View Full Version : Edge/Connect Removal Gives WU Errors

November 7th, 2019, 09:46 AM
Not sure if this has already been covered or not but I'm trying to remove two bloatware apps from windows pro 1903.
I'm able to remove them fine but wont be able to use windows update afterwords as I will get errors trying to update.

NOTE: In past builds I was able to remove them and update. *shrugs*

Below is what I used to remove and the errors it gives trying to update when packages are removed.

install_wim_tweak.exe /o /c Microsoft-Windows-Internet-Browser-Package /r
Microsoft.Edge Pkg Removal will give Window Update Error. 0x800f081f

install_wim_tweak.exe /o /c Microsoft-PPIProjection-Package /r
Microsoft.PPIProjection (Miracast) Gives different WU Error. 0x800f0982

Maybe is there a new method to remove this crap with still being able to use windows update ?
If so can anyone please chime in I'd appreciate that thanks...

Version 18362.449

- - - Updated - - -

Made some progress...
Idea is to reinstall the apps when a cumulative update is available.
Then Remove them again.

I was able to xcopy over from a virtual machine the packages


Similar way in the past with xbox/store for LTSB I digress
All I need to do is register the app with Add-AppxPackage

Problem is

HRESULT 0x80073CF9 registering at %SystemRoot%\SystemApps

I'm able to register via %ProgramFiles%\WindowsApps FINE but
The package location needs to be in SystemApps for source path!

I'm stumped here atm as

Add-AppxPackage -Register -DisableDevelopmentMode 'C\Windows\SystemApps\*\AppxManifest xml'

throws this error message

"AppX Deployment operation failed for package with error 0x80070057. The specific error text for this failure is: Rejecting a request to register from AppxManifest xml because the manifest is not in the package root. "

Anyone know a way around this to force registration source path?