View Full Version : no one else is creating theme for Windows 7??? =|

February 24th, 2020, 12:45 AM
i know that support for windows 7 ended some time ago,because this a lot of people its movin on for Win 10...
but i still believe that there are big fans of Win 7 like me xD

maybe its the end of Win 7 themes on VC Forum??? =|
or everybody can pray for a miracle to me and one day wake up with "god themer skills" to create some nice of them hahahahahaha
if someone its still creating themes for Win 7,let me know pls =DD

April 24th, 2020, 01:22 AM
>>> bump <<<

July 13th, 2020, 07:12 AM
Looking at the lack of comments on this topic, Windows 7 is really a thing of the past...

September 8th, 2020, 07:33 PM
Looking at the lack of comments on this topic, Windows 7 is really a thing of the past...

maybe so,but not everyone was born in a golden cradle to buy a new computer that has Windows 10 =))
and Devillnside already answered me,he still creating themes for W7 users and guess what?
it creates one theme better than the other,god bless him for still making themes for W7 users (:

here on the forum there are still a lot of members who use W7 or made dual-boot bro...

September 14th, 2020, 08:40 PM
kind of a bad sign considering just how broken theming on windows 10 actually is...

September 15th, 2020, 01:52 AM
kind of a bad sign considering just how broken theming on windows 10 actually is...

yeeeaahhh bro,I agree with you
a lot themers or users of them here at the beginning of the W10 were complaining about many things e.e

thats why im W7 user =DD