View Full Version : Some Beginner Questions

May 10th, 2021, 10:29 AM

I'm a complete beginner in theme editing.
I'm even new to Windows 10. I just love the good old Classic Theme and was reluctant to quit Windows 7.

1. I've followed the steps provided in https://www.sevenforums.com/customiz...ml#post1358071 (https://www.sevenforums.com/customization/135985-start-menu-color-change-post1358071.html#post1358071).
Is this indeed the first step? Is it still relevant to Win 10?

2. I've got Windows Style Builder v1.5.0.3. Should it work on Win 10?

3. Would I have to use UltraUXThemePatcher?
Is there a replacement for UxStyle_0242_x86_x64_preview.exe? Is this file necessary at all?

Thank you. I'd appreciate your help.

May 15th, 2021, 04:05 PM
I'm somewhat of a beginner myself but I think I can handle these questions.

1. Yes. This procedure creates a copy of the original theme that you can then modify to your liking. This is done because experimenting with the original theme is a very bad idea, if you mess something up it's more time consuming to try to restore the original file instead of just making another copy. Plus, after you've made the first copy you can create multiple copies of that copy if you, like me, screws up a lot.

You could also download a custom visual style made for your version of Windows 10 and modify it. But whether you start with a custom style or the original windows style really doesn't make any difference.

2. There are newer version available but I believe you're fine as long as it's 1.5.x.x. You do however need to download the updated class maps made for Windows 10. You can find theme here:

3. UltraUXThemePatcher is necessary to be able to utilize any third party themes which translates to: anything that is not created by Microsoft. I'm not familiar with UxStyle but it appears to do the same thing as UltraUXThemePatcher which is the one that's commonly used. Official link for the latest version:

May 15th, 2021, 04:14 PM
the similar thread and questions can be found here
https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/86914-How-to-customize-own-win-10-Theme (https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/86914-How-to-customize-own-win-10-Theme)

May 15th, 2021, 09:40 PM
@Poddzapp (https://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/354286-Poddzapp),

Thank you for the detailed and well explained reply. I appreciate it.


I first posted my questions in https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/86914-How-to-customize-own-win-10-Theme.
I got no replies for some time and opened a new thread.