View Full Version : Windows 10 Custom Theme

September 12th, 2020, 01:57 AM
Hi All

I always seem to struggle to getting the themes to appear exactly as they show on the forums even when i follow the directions.

I was wondering if anyone has the themes set up as an executable after i run 3rd part software to enable customized themes. I am happy to pay for the trouble too. I am not well versed in this side and do not have a full understanding. apologies if this was not the correct forum to post this in,

November 10th, 2021, 05:26 PM
Getting custom themes for your windows ten is quite difficult sometimes, especially when you see them on different forums and you can't find them anywhere else. There are a lot of times when you request the user that posted the wallpaper to send it to you without the applications they have on it, and most of the time, the user doesn't even see your request.

November 12th, 2021, 03:15 AM
Hi All

I always seem to struggle to getting the themes to appear exactly as they show on the forums even when i follow the directions.

I was wondering if anyone has the themes set up as an executable after i run 3rd part software to enable customized themes. I am happy to pay for the trouble too. I am not well versed in this side and do not have a full understanding. apologies if this was not the correct forum to post this in,HI Dragonic, I don't think its a good idea to run exe or self installed themes with manually installed custom third party software if you have any exe type themes running side by side with manually installed themes and mods, they seem to conflict and you should uninstall them after your sick of them instead of leaving them installed on your system and selecting another, try just using one or the other and see if that helps.

March 16th, 2023, 01:10 PM
I know this answer is coming in a bit late, but for anyone who might stumble upon this post.

March 16th, 2023, 03:07 PM
Hi All

I always seem to struggle to getting the themes to appear exactly as they show on the forums even when i follow the directions.

I was wondering if anyone has the themes set up as an executable after i run 3rd part software to enable customized themes. I am happy to pay for the trouble too. I am not well versed in this side and do not have a full understanding. apologies if this was not the correct forum to post this in,

Donkuz is right, we usually avoid Exe file installers of Themes like the Plague, unless you trust the source 100%. I myself have used this type of theme in the past from another site, they are Mostly premium Themes that come with Cursors, Icons, wallpapers and widgets or Rainmeters , all in a Exe file.

When using these Theme packs, once i have installed it, i extract the Theme Files for my collection, so as to not have to use the exe file again, this way as Donkuz has said, reduces the chance of conflicts at a later point. The good peeps here are always full of great info and support, Donkuz and Moon are complete assets to this site and have helped me massively in the past. Now i am running a 4 SSD Multi Booting System, two drives for Win 10 and two drives for Win 11, all 4 drives using Themes or Windowblinds .

If you need any help, feel free to contact me , i came her a beginner with Themes when Win 11 was launched, as i was a Windowblinds user for many years, i have learnt so much from the peeps here, which made my system what it is now, now i am confident enough to experiment, understanding how to get out of trouble should it happen.