View Full Version : how can i get Pro Designer rank/status please???

May 5th, 2020, 01:56 AM
hello o/
just wanna know how can i get this "Pro Designer" status/rank here on VC pls

here have some members with this stats and i was curious,
I thought it was just Rep but i saw one menber with less "Rep" than mine,what i need to do??
thx a lot for those who help ^.^

here is what im talkin about:


A Guy
May 5th, 2020, 05:13 AM
I don't know what the trigger is, but I'll say something. Just keep on doing what you do. While the badges are nice, it should never be the reason to contribute. If you add to the forum, it will be noticed. And even one thank you from a fellow member is better than any badge in the world. Enjoy what you do, and the people around you, and everything else is just gravy

A Guy ;)

May 5th, 2020, 05:54 AM
hello o/
just wanna know how can i get this "Pro Designer" status/rank here on VC pls

here have some members with this stats and i was curious,
I thought it was just Rep but i saw one menber with less "Rep" than mine,what i need to do??
thx a lot for those who help ^.^

here is what im talkin about:

86352Yeah your Badges will change as you build your Reputation as you Contribute more to the Site.
Patience Grasshopper you will get there, from what Iv'e seen anyway it just takes a bit of time.
Keep up the good work Bro

May 5th, 2020, 06:14 PM
Yeah your Badges will change as you build your Reputation as you Contribute more to the Site.
Patience Grasshopper you will get there, from what Iv'e seen anyway it just takes a bit of time.
Keep up the good work Bro

as i said brother: I thought it was just Rep but i saw one member with less "Rep" than mine

idk if this is just "Rep" :x

May 5th, 2020, 06:23 PM
I don't know what the trigger is, but I'll say something. Just keep on doing what you do. While the badges are nice, it should never be the reason to contribute. If you add to the forum, it will be noticed. And even one thank you from a fellow member is better than any badge in the world. Enjoy what you do, and the people around you, and everything else is just gravy

A Guy ;)

ohh for sure brow,i dont make all these things just for Rep because this is for noobs xD

i share my crazy ideas here just for fun and knowledge ^.^
but i was like "WTF???" after see a member with less Rep than mine using this badges...
it would be cool if there was a tutorial explaining about VC Rep and badges =DD

thanks a lot for answers,if anybody have more ideas its more than welcome o/

May 5th, 2020, 08:25 PM
hello friends and sorry if we dont have free time for all of your questions in this time
Apprentice = New Approved and active member 0 - 50 posts
Skilled = 50 - 350 posts
Pro Designer = 350 - 750 posts
VC Elite = 750 posts

May 5th, 2020, 11:40 PM
hello friends and sorry if we dont have free time for all of your questions in this time
Apprentice = New Approved and active member 0 - 50 posts
Skilled = 50 - 350 posts
Pro Designer = 350 - 750 posts
VC Elite = 750 posts

ooohhh awesome to know,thanks a LOT Moon
you are the woman hahaha

but dont worry about,maybe a old member could create "this tutorial"
or maybe somebody from "ADM staff" can fix it this somewhere here on VC =DD

May 6th, 2020, 07:00 AM
hello friends and sorry if we dont have free time for all of your questions in this time
Apprentice = New Approved and active member 0 - 50 posts
Skilled = 50 - 350 posts
Pro Designer = 350 - 750 posts
VC Elite = 750 posts

Thanks Moon for details , so if I figure well those badges are not related to how people are really skilled but how many posts they put on forum
Well I'm not so talkative to post at least 350 times on the same day :p... so I bet I get higher badge around 2030 ah ah
That said I'm not so keen to be " famous" don't have to proof to anyone but me how unique I'am ROFL :Smile:
The only regret I have is after years not have a visual style I made and share here on VC not being easily displayed on related topic :cheeky:

Dark Knight
May 6th, 2020, 02:16 PM
Thanks Moon for details , so if I figure well those badges are not related to how people are really skilled but how many posts they put on forum
Well I'm not so talkative to post at least 350 times on the same day :p... so I bet I get higher badge around 2030 ah ah
That said I'm not so keen to be " famous" don't have to proof to anyone but me how unique I'am ROFL :Smile:
The only regret I have is after years not have a visual style I made and share here on VC not being easily displayed on related topic :cheeky:

You will get there .... LOL
I have been a member here since around 2008 and my post count is only around 1500, my badge says a join date of 2011, but that is only because there was a glitch with some user names and passwords when they went from the old site to the new so I just rejoined under a new name.

May 6th, 2020, 06:26 PM
Thanks Moon for details , so if I figure well those badges are not related to how people are really skilled but how many posts they put on forum
Well I'm not so talkative to post at least 350 times on the same day :p... so I bet I get higher badge around 2030 ah ah
That said I'm not so keen to be " famous" don't have to proof to anyone but me how unique I'am ROFL :Smile:
The only regret I have is after years not have a visual style I made and share here on VC not being easily displayed on related topic :cheeky:

"so I bet I get higher badge around 2030"

i just was curious about,now I see that its not just me who had this doubt ^.^
we are on the same road brow,i dont wanna be famous here and just share my crazy things for fun xD
my only regret its not have enough PS skills to create what create exactly what I imagine hahahahahahaha

May 6th, 2020, 06:27 PM
You will get there .... LOL
I have been a member here since around 2008 and my post count is only around 1500, my badge says a join date of 2011, but that is only because there was a glitch with some user names and passwords when they went from the old site to the new so I just rejoined under a new name.

daammm brow :x

A Guy
May 7th, 2020, 04:35 AM
Ten years at VC for me a couple of weeks ago. It was one of 3 theming forums I belonged to then. The only survivor ;)

A Guy

May 29th, 2020, 12:56 AM
Ten years at VC for me a couple of weeks ago. It was one of 3 theming forums I belonged to then. The only survivor ;)

A Guy

oohh sorry to reply you sooooo late brow e.e
so you completed 10 years at VC a couple weeks ago bro??

and what forum you are a member?? and what u mean "the only survivor"??
i know one pretty cool,its all about W7 - perfect for me because im W7 user ;p
besides this forum, i am a member of others about games hahahaha

A Guy
May 29th, 2020, 06:51 AM
I'm a member, and on the Team at www.sevenforums.com , www.eightforums.com , and www.tenforums.com

By last survivor, I mean VC is the last of those theming forums left. It was/is of course the best, but there used to be a thriving community other than just VC

A Guy

May 29th, 2020, 06:48 PM
I'm a member, and on the Team at www.sevenforums.com (http://www.sevenforums.com) , www.eightforums.com (http://www.eightforums.com) , and www.tenforums.com (http://www.tenforums.com)

By last survivor, I mean VC is the last of those theming forums left. It was/is of course the best, but there used to be a thriving community other than just VC

A Guy

aaahh im a member of this 7 Forums too brow,nice to know =DD
yeeessss,VC is the best forum because have a lot of resources ^^

who is the owner??? Mr Grim brow???
thx for all your answers =DD

A Guy
May 30th, 2020, 06:41 AM
Yes, Mr GRiM is the owner of VC

A Guy

May 30th, 2020, 06:25 PM
Yes, Mr GRiM is the owner of VC

A Guy

well,it was like I thought haha
thx for your answers brow =DD