View Full Version : Modifying Grim's shellstyle to get the details pane vertically on right

February 15th, 2021, 08:00 AM
Hi everyone,

So I have Mark's shellstyle for Win 8.1 which shows details pane at the bottom. I've made a few themes but the design logic demands the details pane to be shown vertically on the right side of the explorer Window. I remembered one of Zeus's themes had those so I copied the relevant shellUI files from his shellstyle (with permission) to Mark's shellstyle. I got the details pane on the right but it also introduced some other artefacts. Namely, I lost my folderband and there's a strange 1px border at the bottom of main explorer window and 2px black border at the bottom of the details pane.


Can anyone help me accomplish this ?

Any help will be greatly appreciated this.

Many thanks!!

February 15th, 2021, 06:19 PM
After some trial & error, I got it working.


Big thanks to Mark for original Shellstyle, this board and all the work throughout the years he has done for all of us.

May you be blessed with health and happiness my friend.

March 19th, 2021, 09:24 PM
After some trial & error, I got it working.


Big thanks to Mark for original Shellstyle, this board and all the work throughout the years he has done for all of us.

May you be blessed with health and happiness my friend.
good work looks really nice:greedy:
all files can be changed manually in the OldNewExplorer.dll UIFILE for easy use:Smile:

June 29th, 2021, 03:30 PM
Great theme bro...btw how you to fix it? line 1px...If you are willing, would you please tell me how and where to map the image?