View Full Version : Dark themes: fix for MS Excel

August 21st, 2020, 04:00 PM
Hey, everybody!

It's known that MS Excel doesn't work well with the custom themes. I've created an Add-In that fixes Excel as much as possible.


You can find the Add-In, complete description and documentation on a project's GitHub page (clickable) (https://github.com/matafokka/ExcelDarkThemeFix).


I've never posted a thing on this forum and I don't know how to properly introduce something here. So I ask you, guys, to contact the administration and ask them to include my Add-In in the tutorials, so people would have a less of a pain with crappy Microsoft software.

Thank you, see ya! :)

Dark Knight
August 22nd, 2020, 05:35 AM
I am going to leave this here for now until we get some feedback. I myself will not be trying this because the VERY first thing I was ever taught about Excel in Excel 101 is to never allow macros, it is not safe.

August 22nd, 2020, 10:43 AM
Thank you for the answer!

never allow macros, it is not safe.

It's 50/50. Everything is safe if you know how to work with it ;) Trusted macros (such as widely used or open-source) are cool, shady .xlsm files are not. And even then Microsoft implemented mechanisms that doesn't let macros to do serious damage unless configured otherwise.

If you're unsure about my project, you can check the source code (it's not that big and complex) without running it :)