View Full Version : Computer is taking too long to shut down - Windows 7

April 6th, 2021, 01:19 AM
hey guys,wassup???
the title says it all,i have been with this problem for a while pissing me off about 2 years but only now have I had enough time to try to solve it this problem e.e
I watched some tutorials on Youtube but I haven't been able to solve it yet,none of them helped me enough =|

also I disabled some stupid Windows services and also disabled some things in the System Config ("MS Config") but I don't know if it makes any difference
i dont touched anything on my Registry Editor because i dont like,I've had problems with this in the past and I never got close again,I was traumatized xD
I know that Windows 7 is a system old as f***,but my computer turns on very fast in just a matter of a few seconds, I think it takes 1 minute at most...

and yes,i have a low end PC but i can play some games like GTA SA,NFS Most Wanted,Half Life,CS 1.6 and others like these,works fine - also I don't have many programs installed, the ones I use less often, I even prefer the Portable version.
restoring my computer would not be an option that I would consider,as it is something so simple to solve...

so i dont know whats goign on,it's time to ask the experts for help - I apologize for making you read so much ;p
anyway,I will be forever grateful for those who can help me and have a great week o/

NOTE: again,I don't know if it makes any difference but in the Registry Editor on "HKEY_Current_User" dont have "Hung App Timeout" or "Wait To Kill App Timeout" ,which was something that I realized existed on other computers in the tutorials that I watched...

April 6th, 2021, 01:43 AM
hey guys,wassup???
the title says it all,i have been with this problem for a while pissing me off about 2 years but only now have I had enough time to try to solve it this problem e.e
I watched some tutorials on Youtube but I haven't been able to solve it yet,none of them helped me enough =|

also I disabled some stupid Windows services and also disabled some things in the System Config ("MS Config") but I don't know if it makes any difference
i dont touched anything on my Registry Editor because i dont like,I've had problems with this in the past and I never got close again,I was traumatized xD
I know that Windows 7 is a system old as f***,but my computer turns on very fast in just a matter of a few seconds, I think it takes 1 minute at most...

and yes,i have a low end PC but i can play some games like GTA SA,NFS Most Wanted,Half Life,CS 1.6 and others like these,works fine - also I don't have many programs installed, the ones I use less often, I even prefer the Portable version.
restoring my computer would not be an option that I would consider,as it is something so simple to solve...

so i dont know whats goign on,it's time to ask the experts for help - I apologize for making you read so much ;p
anyway,I will be forever grateful for those who can help me and have a great week o/

NOTE: again,I don't know if it makes any difference but in the Registry Editor on "HKEY_Current_User" dont have "Hung App Timeout" or "Wait To Kill App Timeout" ,which was something that I realized existed on other computers in the tutorials that I watched...
sorry my friend for simple reply but i am not currently home
you can try this .reg file if you dont know how to use registry editor
https://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/717-shut-down-speed-up.html (https://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/717-shut-down-speed-up.html)

April 6th, 2021, 01:57 AM
sorry my friend for simple reply but i am not currently home
you can try this .reg file if you dont know how to use registry editor
https://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/717-shut-down-speed-up.html (https://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/717-shut-down-speed-up.html)

thanks Moonn' for your answer,i will try soon and tell you what happened ;p
but just let me ask you,is it safe to reduce shutdown that much for just 2 secs?? O.O

A Guy
April 6th, 2021, 04:20 AM
You may have a program or process that is hanging causing the delay. You might try a Clean Start to see if that fixes the issue. If so, you can then add your startup items back and see which makes the problem return. I suggest taking screen shots of your entire startup list before so you can refer back to it while enabling items

If the clean start fixes the issue, when troubleshooting which item is causing the slow shut down, a "trick" I use is reenabling 1/2 the items you had running before. If the problem comes back, you can be certain that the problem was in that 1/2. If so, disable them, but enable 1/2 that group, etc. until you trace it down to one program

If enabling the 1st 1/2 does not bring the problem back, then that 1/2 is safe, enable 1/2 of the rest, etc.


A Guy

PS, it could also be an attached device, although less common. You might disconnect anything but mouse and keyboard as an easy test first

April 6th, 2021, 09:16 PM
sorry my friend for simple reply but i am not currently home
you can try this .reg file if you dont know how to use registry editor
https://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/717-shut-down-speed-up.html (https://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/717-shut-down-speed-up.html)

unfortunately,I tried to use "2 seconds to shut down" but this problem still continues Moonn' =|

You may have a program or process that is hanging causing the delay. You might try a Clean Start to see if that fixes the issue. If so, you can then add your startup items back and see which makes the problem return. I suggest taking screen shots of your entire startup list before so you can refer back to it while enabling items

If the clean start fixes the issue, when troubleshooting which item is causing the slow shut down, a "trick" I use is reenabling 1/2 the items you had running before. If the problem comes back, you can be certain that the problem was in that 1/2. If so, disable them, but enable 1/2 that group, etc. until you trace it down to one program

If enabling the 1st 1/2 does not bring the problem back, then that 1/2 is safe, enable 1/2 of the rest, etc.


A Guy

PS, it could also be an attached device, although less common. You might disconnect anything but mouse and keyboard as an easy test first

hmmm,when you said "Clean Start" you are talking about to diable everything in "Programs Startup" on the "MS Config"???
because I already deactivated everything that was unnecessary - now i just let start with my system Microsoft or Intel services,nothing more than these things =))

about my devices,i use Notebook so i dont have this problem i think xD
also i cleaned yesterday my "startup programs entries" =))

i will show for everybody some prints that i took from my "MS Config",take a look here:

as everyone can see here,i chose "selective startup" in the "general settings"


also all my unnecessary services have already been disabled...


to finish,i just let start with my system only real important programs as i said above


NOTE: I forgot to mention,when i say that i having problems with Windows shutdown taking too long i mean after logoff my user account,so this happens ONLY after everytime that i am in the "logout screen" to shutdown/restart my PC =|

A Guy
April 7th, 2021, 07:06 AM
When you shut down, does it display a message while waiting to shut down? Do you use Winaero Tweaker?


If so, you can easily enable Verbose Logon Messages which may give you more info



You can also just download the reg files (reg and undo both), they are safe

A Guy

April 7th, 2021, 10:43 AM
I have been using CCLEANER for many years and would run it once a week, or sometimes when I install something and do not like it I would run CCleaner after any uninstalls.


Dark Knight
April 7th, 2021, 01:01 PM
I have found using cleaners and such tend to cause more harm than good, I used to use them and was reinstalling my OS every six months , I stopped using them and I cannot tell you the last time I had to reinstall my OS because it was not operating correctly.

My best advice to you would to be to perform a clean install and add back your programs one by one until you find what it causing it because right now, you are just chasing your tail.

April 7th, 2021, 06:54 PM
When you shut down, does it display a message while waiting to shut down? Do you use Winaero Tweaker?


If so, you can easily enable Verbose Logon Messages which may give you more info


You can also just download the reg files (reg and undo both), they are safe

A Guy

hmmm there is no message "waiting to shutdown" for me,when i turn off my PC he just do all steps normallybut it takes "forever" to leave the logoff screen and really shutdown,thats the point im talking about :x

i dont think is anything about logon messages,but i will try this =DD
i have a few heavy games and programs installed on my computer,this can slow down my shutdown process or nah???
do you have more suggestions than maybe it could be causing this bro???

oohh i almost forgot,i dont use Winaero Tweaker xD

April 7th, 2021, 07:04 PM
I have been using CCLEANER for many years and would run it once a week, or sometimes when I install something and do not like it I would run CCleaner after any uninstalls.


thx for your answer Ultimitmale,I have CCleaner for years and use sometimes too haha
also i use Iobit Uninstaller when i need uninstall anything on my PC ;p

is a great cleaner,but he dont helped me about this until now :x
do you have any idea what can be pls????

April 7th, 2021, 07:18 PM
I have found using cleaners and such tend to cause more harm than good, I used to use them and was reinstalling my OS every six months , I stopped using them and I cannot tell you the last time I had to reinstall my OS because it was not operating correctly.

My best advice to you would to be to perform a clean install and add back your programs one by one until you find what it causing it because right now, you are just chasing your tail.

hmm i never had any problems with CCleaner bro...
it even helped me these days while im removing some unnecessary startup programs entries
similar native Windows tools take forever to do simple cleaning tasks,that's why i preffer CCleaner - but i just use to clean simple junk,for defrag and others types of clean i have other programs =DD

i dont want reinstall my entire Windows because i've "modded" a lot,I got rid of many stupid native programs and things :x
as it is something so simple to solve like i said before,so you have any idea what can be??

April 8th, 2021, 03:23 AM
When you shut down, does it display a message while waiting to shut down? Do you use Winaero Tweaker?


If so, you can easily enable Verbose Logon Messages which may give you more info


You can also just download the reg files (reg and undo both), they are safe

A Guy

I tried to disable this option today but I had it disabled before it seems :x
so basically,nothing changed =|

Dark Knight
April 8th, 2021, 05:10 AM
thx for your answer Ultimitmale,I have CCleaner for years and use sometimes too haha
also i use Iobit Uninstaller when i need uninstall anything on my PC ;p

is a great cleaner,but he dont helped me about this until now :x
do you have any idea what can be pls????

If you have customized as much as you say you have , without knowing exactly what you have done, it is anyone's guess at this point.
It could be a customization issue, it could be a software issue, this is why I advised a clean install but I can understand the feeling of having to do a clean install after all that work. This is why it is a good idea to make changes slowly and reboot after each change to make sure there are no complications, and if there are you know exactly what is causing it.

If your startup and services are down to the bare minimum and you are still having issues , the only thing I can advise at this point is to undo any customization you have done one at a time, reboot, if nothing changes, put it back and move on to another or uninstall any software you have added one at a time if nothing changes, re-install it and move on to the next, it'll take time and in my mind a clean install would really be less painless but eventually you are going to find the culprit.

A Guy
April 8th, 2021, 08:04 AM
I'm like you, many, many modifications made over time. I'll be building a new PC soon as the CPU is available, and no way I can remember all the things I have done, or where I found them

You might want to look at your process list before shutting down, and see if anything stands out. You could also look at Event Viewer> Windows Logs> System sort by time/date and see if there is an error message. I would suspect a 3rd party driver that isn't unloading normally

A Guy

April 8th, 2021, 07:14 PM
If you have customized as much as you say you have , without knowing exactly what you have done, it is anyone's guess at this point.
It could be a customization issue, it could be a software issue, this is why I advised a clean install but I can understand the feeling of having to do a clean install after all that work. This is why it is a good idea to make changes slowly and reboot after each change to make sure there are no complications, and if there are you know exactly what is causing it.

If your startup and services are down to the bare minimum and you are still having issues , the only thing I can advise at this point is to undo any customization you have done one at a time, reboot, if nothing changes, put it back and move on to another or uninstall any software you have added one at a time if nothing changes, re-install it and move on to the next, it'll take time and in my mind a clean install would really be less painless but eventually you are going to find the culprit.

when I said that I "modified" a lot,it means that I uninstalled some unnecessary stupid native programs,disabled some services like Windows Update and things like this but not very big changes,just these simple things you know?? ;)
i never touched again on my Registry Editor as i said before and never deleted or changed something that i without knowing what it is for,I don't even have any themes installed yet :x

and yeeessss,at that time I was the "PC noob" guy e.e
I didn't have as much Windows knowledge before as I do now hahahahaha
but I still insist on saying that it must be something simple to solve,because my computer still works normally and fast :x
i dont have any problems except with shutdown,that takes too long for complete after logout my account...

do you know if heavy programs have REALLY any impact on startup or mainly shutdown??
because i have a lot Microsoft Visual installed and i dont know if all these are really necessary :x
or maybe it could be a service I disabled related to shutdown bro???

thx again for your answers =DD

April 8th, 2021, 07:33 PM
I'm like you, many, many modifications made over time. I'll be building a new PC soon as the CPU is available, and no way I can remember all the things I have done, or where I found them

You might want to look at your process list before shutting down, and see if anything stands out. You could also look at Event Viewer> Windows Logs> System sort by time/date and see if there is an error message. I would suspect a 3rd party driver that isn't unloading normally

A Guy

hmmm nice answer bro,thx =DD
i checked today the "Event Viewer" like you said and looks normal,have just some alerts but nothing that i need to worry about
but i will try reboot my PC just to check if really is this...

and when you say "suspect a 3rd party driver" do you mean my PC drivers,USB devices or both bro??
do you know any way to find out if it really is 3°rd party drivers or whatever pls???

PS: I have a problem with a driver that I can't uninstall for reinstall and it's been a while,but i will check this today...
thx for your answers bro,have a great day =DD

A Guy
April 9th, 2021, 07:59 AM
Any driver not provided by windows for devices/programs (VPN, printer, mouse, keyboard, etc.). You can see all your installed drivers, uninstall redundant/superseded, etc. with this free program


You may find you have multiple older versions of GPU drivers for instance. If nothing else, you could free up some space. But unless you delete some non windows drivers, there is no specific way it will tell you if any are problems

You can open Device Manager, expand each category and see if there are any yellow triangle errors


A Guy

April 9th, 2021, 06:50 PM
Any driver not provided by windows for devices/programs (VPN, printer, mouse, keyboard, etc.). You can see all your installed drivers, uninstall redundant/superseded, etc. with this free program


You may find you have multiple older versions of GPU drivers for instance. If nothing else, you could free up some space. But unless you delete some non windows drivers, there is no specific way it will tell you if any are problems

You can open Device Manager, expand each category and see if there are any yellow triangle errors


A Guy

wooow thx for this program,I tried to solve yesterday my driver error using a program called "Driver Genius"
but guess what?? he can delete my corrupted driver even with UAC permissions e.e
i think windows already deleted or uninstalled this stupid driver that im talking about,but he still keeps warning me because maybe now the driver may be missing or idk - i tried to use Driver Booster to fix that error or if need to be updated once,but of course it didn't work ¬¬

about how to check for errors in the drivers I already knew how to do ;p
but i will try this program hehe

April 11th, 2021, 04:45 PM
- - - bump - - -

April 16th, 2021, 07:44 PM
- - - bump - - -