View Full Version : How to slightly modify the original, default Win 10 1809 Aero theme?

November 15th, 2021, 04:19 PM
Hello everyone, I have questions :>

I have an old Windows machine that will not be updated. Its Win10 1809, installed on 14.11.2018, os build 17763.195

I want it to have buttons like in Windows XP, but ONLY the buttons. Nothing else in the default Win10 theme should change!
I would post a picture but the forum wont let me.

I am not updating any Deviantart themes. I want to only change the buttons in the default Win10 one I have.

I already posted all this in the "Windows-10-1809-WSB-update-and-Dark-Mode-Style-Script" thread.
Do I use the WSB from the first post in that thread? Or do I use WSB from "Windows-10-19H1-1903-Updated-ClassMaps-and-Import-Scripts",
which seems to be newer and maybe better?

Do I import my default theme via the File-Open-Win7 menu? And do I need to run the style hack if I just imported my default theme, which I will use on the same PC, not updating Windows?

When I import the button image, do I need to fix the SIZINGMARGINS?

When I save, do I tick the "write .theme file" button? And which options inside the generated .theme file are absolutle required? I tested it and most of it could be deleted,
with Windows defaulting to its ...default values.

Help would be appreciated.

Why the **** does the forum thinks I am posting links?