View Full Version : Windows Style Builder Error Adding Images

March 6th, 2022, 12:10 AM
When adding images to the theme at a certain moment I can't anymore because of the error.
Is there any trick? because I can already edit these themes and it works without problems, different when I try to create a new one.

But I see themes with different modifications that work perfectly.

March 6th, 2022, 12:29 AM
When adding images to the theme at a certain moment I can't anymore because of the error.
Is there any trick? because I can already edit these themes and it works without problems, different when I try to create a new one.

But I see themes with different modifications that work perfectly.
91395HI Mate, There might be some images already in it that are to big try either removing them or make them smaller.
I Hope this helps:Peace:Goodluck!!

March 6th, 2022, 12:31 AM
hi dantedark if you need any help with adding the images pm the theme and i will do it for you also it might be the theme itself make sure the images are the correct size otherwise you will keep getting errors