View Full Version : Kinetik X Light Aqua for Windows 10 19H1+

September 17th, 2020, 08:18 PM
Kinetik X Light Aqua
Windows 10 1903 19H1
Windows 10 1909 19H2
Windows 10 v2004 20H1


Installing themes on Windows 10:
Some Tools You May Need

Theme Signature Bypass
UxTheme service hook - Visual Theme Signature Bypass

ONE (OldNewExplorer)

OldNewExplorer is the Windows 10 (and Windows 8.1, and 8) shell extension / tweaker which can undo "improvements" to file browsing made in newer Windows versions. Everything is optional for your liking.
For best results, use these settings:

StartIsBack++ for Windows 10

What's hot about StartIsBack on Windows 10 now?
Full taskbar skinning!
Ability to reduce resource usage by disabling newer Start menu and Cortana processes from prelaunching
Ability to use adequately sized (32x32) large icons and larger start menu button on taskbar
Modern icon glyphs on Start menu right hand pane
Modern blur, drop shadow and immersive context menus for start menu
Fully dynamic DPI aware start menu and configuration app
New modern style with round user picture
Lots of new minor additions and tweaks

I take no responsibility for anyone that bricks their system, use custom themes at your own risk

(Theme) Kinetik X Light Aqua for W10 19H1 by Agelyk on DeviantArt (https://www.deviantart.com/agelyk/art/Theme-Kinetik-X-Light-Aqua-for-W10-19H1-817421977)


Due to the COVID-19 outbreak. ALL of Agelyk's Visual Styles are now payed downloads. I'm helping him by linking to their actual pages here on VC but officially these are payed Visual Styles.
The download links will go to his actual post for people to buy the Visual Styles from if they would like to do so.
I do ask that people consider buying his Visual Styles if they want to use them. They are not expensive and every little bit helps Agelyk to make it through the COVID-19 pandemic.

September 17th, 2020, 09:05 PM
hmmm pretty cool theme bro,nice job o/

September 18th, 2020, 12:10 PM
Sorry Nimbi, why you make publicity for a paid theme and in your thread I see nothing of it.
In your link of DeviantArt I can download the theme if I pay for it.
Please publish this in your thread, if this is a paid theme.


September 18th, 2020, 12:48 PM
Nice looking theme, :Smile:

September 22nd, 2020, 02:37 PM
Agelyx style, but seems like he no longer post here or DeviantArt either. He's busy doing something else, I guess.

Agelyx always has his tech+neon/laserlight effects. Very talent designers, only a drawback is majority of his themes are commercial which of course is his choice. He created them so he decided.

September 22nd, 2020, 09:56 PM
lo flipo tio its awesome

September 24th, 2020, 03:46 AM
Sorry Nimbi, why you make publicity for a paid theme and in your thread I see nothing of it.
In your link of DeviantArt I can download the theme if I pay for it.
Please publish this in your thread, if this is a paid theme.


Yo, the reason i didn't publish this in my theme section is because this is not my theme. All I'm doing is advertising it for Agelyk since he is still technically one of our themers. I can update the description but this theme belongs to Agelyk so I take no credit for this VS. I'm only helping him get noticed by linking to his themes here since the COVID-19 situation has forced him to make his themes payed themes now.

This is just something I'm doing to help him since he was one of the VS designers I have always supported since he first joined us.

September 24th, 2020, 03:49 AM
Agelyx style, but seems like he no longer post here or DeviantArt either. He's busy doing something else, I guess.

Agelyx always has his tech+neon/laserlight effects. Very talent designers, only a drawback is majority of his themes are commercial which of course is his choice. He created them so he decided.

Yeah he still posts occasionally on DeviantArt but the COVID-19 situation has made things difficult for him. He has been forced to make his Visual Styles payed visual styles and since I've always supported him I figured I'd help him out by linking his themes here so more people can find them. The DeviantArt link is his official page for it, so it goes directly to his own post. This is also why I posted it into his section instead of mine.

September 24th, 2020, 08:25 AM
Yo, the reason i didn't publish this in my theme section is because this is not my theme. All I'm doing is advertising it for Agelyk since he is still technically one of our themers. I can update the description but this theme belongs to Agelyk so I take no credit for this VS. I'm only helping him get noticed by linking to his themes here since the COVID-19 situation has forced him to make his themes payed themes now.

This is just something I'm doing to help him since he was one of the VS designers I have always supported since he first joined us.

Okay, now I understand your intention and it's a nice one, only like I said a short word that this is a paid theme. When you read your thread it's like it's free, but now you have change it and all is clear now. Nothing more. I have no problems with paid themes (I have also bought some of them) but it's nice to see in the future if it's a paid theme or not. That's all.


September 27th, 2020, 04:47 AM
excellent bro, how to can i download?¿

December 11th, 2020, 10:50 PM
excellent bro, how to can i download?¿

This Visual Style can be downloaded upon purchase from Agelyk on DeviantArt. The link in the main post takes you to his official page for the VS. Once purchased the download becomes available.

January 17th, 2021, 03:45 PM
My God what a Theme ahaha Just installed not this but the Technician Version of that one, and all went sooo well, the Theme is just perfect and all, reflects exactly what I wanted, bot when i rebooted the first time, booom.. thats it... My screen stays like this and seeming look like crashing (only the rainmeter skin remains)

Where i could go wrong with that? My version is 20H2 Build 1904 and I've all installed (StartisBack++, OldNew and Ultra)
I really don't know what happened cause all seems to work... before i rebooted... and now I really don't know what to do

my screen stays like this and the theme looks like crashing (only the rainmeter skin remains)

January 17th, 2021, 03:53 PM
Yoooo... my god what a theme ahaha just installed this and all went well, that's just perfect and reflects exatly what I was searching... But when i rebooted the Pc my screen just stays like that seemin that the theme just crashed (in fact only the rainmeter skin remains) Where could I go wrong? I know that it works cause before I rebooted all look perfect and funtional... but then

Now i really don't know what happen neither what should I do...
I've all the softwares correctly installed (Startisback++, OldNew and of course UltraUX)
My Win Version is 20H2 Build 1904


January 17th, 2021, 04:16 PM
Yoooo... my god what a theme ahaha just installed this and all went well, that's just perfect and reflects exatly what I was searching... But when i rebooted the Pc my screen just stays like that seemin that the theme just crashed (in fact only the rainmeter skin remains) Where could I go wrong? I know that it works cause before I rebooted all look perfect and funtional... but then

Now i really don't know what happen neither what should I do...
I've all the softwares correctly installed (Startisback++, OldNew and of course UltraUX)
My Win Version is 20H2 Build 1904

hello and sfc/ scannow restore all patched files to Windows default
after sfc/ scannow you need to install UltraUXTheme patcher back
if someone install KB 4598242 (19041.746 or the 19042.746)
and cant run themes after UltraUXTheme patcher installed
then need to Take ownership themeui.dll and uxinit.dll files first manually
and need to run UltraUXTheme patcher as Administrator
https://virtualcustoms.net/Windows-10-20h1-and-20h2-3rd-Party-themes-Patch-by-Moonnique (https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/86326-Windows-10-20h1-and-20h2-3rd-Party-themes-Patch-by-Moonnique%C2%AE/page2?p=352026&viewfull=1#post352026)

January 17th, 2021, 11:07 PM
hello and sfc/ scannow restore all patched files to Windows default
after sfc/ scannow you need to install UltraUXTheme patcher back
if someone install KB 4598242 (19041.746 or the 19042.746)
and cant run themes after UltraUXTheme patcher installed
then need to Take ownership themeui.dll and uxinit.dll files first manually
and need to run UltraUXTheme patcher as Administrator
https://virtualcustoms.net/Windows-10-20h1-and-20h2-3rd-Party-themes-Patch-by-Moonnique (https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/86326-Windows-10-20h1-and-20h2-3rd-Party-themes-Patch-by-Moonnique%C2%AE/page2?p=352026&viewfull=1#post352026)

ohhhh fdamn it you're right! ahahaha cause I even did too much to fix and not only did I reinstall
everything but I also created a Windows recovery copy, from which I then forgot to reactivate all
the Total Checks! that’s why it didn’t go! lacked that ahahah thank you very much Monique


Anyway now that I managed to get it started I don’t know why but all the icons
are gone and it doesn’t make me see anything other than the file titles...
You wouldn’t happen to know what that could be?
Or maybe it is a specific thing of this theme and I wait for Angel to ask him

Thank you very much again! :cheeky:

January 18th, 2021, 12:56 AM
ohhhh fdamn it you're right! ahahaha cause I even did too much to fix and not only did I reinstall
everything but I also created a Windows recovery copy, from which I then forgot to reactivate all
the Total Checks! that’s why it didn’t go! lacked that ahahah thank you very much Monique


Anyway now that I managed to get it started I don’t know why but all the icons
are gone and it doesn’t make me see anything other than the file titles...
You wouldn’t happen to know what that could be?
Or maybe it is a specific thing of this theme and I wait for Angel to ask him

Thank you very much again! :cheeky:
no problem i am glad if this help to you
problem 1 white explorer.exe
you need to install back OldNewExplorer
problem 2 missing icons
i think you are using iPack Icon Pack
iPack is unsupported for windows 10 19h1 1903 and above
https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/84148-Windows-10-19H1-19H2-1903-1909-18362-18363-END-for-iPack-users (https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/84148-Windows-10-19H1-19H2-1903-1909-18362-18363-END-for-iPack-users)

January 18th, 2021, 02:32 AM
no problem i am glad if this help to you
problem 1 white explorer.exe
you need to install back OldNewExplorer
problem 2 missing icons
i think you are using iPack Icon Pack
iPack is unsupported for windows 10 19h1 1903 and above

Oh, ok, didn't even know that at all,
cause I got that iPack from a custom made specific for that Skin from Angel.
So now the solution is to use 7tsp right?
Instead for ONE and the white screen is that a correct config right?
Otherwise I just discovered qTTabbar that should be good too
Let me know, again thank you so much for the help :)


January 18th, 2021, 08:23 AM
Oh, ok, didn't even know that at all,
cause I got that iPack from a custom made specific for that Skin from Angel.
So now the solution is to use 7tsp right?
Instead for ONE and the white screen is that a correct config right?
Otherwise I just discovered qTTabbar that should be good too
Let me know, again thank you so much for the help :)

i never used this theme but i think this theme is created for windows 10 19h1 1903
themes for w10 19h1 can be running on 19h1 , 19h2 , 20h1 and 20h2
only the Icon Packs for 19h1+ need be updated because using the new location
and imageres.dll.res now need be saved as imageres.dll.mun.res

January 18th, 2021, 11:23 AM
i never used this theme but i think this theme is created for windows 10 19h1 1903
themes for w10 19h1 can be running on 19h1 , 19h2 , 20h1 and 20h2
only the Icon Packs for 19h1+ need be updated because using the new location
and imageres.dll.res now need be saved as imageres.dll.mun.res

Yeah yeah i was reading your post yesterday in fact I stopped using that iPack :)
Ok so 7stp should be good, or at limit I'll do it manually :O
As for the white window instead qttabbar I tried and it doesn’t work,
with the new update they must have removed the option of editing the backgrupound
since I only see the option of customizing the taskbar :/
I've also tryed to modify through the Inten Graphics panel but nothing

January 18th, 2021, 08:45 PM
Yeah yeah i was reading your post yesterday in fact I stopped using that iPack :)
Ok so 7stp should be good, or at limit I'll do it manually :O
As for the white window instead qttabbar I tried and it doesn’t work,
with the new update they must have removed the option of editing the backgrupound
since I only see the option of customizing the taskbar :/
I've also tryed to modify through the Inten Graphics panel but nothing
you can try to uninstall iPack Icon Pack
and all other 3rd party application for customizing windows explorer
then please open 7tsp GUI and click on add Icon pack
7tsp Shell for w10 19h1 19h2 20h1 20h2
and click on start patching i hope this reslove your problem
https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/86271-Replaced-shell-UIFILE-permanently-w10-19h1-19h2-20h1-20h2 (https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/86271-Replaced-shell-UIFILE-permanently-w10-19h1-19h2-20h1-20h2)