View Full Version : Themes in Windows 11

January 29th, 2022, 09:20 AM
Guys, there is still nothing new or tools for creating themes in Windows 11?

January 29th, 2022, 11:47 AM
Guys, there is still nothing new or tools for creating themes in Windows 11?
:bored:Hi Dantedark where all still waiting, but WSB for 1903+ works on it for making macro styles :Smile:

January 29th, 2022, 01:06 PM
Anxiety is killing me...
Not even Windows 10 themes work properly on Windows 11

January 29th, 2022, 02:01 PM
Some themes do work in Win11, i have several SSDs installed on a multi Booting system, all are Win 11 Enterprise fully updated. The first runs Tron Legacy Theme for Win 10, the second runs Tron Theme for Win 10, and the third runs MSI Dragon Red Theme for Win 10, i have had to use ExplorerPatcher to solve the Explorer crashes as Win 10 and 11 Explorer ribbon is different. With a multi booting system, if a win 10 theme gives me problems, i can access the other SSD drives from my computer and remove the theme files from the windows resources folder, re boot and 9 times out of 10, i am back to before i tried the theme. I would not advise anyone to do this on there everyday Hard Drive without a backup plan in place first.

January 29th, 2022, 03:49 PM
Going by what I have seen it's only the window borders that can't be skinned, otherwise themes could be imported with new custom import scripts for wsb.

I had a look in wsb a while ago and the window border options had almost no effect on the w11 theme.

January 29th, 2022, 11:06 PM
Is there any new import script? because if there is I don't know
Any windows 10 theme I try to use explorer is slow and buggy

January 30th, 2022, 04:05 PM
Yes Shemhamforash agreed, My Tron Legacy theme i am now using on this SSD does not skin the borders, funny thing is, when i minimize an explorer window and hover the mouse over the icon in the taskbar, the preview window shows it to be skinned on the borders.

Many themes do work to a point in Windows 11, i have experimented with loads and only had black screen issues with a few, but as i have a multi booting system i can access the drive in My Computer to remove the offending theme files from Windows resources , re boot and all is back to normal and more experimenting.
I have been a long time user of Windowblinds, but as the Devs over there have not yet updated WB to work with Win 11,(A group of us did make a working WB 10 to work on Win11 using ExplorerPatcher) i was forced to look elsewhere to customize my Desktop, now i have started to experiment with themes on Win11 i may never go back.

January 31st, 2022, 01:25 AM
Hi Guys, I've been following this thread and read all your experiences, I have tried to get it to work too with no luck. I even got a w11 default theme and tried to customize it to but without any result you cant change the shadows or frames this way either or import a w10 start menu to it, Microsoft really has cover all the bases with this build. Having said that Moonnique is the only one I've seen so far that's managed to manipulate it some how, she works for Microsoft and has managed to get the frames and borders to work and is still having trouble with it. I guess at some stage of the game some genius will figure it out, it's a shame W10 themes are just not compatible with w11 to have the full classic experience on it, I really like the layout so I've made a theme that works on it to a certain extent just to get away from those poxy macro style themes and enjoy using it without the custom frames and borders. So for now along with everyone else will have to settle with it or just keep using W10 until some one eventually cracks it and then Mr Grim will make an import script for us.

September 3rd, 2022, 04:10 PM
How can i chancge explorer icon?
i am on windows 11, i changed it before but i forget the process.

September 4th, 2022, 02:13 PM

If i can work out how to post an image i will show you the Win 10 Theme i am using on Win 11


I now also have my own Edition of the Theme preview Mon has been showing Alienware Eclipse, in the end i commissioned a Windowblind in this style as it is more compatible with both Win 10 and Win 11 .
As you see from my image on Win 11, the Start Menu skinns well as does the Taskbar, but frames No.

September 4th, 2022, 02:27 PM
Thank's Neroon. It looks really good Mate. Sure is a shame W11 wont skin the frames for us I would use it more often. Im sticking with W10 for as long as I can so I can continue to use and make Custom themes for it.

September 4th, 2022, 02:45 PM
No Problem Buddy, i use both Win 10 and Win 11 as i have to offer support for work, now that we have Win 11 22H2 and it has been declared The Final, it should now be possible to Theme for both as MS seem to have stopped messing with the Interface, or until Win 12 that is :Smile:

You are an asset to this forum, so keep doing what you do best, making Themes and helping us peeps to customise there Desktop, you have helped me a lot even though you do not realise it watching what help and advice you post for others.

September 5th, 2022, 04:41 AM
HI Mate, Thanks for all your kind words. I'm really Glad that I have helped you with Customizing your Desktop it makes it all worthwhile to know my help is appreciated. If there's anything you need help with just let me know you can PM me anytime Bro.

September 5th, 2022, 12:12 PM
HI Mate, Thanks for all your kind words. I'm really Glad that I have helped you with Customizing your Desktop it makes it all worthwhile to know my help is appreciated. If there's anything you need help with just let me know you can PM me anytime Bro.

As a long time Windowblind user and massive PC customisation fan, i was a bit miffed when i moved to Win 11 due to work pressure and finding that i could no longer change my desktop to look how i wanted it too. I rolled the dice and installed some Win 10 Themes on a spare SSD running Win 11, i was surprised to see a lot of recent Themes worked in Win 11 although without Explorer Borders, but as the Start Menu and Taskbar worked as it should, i was happy . I joined this forum and watched topics absorbing the info you and Moon posted, very helpful helping out a newbie to Themes. You are both brilliant at helping members who go down this path. Thank you for allowing me to PM you anytime as this , to me, is an asset, again you have my thanks.

February 1st, 2023, 09:04 PM
hi neroon i cant send you any new messages you need to make some space for new emails thanks

February 14th, 2023, 10:46 AM
VC has been a huge source of information over the years, but it's unfortunate that theming no longer works properly in Windows 11... The Window Border's not changing is extrmely annoying, since everything else does work. Hopefully a solution comes out someday...