View Full Version : Anyone else having this issue?

December 29th, 2019, 05:56 AM
So I stopped using custom msstyle themes for a short bit and now I'm back to using them [mainly just wanted to take a small break and focus on my other projects]. And I'm noticing something that is irking me.... the back and forward buttons are refusing to theme....

They are basically trying to take on a round glassy theme and won't use the images provided by the theme selected....

Here are some screenshots of what I'm referring to




Here are my Old New Explorer settings as well


I've also noticed some themes won't even load anymore.

Is anyone else having this issue, or does anyone know what is causing it?


Aaaaannnnd now I feel stupid xD. I figured it out. I forgot I had my DPI upped to the recommended setting of 125% xD

December 29th, 2019, 07:47 AM
hello my friend
i am on 4K and thats really easy question for me
more themes not supported higher DPI as 100%
and if you run not supported theme = black screen or some problems
problem 1 - broken taskbar
problem 2 - broken explorer
problem 3 - broken start menu
problem 4 - broken navigation buttons
if you have on your theme any of this issues then not supported DPI higher as 100%
run again your theme on DPI on 100% and this resolve all of this problems
good choice is using Mr GRiM (https://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/1-Mr-GRiM) Xmas theme fixed for me with DPI 150%+ as concept for your new themes
https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/84421-HUD-Machine-Xmas-Special-Windows-10-1903-1909-19H1 (https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/84421-HUD-Machine-Xmas-Special-Windows-10-1903-1909-19H1)