View Full Version : StartIsBack++ Theme and Font Color fix by Moonnique

October 29th, 2021, 08:22 PM
StartIsBack++ v2.9.20
StartIsBack++ v2.9.19
StartIsBack++ v2.9.18
StartIsBack++ v2.9.17
StartIsBack++ v2.9.16
StartIsBack for Windows 10 19h1-21h2++
Theme and Font Color fix by Moonnique
hello Friends sorry if i dont have free time for all but
if have anyone problem with theming StartIsBack correctly
or if you have problem with
Gray areas and font color text
here is one a verry simple fix
for everyone by me
just download my file StartIsBackCfg.exe
if you have StartIsBack already installed
you not need to reinstall or uninstall StartIsBack
just cut and paste this my file to the original StartIsBack directory
and click on replace the original StartIsBack.cfg file with mine
if you have StartIsBack already installed as Install for me
location is
C:\Users\*Your UserName*\AppData\Local\StartIsBack
if you have StartIsBack already installed as Install for everyone
location is
C:\Program Files\StartIsBack
hope this help to you my Friends

October 30th, 2021, 05:04 AM
Many thanks for this!!

October 30th, 2021, 08:04 AM
Many thanks for this!!

October 30th, 2021, 08:05 AM

October 30th, 2021, 10:21 AM
Thread has been complete updated
have been created and added a new video and image previews

October 31st, 2021, 10:19 AM
Hi Moonnique, I just want to know if this is for W10 or W11? I haven't had any problems on W10 that I've noticed on this version? thanks for this Mate. Cheerz!!:peace:

October 31st, 2021, 11:34 AM
Hi Moonnique, I just want to know if this is for W10 or W11? I haven't had any problems on W10 that I've noticed on this version? thanks for this Mate. Cheerz!!:peace:
hello my Friend this thread has been created in the Windows 10 directory
if you are on Windows 10 please use StartIsBack for Windows 10
if you are on Windows 11 please use StartAllBack for Windows 11
https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/87742-StartAllBack-for-Windows-11 (https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/87742-StartAllBack-for-Windows-11)

October 31st, 2021, 12:26 PM
Ohh, Silly me. I saw your MSI Red dragon for w11 in the start menus below and wasn't sure what was what, lol. By the way, Please how do you get it working with all the frames and shadows on w11 my Friend I would love to know your magic Trick. Will you share it with us please.:angel:

October 31st, 2021, 07:51 PM
Ohh, Silly me. I saw your MSI Red dragon for w11 in the start menus below and wasn't sure what was what, lol.
By the way, Please how do you get it working with all the frames and shadows on w11 my Friend I would love to know your magic Trick. Will you share it with us please.:angel:

Yes I am seeing the same thing on all Windows 10 themes, all themes for Windows 10 are not compatible with Windows 11,
I am sticking on Windows 10 for now, I see no need to change to Windows 11 unless we can skin the window frames, it seems only Monnique has managed to achieve this so far and I am not sure if she has managed it on a clean install of Windows 11.

If we can figure out how to do that then I will work on making an import script to update our themes for Windows 11.
ok friends i think now we all are on the same boat
i cant run my themes secure with all extras after clean install
i can run my themes only if i upgrade my system from w10 21h2 to Windows 11 21h2
i think i am using my w10 about a 4years with many scripts and other mui and UIFILES replaced permanently
i think here is the problem because all of this files is not included after clean install
first i need to find all files what is important for allowing window frames on w11
in this last two weeks i am fixed and imported all missing files and scripts into StartIsBack 2.9.16
now i can run all themes on w11 with using StartIsBack v2.9.16
i not need to upgrade on StartAllBack for w11
and i not need to use any custom scripts or hacks for allowing and fix old taskbar .etc
all is now included in the StartIsBack and replaced automatically aftery applying any theme
for more info how my first work works after clean install please play my video uploaded bellow
this work wasted all of my free time and hope you like it
now i need to include disabled Rounded corners and trying to fix all old Windows frames correctly

November 2nd, 2021, 01:26 AM
ok friends i think now we all are on the same boat
i cant run my themes secure with all extras after clean install
i can run my themes only if i upgrade my system from w10 21h2 to Windows 11 21h2
i think i am using my w10 about a 4years with many scripts and other mui and UIFILES replaced permanently
i think here is the problem because all of this files is not included after clean install
first i need to find all files what is important for allowing window frames on w11
in this last two weeks i am fixed and imported all missing files and scripts into StartIsBack 2.9.16
now i can run all themes on w11 with using StartIsBack v2.9.16
i not need to upgrade on StartAllBack for w11
and i not need to use any custom scripts or hacks for allowing and fix old taskbar .etc
all is now included in the StartIsBack and replaced automatically aftery applying any theme
for more info how my first work works after clean install please play my video uploaded bellow
this work wasted all of my free time and hope you like it
now i need to include disabled Rounded corners and trying to fix all old Windows frames correctly
Hi Moonnique, Thank you for taking the time to explain this and making video, It really looks like we are all on the same boat until we find a fix for this and Mark can make an Import script for us. It's a big disappointment for me that we cant use w10 Custom styled themes properly on w11. I have to say Microsoft really has made this version a bit over board with security levels and system requirements for us to fully enjoy using it. Looks like windows 10 is becoming the old windows 7 and will soon be obsolete as well. I guess we should think ourselves lucky to use any classic visual styles at all now, I really like it's format but hate those new macro style Themes for it, they all look the same just different
colors, wallpapers and names. Well Done Microsoft. Anyway, thanks for clearing this up for us my Friend and taking the time to explain where were all at.
Take care and enjoy your new life in South Korea:peace::loving:

December 4th, 2021, 04:33 PM
StartIsBack++ v2.9.17

StartIsBack for Windows 10

Theme and Font Color fix by Moonnique®

December 4th, 2021, 06:28 PM
Nice work Moon, Thanks for the updates.:Peace:

December 5th, 2021, 06:30 AM
Erm ... all I have inside that updated archive is a shortcut that leads to "C:\Users\admin\Desktop\New folder\StartIsBackCfg.exe"

Shouldn't there be an actual file in there lol?


December 5th, 2021, 07:54 AM
Erm ... all I have inside that updated archive is a shortcut that leads to "C:\Users\admin\Desktop\New folder\StartIsBackCfg.exe"

Shouldn't there be an actual file in there lol?

if you have StartIsBack already installed as Install for me
location is
C:\Users\*Your UserName*\AppData\Local\StartIsBack
if you have StartIsBack already installed as Install for everyone
location is
C:\Program Files\StartIsBack
just replace the original StartIsBackCfg.exe file in your original directory
or you can play my video tutorial

December 5th, 2021, 07:56 AM
Nice work Moon, Thanks for the updates.:Peace:
i am very glad you like it my dear friend:girl:

December 5th, 2021, 08:04 AM
Ohhhhh ok, now I understand - I had only downloaded "StartIsBack++ v2.9.17 Theme and Font Color fix by Moonnique®.7z" which doesn't do anything and only contains that shortcut.

I downloaded and replaced the CFG exe and it works, my font is now blue like my theme and no longer white - thank you so much :loving:

December 5th, 2021, 08:22 AM
Ohhhhh ok, now I understand - I had only downloaded "StartIsBack++ v2.9.17 Theme and Font Color fix by Moonnique®.7z" which doesn't do anything and only contains that shortcut.

I downloaded and replaced the CFG exe and it works, my font is now blue like my theme and no longer white - thank you so much :loving:
no problem thread has been updated
here is the updated file now with instructions

December 5th, 2021, 01:20 PM
Hi Moon, That works like a charm and looks much better now. Thankyou very much my Dear Friend.:loving:

December 5th, 2021, 01:41 PM
Hi Moon, That works like a charm and looks much better now. Thankyou very much my Dear Friend.:loving:
i am very glad if it now looks more better
if have anyone some similar issues with StartAllBack for Windows 11
i can fix and update some font and theme issues later:peace:

December 5th, 2021, 02:29 PM
i am very glad if it now looks more better
if have anyone some similar issues with StartAllBack for Windows 11
i can fix and update some font and theme issues later:peace:Hi Moon, That will be good to see to, it looks much better now.

Thanks for this Mate.

December 5th, 2021, 03:25 PM
Hi Moon, That will be good to see to, it looks much better now.

Thanks for this Mate.

oh yeah now looks perfectly
here you can find some tips how to fix your start orb correctly
gray areas inside in your start orb
https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/87491-How-to-Customize-StartIsBack-Icons-Start-Orbs-default-User-pic-frame-etc (https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/87491-How-to-Customize-StartIsBack-Icons-Start-Orbs-default-User-pic-frame-etc)



December 18th, 2021, 10:39 AM
Hi Moon, That works like a charm and looks much better now. Thankyou very much my Dear Friend.:loving:

i am very glad if it now looks more better
if have anyone some similar issues with StartAllBack for Windows 11
i can fix and update some font and theme issues later:peace:


December 19th, 2021, 01:10 AM

https://virtualcustoms.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=91135&d=1639824851Nice Work my friend it looks much better now, I cant wait to do it on mine. Im Looking forward to this.

March 28th, 2022, 11:05 PM
I like it

February 25th, 2023, 10:16 AM
Thread has been updated
After a very long 15 Months is finally here
StartIsBack++ for Windows 10 version 2.9.18
Version ++2.9.18 17 February 2023
- Fixed M sized icons mix up
- Fixed jumplist icons, texts for new MS Store
- Fixed news & interests not styled with new updates
- Fixed All Programs unexpectedly launching
- Support for PowerButtonAction policy
- RTL fixes
- Fixed crashes when out of resources
StartIsBack++ v2.9.18
StartIsBack for Windows 10 19h1-22h2++
Theme and Font Color fix by Moonnique®
hello Friends sorry if i dont have free time for all but
if have anyone problem with theming StartIsBack correctly
or if you have problem with
Gray areas and font color text
here is one a verry simple fix
for everyone by me
just download my file StartIsBackCfg.exe
if you have StartIsBack already installed
you not need to reinstall or uninstall StartIsBack
just cut and paste this my file to the original StartIsBack directory
and click on replace the original StartIsBack.cfg file with mine
if you have StartIsBack already installed as Install for me
location is
C:\Users\*Your UserName*\AppData\Local\StartIsBack
if you have StartIsBack already installed as Install for everyone
location is
C:\Program Files\StartIsBack
hope this help to you my Friends

June 7th, 2023, 05:49 PM
Thread has been updated
StartIsBack++ version 2.9.19
StartIsBack for Windows 10 19h1-22h2++
Theme and Font Color fix by Moonnique
hello Friends sorry if i dont have free time for all but
if have anyone problem with theming StartIsBack correctly
or if you have problem with
Gray areas and font color text
here is one a verry simple fix
for everyone by me
just download my file StartIsBackCfg.exe
if you have StartIsBack already installed
you not need to reinstall or uninstall StartIsBack
just cut and paste this my file to the original StartIsBack directory
and click on replace the original StartIsBack.cfg file with mine
if you have StartIsBack already installed as Install for me
location is
C:\Users\*Your UserName*\AppData\Local\StartIsBack
if you have StartIsBack already installed as Install for everyone
location is
C:\Program Files\StartIsBack
hope this help to you my Friends

June 9th, 2023, 05:09 AM
Thank you very much for this modification, but I have a problem with scaling.
I use a 4K monitor - 43" and DPI 200%
org. looks fine, but yours doesn't scale and displays at 100% DPI - and it's deformed.
What can you do about it?



June 9th, 2023, 01:31 PM
Thank you very much for this modification, but I have a problem with scaling.
I use a 4K monitor - 43" and DPI 200%
org. looks fine, but yours doesn't scale and displays at 100% DPI - and it's deformed.
What can you do about it?92616
sorry but my customize for this app works good
your images is broken but not all themes support higher scale as default 100% thats all
you need to using 4K+ themes
https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/84291-Windows-10-1903-19h1-Update-Themes-Collection-Support-for-Ultimate-Desktops-4K-v1 (https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/84291-Windows-10-1903-19h1-Update-Themes-Collection-Support-for-Ultimate-Desktops-4K-v1)

https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/84446-Windows-10-1903-19h1-Update-Themes-Collection-Support-for-Ultimate-Desktops-4K-v2 (https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/84446-Windows-10-1903-19h1-Update-Themes-Collection-Support-for-Ultimate-Desktops-4K-v2)

August 21st, 2023, 02:26 PM
great work, found a new fan here

February 16th, 2024, 12:05 PM
Thread has been updated
StartIsBack++ version 2.9.20
StartIsBack for Windows 10 19h1-22h2++
Theme and Font Color fix by Moonnique
hello Friends sorry if i dont have free time for all but
if have anyone problem with theming StartIsBack correctly
or if you have problem with
Gray areas and font color text
here is one a verry simple fix
for everyone by me
just download my file StartIsBackCfg.exe
if you have StartIsBack already installed
you not need to reinstall or uninstall StartIsBack
just cut and paste this my file to the original StartIsBack directory
and click on replace the original StartIsBack.cfg file with mine
if you have StartIsBack already installed as Install for me
location is
C:\Users\*Your UserName*\AppData\Local\StartIsBack
if you have StartIsBack already installed as Install for everyone
location is
C:\Program Files\StartIsBack
hope this help to you my Friends