View Full Version : Explorer BG Transparency Enabler

January 26th, 2021, 07:57 AM
Explorer BG Transparency Enabler
Enable Transparent File Explorer for MSSTYLE Visual Styles





Stardock Curtains
Windows 10 1809+


Apply a Visual Style
Load Explorer BG Transparency Enabler into Stardock Curtains
In Stardock Curtains select the Force glass explorer backgrounds option as displayed in the screenshot below:91015


Permission is granted to anyone who wants to use this as a base to make custom Curtains Style[s] for their theme[s].
Stardock Curtains IS NOT currently compatible with Windows 11


January 26th, 2021, 01:34 PM
:happy:really awesome:greedy:and very helpful work my friend :f:

January 27th, 2021, 04:27 PM
Update 01/27/2021 10:23 AM -07:00 MST

Now contains two Curtains Styles [One for Light themes and one for Dark themes]
Both require AppMode to be set to Dark in order to avoid the white squares around the navigation icons.

January 28th, 2021, 09:16 AM
Hi Nimbi,

nice project, looks really good.
The only thing I would like to see is the navigation pane also blured like the main window.
Would be great if you could do this.:peace:


January 28th, 2021, 11:56 AM
Update 01/27/2021 10:23 AM -07:00 MST

Now contains two Curtains Styles [One for Light themes and one for Dark themes]
Both require AppMode to be set to Dark in order to avoid the white squares around the navigation icons.

Hi Nimbi,

nice project, looks really good.
The only thing I would like to see is the navigation pane also blured like the main window.
Would be great if you could do this.:peace:

thank you for the update
and blurry navigation pane its not a bad idea
this be look more cool :greedy:

February 4th, 2021, 10:51 PM
Hi Nimbi,

nice project, looks really good.
The only thing I would like to see is the navigation pane also blured like the main window.
Would be great if you could do this.:peace:


thank you for the update
and blurry navigation pane its not a bad idea
this be look more cool :greedy:

Yo, thankls for the comments. As for the blurry nav pane, that would require custom title bar images. So it isn't really something that can be made universal with Curtains. You would need to make an edit of the style for use specifically with the theme being applied to that uses custom images. As it stands Stardock Curtaisn uses images for the title bar that can be extended further down. But it would override the MSSTYLE if the images were different than those used by the MSSTYLE so I left all custom images out by default to ensure it would be fully compatible with all MSSTYLE themes.

With that said, I have no problem with people using this as a base to replace Aero Glass with. It's actually one of the reasons I made it. So feel free to mess around with it and tweak it to whatever you feel works for you.

February 7th, 2021, 02:00 PM
Hi Nimbi,

could you please explain step by step how to apply your acrylic explorer ?
I try to use it, but didn't work. What I'm doing wrong ???
What do I do with the files ? I've installed them (double click on the files) and curtains make two empty folders ACRYLIC EXPLORER (DARK) and (LIGHT). Nothing more.
Would be nice if you can help me.

Thanks and regards

March 4th, 2021, 11:34 AM
working great and is beautiful!

Nimbi, can you tell me which theme you are using in your last screenshot? The one with the blue border around the explorer. Much appreciated!

March 19th, 2021, 08:40 AM
Update 03/19/2021

Added Acrylic Transparency style to the downloads list. [Optional style that uses default as color for both light and dark mode and recolors them with accent color hue shifting]

March 19th, 2021, 08:43 AM
Hi Nimbi,

could you please explain step by step how to apply your acrylic explorer ?
I try to use it, but didn't work. What I'm doing wrong ???
What do I do with the files ? I've installed them (double click on the files) and curtains make two empty folders ACRYLIC EXPLORER (DARK) and (LIGHT). Nothing more.
Would be nice if you can help me.

Thanks and regards

Hello, sorry for the late reply, to apply them you need to load them via Curtains. I've actually never seen them not load by double clicking so you might have to manually load them after installing them.

March 19th, 2021, 08:54 AM
working great and is beautiful!

Nimbi, can you tell me which theme you are using in your last screenshot? The one with the blue border around the explorer. Much appreciated!

Yo, no prob. That one is called Explorer (https://www.deviantart.com/niivu/art/Explorer-theme-for-Windows-10-867983280). It's by niivu and can be found on DeviantArt.

Here is the page for it:

Explorer theme for Windows 10 by niivu on DeviantArt (https://www.deviantart.com/niivu/art/Explorer-theme-for-Windows-10-867983280)

June 2nd, 2021, 06:51 PM
Hi, I'm using M83 Midnight City theme and applying your Acrylic Explorer. Everything works fine and glass effect is awesome. But I'm trying to make my active window darker than the inactive windows. When I change transparency to say 200 on the active window, all it changes is the transparency in the navigation pane (works perfectly there) but it doesn't darken the transparency in the actual main window, if you know what I mean.
Is there any way to change the transparency in both navigation & main window or is it maybe theme dependant ?

December 1st, 2021, 11:49 PM
Update - December 1, 2021

Rebuilt into Explorer BG Transparency Enabler to make it more universal and grant better support for all MSSTYLE visual styles.

Updated download link and instructions to reflect changes.
Updated notes to prevent confusion.

December 3rd, 2021, 10:02 PM
Hi, I'm using M83 Midnight City theme and applying your Acrylic Explorer. Everything works fine and glass effect is awesome. But I'm trying to make my active window darker than the inactive windows. When I change transparency to say 200 on the active window, all it changes is the transparency in the navigation pane (works perfectly there) but it doesn't darken the transparency in the actual main window, if you know what I mean.
Is there any way to change the transparency in both navigation & main window or is it maybe theme dependant ?

Hello, sorry for the late reply. You will need to edit transparency for both the active and inactive windows to change the default transparency in them. Stardock Curtains may or may not have those backwards so you'll probably need to mess around with them a bit to make it work as desired.

The latest update doesn't include any custom changes at all and simply enables to Force glass explorer backgrounds option. So you can more or less tweak it around even more to whatever you want with it.

To fully change settings you might need to use the advanced options in each tab that you choose to edit as some options are hidden behind that option.

December 28th, 2021, 05:50 PM
Hi! I'm currently using HUD Machine Blue Theme from Mr GRiM. Is there a way to load the visual style in curtains?

Dark Knight
December 29th, 2021, 05:35 PM
Hi! I'm currently using HUD Machine Blue Theme from Mr GRiM. Is there a way to load the visual style in curtains?

No need to load the visual style into curtains, just install Curtains from Stardock and follow Nimbi's instructions above and you will achieve the same effect.

December 29th, 2021, 06:39 PM
Thank you!!!