 and w10 TH2-RS5
if you are on Windows 10 1903 19h1 please use 19h1+ packs
this Icon pack can be used only with 7tsp v0.6 2019

February 8th, 2020, 07:57 PM
EXCELLENT! Thank you so much. You, my friend are my hero <3

February 9th, 2020, 10:36 AM
EXCELLENT! Thank you so much. You, my friend are my hero <3
youre welcome:Smile:

February 19th, 2020, 12:58 PM
looks nice

March 4th, 2020, 03:11 PM
what theme you using in this post

March 4th, 2020, 05:57 PM
what theme you using in this post
hello and this is the Alienware Red theme with some MSI upgrades
but you can download original theme here

May 11th, 2020, 05:57 PM
thx grts snelle Belgium

May 11th, 2020, 11:41 PM
thx grts snelle Belgium

May 21st, 2020, 04:04 PM
Windows 10 May 2020 update 20h1 2004 OS build 19041
PNG and Bitmap files has been removed from the original file
C:\Windows\SystemResources\themecpl.dll.mun removed PNG (subfolder)
C:\Windows\SystemResources\themecpl.dll.mun removed Bitmap (subfolder)



May 21st, 2020, 04:45 PM
Windows 10 May 2020 update 20h1 2004 OS build 19041
PNG and Bitmap files has been removed from the original file
C:\Windows\SystemResources\themecpl.dll.mun removed PNG (subfolder)
C:\Windows\SystemResources\themecpl.dll.mun removed Bitmap (subfolder)



Windows 10 May 2020 update 20h1 2004 OS build 19041
you need to create a new (subfolder) in the themecpl.dll.mun as (IMAGE)
all files here need to save as PNG
because Windows 10 20h1 now using
more of the new Glyph Icons and this Icons need be saved as PNG
not as .bmp .ico etc hope this help to you my friends




November 18th, 2021, 01:20 PM

March 2nd, 2022, 07:00 AM
this will rule with my full on MSI machine