View Full Version : Theme Reqeust Vista for windows 10

October 15th, 2019, 03:45 AM
hello users and theme creators

it would be cool if a theme creator pls can make a new vista theme for windows 10

becuase the theme from sagorpbird is glitchy on the new windows 10 version 1903

sorry for my bad english i speak main german and armenia

dear Areoxsa | Robert :)

October 16th, 2019, 08:21 AM
hello users and theme creators

it would be cool if a theme creator pls can make a new vista theme for windows 10

becuase the theme from sagorpbird is glitchy on the new windows 10 version 1903

sorry for my bad english i speak main german and armenia

dear Areoxsa | Robert :)
I am not a themer but just thought I would tell you that your engleh is excelent :uk: